foxes.utils.TabWindroseAxes.legend(loc='upper right', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Sets the legend location and her properties.


locint, string or pair of floats, default: ‘lower left’

see matplotlib.pyplot.legend.

decimal_placesint, default 1

The decimal places of the formatted legend

units: str, default None

Other Parameters

isaxesboolean, default True

whether this is an axes legend


the font property


the fractional whitespace inside the legend border


if True, draw a shadow behind legend

labelspacingfloat, 0.005

the vertical space between the legend entries

handlelenghtfloat, 0.05

the length of the legend lines

handletextsepfloat, 0.02

the space between the legend line and legend text

borderaxespadfloat, 0.02

the border between the axes and legend edge


Every other kwarg argument supported by matplotlib.pyplot.legend