abstract foxes.core.PartialWakesModel.evaluate_results(algo, mdata, fdata, pdata, wake_deltas, states_turbine, amb_res=None)[source]

Updates the farm data according to the wake deltas.


algo: foxes.core.Algorithm

The calculation algorithm

mdata: foxes.core.Data

The model data

fdata: foxes.core.Data

The farm data Modified in-place by this function

pdata: foxes.core.Data

The evaluation point data

wake_deltas: Any

The wake deltas object, created by the new_wake_deltas function and filled by contribute_to_wake_deltas

states_turbine: numpy.ndarray of int

For each state, the index of one turbine for which to evaluate the wake deltas. Shape: (n_states,)

amb_res: dict, optional

Ambient states results. Keys: var str, values: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_states, n_points)