
Even for large cases foxes calculations are fast, thanks to

  • Vectorization: The states (and also the points, in the case of data calculation at evaluation points) are split into so-called chunks, which are sub-arrays of the large original data.

  • Parallelization: These chunks are being sent to individual processes for calculation. Those calculations can be carried out simultaneously, i.e., in parallel.

Vectorization and parallelization are managed by so-called engines in foxes. If you do not explicitly specify the engine, a default will be chosen. This means that even if you do not know or care about foxes engines, your calculations will be vectorized and parallelized.

Available engines

These are the currently available engines, where each can be addressed by the short name or the full class name:

Short name

Class name

Base package




co ncurrent.futures

Runs on a workstation/laptop, sends chunks to threads



co ncurrent.futures

Runs on a workstation/laptop, sends chunks to parallel processes




Runs on a workstation/laptop, sends chunks to parallel processes




Runs on a workstation/laptop, sends chunks to parallel processes




Runs on a workstation/laptop, using processes or threads




Runs on a workstation/laptop, involving dask through apply_ufunc




Runs on a workstation/laptop, creates a virtual local cluster




Runs on a multi-node HPC cluster which is using SLURM




Runs on laptop/workstation/cluster, also supports multi-node runs




Runs a loop over chunks, without parallelization




Runs all in a single chunk, without parallelization



numpy, co ncurrent.futures

Runs either the single or the process engine, depending on the case size

Note that the external packages are not installed by default. You can install them manually on demand, or use the option pip install foxes[eng] for the complete installation of all requirements of the complete list of engines.

Furthermore, scripts that use the mpi engine have to be started in a special way. For example, when running a script named on 12 processors, the terminal command is

mpiexec -n 12 python -m mpi4py.futures

Default engine

Let’s start by importing foxes and other required packages:

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import foxes
import foxes.variables as FV

Next, we create a random wind farm and a random time series:

In [2]:
n_times = 5000
n_turbines = 100
seed = 42

sdata = foxes.input.states.create.random_timseries_data(
states = foxes.input.states.Timeseries(
    output_vars=[FV.WS, FV.WD, FV.TI, FV.RHO],
    fixed_vars={FV.RHO: 1.225, FV.TI: 0.02},

farm = foxes.WindFarm()
    farm, n_turbines, min_dist=500, turbine_models=["DTU10MW"], seed=seed, verbosity=0
In [3]:
2000-01-01 00:00:00 11.236204 141.708787
2000-01-01 01:00:00 28.521429 170.436837
2000-01-01 02:00:00 21.959818 307.637062
2000-01-01 03:00:00 17.959755 122.401579
2000-01-01 04:00:00 4.680559 313.073887
... ... ...
2000-07-27 03:00:00 26.921920 308.756156
2000-07-27 04:00:00 3.581430 323.103181
2000-07-27 05:00:00 9.835285 340.814849
2000-07-27 06:00:00 24.472361 143.095677
2000-07-27 07:00:00 17.919371 78.170545

5000 rows × 2 columns

In [4]:
foxes.output.FarmLayoutOutput(farm).get_figure(figsize=(6, 6))

You can run the wind farm calculations by simply creating an algorithm and calling farm_calc:

In [5]:
algo = foxes.algorithms.Downwind(
In [6]:
farm_results = algo.calc_farm()
Initializing model 'Timeseries'

Initializing algorithm 'Downwind'

  Algorithm: Downwind
  Running Downwind: calc_farm
  n_states : 5000
  n_turbines: 100
  states   : Timeseries()
  rotor    : CentreRotor()
  controller: BasicFarmController()
  wake frame: RotorWD()
    0) Bastankhah2014_linear_k004: Bastankhah2014(ws_linear, induction=Madsen, k=0.04)
  partial wakes:
    0) Bastankhah2014_linear_k004: axiwake6, PartialAxiwake(n=6)
  turbine models:
    0) DTU10MW: PCtFile(D=178.3, H=119.0, P_nominal=10000.0, P_unit=kW, rho=1.225, var_ws_ct=REWS2, var_ws_P=REWS3)

  Model oder
00) basic_ctrl
01) InitFarmData
02) centre
03) basic_ctrl
  03.0) Post-rotor: DTU10MW
04) SetAmbFarmResults
05) FarmWakesCalculation
06) ReorderFarmOutput

Input data:

 <xarray.Dataset> Size: 620kB
Dimensions:          (state: 5000, Timeseries_vars: 2, turbine: 100, tmodels: 1)
  * state            (state) datetime64[ns] 40kB 2000-01-01 ... 2000-07-27T07...
  * Timeseries_vars  (Timeseries_vars) <U2 16B 'WD' 'WS'
  * tmodels          (tmodels) <U7 28B 'DTU10MW'
Dimensions without coordinates: turbine
Data variables:
    Timeseries_data  (state, Timeseries_vars) float64 80kB 141.7 11.24 ... 17.92
    tmodel_sels      (state, turbine, tmodels) bool 500kB True True ... True

Farm variables: AMB_CT, AMB_P, AMB_REWS, AMB_REWS2, AMB_REWS3, AMB_RHO, AMB_TI, AMB_WD, AMB_YAW, CT, D, H, P, REWS, REWS2, REWS3, RHO, TI, WD, X, Y, YAW, order, order_inv, order_ssel, weight

Output variables: AMB_CT, AMB_P, AMB_REWS, AMB_REWS2, AMB_REWS3, AMB_RHO, AMB_TI, AMB_WD, AMB_YAW, CT, D, H, P, REWS, REWS2, REWS3, RHO, TI, WD, X, Y, YAW, order, order_inv, order_ssel, weight
Selecting 'DefaultEngine(n_procs=16, chunk_size_states=None, chunk_size_points=None)'
DefaultEngine: Selecting engine 'process'
ProcessEngine: Calculating 5000 states for 100 turbines
ProcessEngine: Computing 16 chunks using 16 processes
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 16/16 [00:06<00:00,  2.66it/s]

<xarray.Dataset> Size: 100MB
Dimensions:     (state: 5000, turbine: 100)
  * state       (state) datetime64[ns] 40kB 2000-01-01 ... 2000-07-27T07:00:00
Dimensions without coordinates: turbine
Data variables: (12/27)
    AMB_CT      (state, turbine) float64 4MB 0.758 0.758 0.758 ... 0.1502 0.1502
    AMB_P       (state, turbine) float64 4MB 9.921e+03 9.921e+03 ... 1.064e+04
    AMB_REWS    (state, turbine) float64 4MB 11.24 11.24 11.24 ... 17.92 17.92
    AMB_REWS2   (state, turbine) float64 4MB 11.24 11.24 11.24 ... 17.92 17.92
    AMB_REWS3   (state, turbine) float64 4MB 11.24 11.24 11.24 ... 17.92 17.92
    AMB_RHO     (state, turbine) float64 4MB 1.225 1.225 1.225 ... 1.225 1.225
    ...          ...
    YAW         (state, turbine) float64 4MB 141.7 141.7 141.7 ... 78.17 78.17
    order       (state, turbine) int64 4MB 44 33 39 81 57 70 ... 22 20 27 92 56
    order_inv   (state, turbine) int64 4MB 76 77 54 75 85 15 ... 16 21 89 39 71
    order_ssel  (state, turbine) int64 4MB 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 312 312 312 312 312
    weight      (state) float64 40kB 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.0002 0.0002
    tname       (turbine) <U3 1kB 'T0' 'T1' 'T2' 'T3' ... 'T97' 'T98' 'T99'

During the very first calculation, the algorithm checks if an engine is already up and running. If not, the default engine is created. We can check the currently active engine by the following function:

In [7]:
DefaultEngine(n_procs=16, chunk_size_states=None, chunk_size_points=None)

This shows that the default choice is the DefaultEngine, which selected to run the ProcessEngine for this size of problem. The criteria are:

  • If n_states >= sqrt(n_procs) * (500/n_turbines)**1.5: Run engine ProcessEngine,

  • Else if algo.calc_points() has been called and n_states*n_points > 10000: Run engine ProcessEngine,

  • Else: Run engine SingleChunkEngine.

The above selection is based on test runs on a Ubuntu workstation with 64 physical cores and might not be the optimal choice for your system. Be aware of this whenever relying on the default engine for smallish cases - if in doubt, better explicitly specify the engine.

Note that the parameter choice None for the chunk sizes represents a default choice by the engine, and does not mean that there is no chunking in the corresponding dimension.

We can reset the engine by

In [8]:

such that no engine is active afterwards:

In [9]:
print(foxes.get_engine(error=False, default=False))

Engine selection through the algorithm

There are two ways how to select a non-default engine and set all its parameters, as we will explore in this and the following section.

If you are using one algorithm for all calculations, you can select the engine directly via the algorithm’s constructor. Make sure the algorithm is created at the beginning of your script, in particular before creating images, since those might launch the default engine otherwise.

In [10]:
algo = foxes.algorithms.Downwind(
Algorithm 'Downwind': Selecting engine 'DaskEngine(n_procs=2, chunk_size_states=2000, chunk_size_points=4000)'

Here the DaskEngine class was selected, with n_procs value 2 and a user choice of chunk sizes. Notice that the short name from the above table can be used instead of the full class name (which, however, would also work).

For the complete list of constructor arguments of each of the engine classes, please check the API section foxes.engines. Any argument of the engine constructor can directly be added to the constructor of the algorithm, and will then be passed on.

Let’s re-run the calculation using the above selected engine:

In [11]:
farm_results = algo.calc_farm()
Initializing model 'Timeseries'

Initializing algorithm 'Downwind'

  Algorithm: Downwind
  Running Downwind: calc_farm
  n_states : 5000
  n_turbines: 100
  states   : Timeseries()
  rotor    : CentreRotor()
  controller: BasicFarmController()
  wake frame: RotorWD()
    0) Bastankhah2014_linear_k004: Bastankhah2014(ws_linear, induction=Madsen, k=0.04)
  partial wakes:
    0) Bastankhah2014_linear_k004: axiwake6, PartialAxiwake(n=6)
  turbine models:
    0) DTU10MW: PCtFile(D=178.3, H=119.0, P_nominal=10000.0, P_unit=kW, rho=1.225, var_ws_ct=REWS2, var_ws_P=REWS3)

  Model oder
00) basic_ctrl
01) InitFarmData_instance1
02) centre
03) basic_ctrl
  03.0) Post-rotor: DTU10MW
04) SetAmbFarmResults_instance1
05) FarmWakesCalculation_instance1
06) ReorderFarmOutput_instance1

Input data:

 <xarray.Dataset> Size: 620kB
Dimensions:          (state: 5000, Timeseries_vars: 2, turbine: 100, tmodels: 1)
  * state            (state) datetime64[ns] 40kB 2000-01-01 ... 2000-07-27T07...
  * Timeseries_vars  (Timeseries_vars) <U2 16B 'WD' 'WS'
  * tmodels          (tmodels) <U7 28B 'DTU10MW'
Dimensions without coordinates: turbine
Data variables:
    Timeseries_data  (state, Timeseries_vars) float64 80kB 141.7 11.24 ... 17.92
    tmodel_sels      (state, turbine, tmodels) bool 500kB True True ... True

Farm variables: AMB_CT, AMB_P, AMB_REWS, AMB_REWS2, AMB_REWS3, AMB_RHO, AMB_TI, AMB_WD, AMB_YAW, CT, D, H, P, REWS, REWS2, REWS3, RHO, TI, WD, X, Y, YAW, order, order_inv, order_ssel, weight

Output variables: AMB_CT, AMB_P, AMB_REWS, AMB_REWS2, AMB_REWS3, AMB_RHO, AMB_TI, AMB_WD, AMB_YAW, CT, D, H, P, REWS, REWS2, REWS3, RHO, TI, WD, X, Y, YAW, order, order_inv, order_ssel, weight
DaskEngine: Calculating 5000 states for 100 turbines
Computing 3 chunks using 2 processes

We can always check the current engine, and reset it if desired:

In [12]:
DaskEngine(n_procs=2, chunk_size_states=2000, chunk_size_points=4000)
In [13]:
print(foxes.get_engine(error=False, default=None))

For a proper shutdown of the applied engine, make sure you do not forget the foxes.reset_engine() command after the final calculation. Alternatively, consider the selection of the engine by a with block, as explained in the following section.

Engine selection through a with-block

The proper way of using an engine is recommended to apply a Python context manager, i.e., a with block, for creating the engine. This ensures the proper shutdown of the engine, and it also increases the readability concerning the engine choice.

Especially for cluster and pool based engines, which have non-trivial shutdown routines, the with block is always preferrable over the algorithm based engine specification.

The syntax is straight forward. Note that within the context block we create the algorithm without any engine specification. Furthermore, note that the engine object is not required as a parameter for the algorithm, since it is set as a globally accessible object during initialization:

In [14]:
algo = foxes.algorithms.Downwind(

    "local_cluster", n_procs=4, chunk_size_states=2000, chunk_size_points=10000
    farm_results = algo.calc_farm()

    o = foxes.output.FlowPlots2D(algo, farm_results)
    g = o.gen_states_fig_xy(FV.WS, resolution=30, figsize=(6, 6), states_isel=[0])
Launching local dask cluster..
LocalCluster(b50ab0f6, 'tcp://', workers=4, threads=16, memory=7.38 GiB)

LocalClusterEngine: Calculating 5000 states for 100 turbines
Submitting 3 chunks to 4 processes
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  6.86it/s]
Computing 3 chunks using 4 processes
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:11<00:00,  3.96s/it]
LocalClusterEngine: Calculating data at 223533 points for 1 states
Submitting 23 chunks to 4 processes
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 23/23 [00:02<00:00,  8.90it/s]
Computing 23 chunks using 4 processes
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 23/23 [00:00<00:00, 205.01it/s]
Shutting down LocalCluster

Notice the Dashboard link which for this particular choice of engine displays the progress and cluster load during the execution.

After the computation the engine is not set, as expected:

In [15]:
print(foxes.get_engine(error=False, default=False))

Manual engine selection

It can be useful to create the Engine object manually, especially when working in a notebook. In that case the engine is often needed many times, and switching it on and off again all the time is not very efficient.

For such cases, create the engine in the beginning and initialize it:

In [16]:
engine ="process", n_procs=4, chunk_size_states=2000)

Afterwards, run all of your code with that engine:

In [17]:
algo = foxes.algorithms.Downwind(

farm_results = algo.calc_farm()
ProcessEngine: Calculating 5000 states for 100 turbines
ProcessEngine: Computing 3 chunks using 4 processes
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:06<00:00,  2.32s/it]
<xarray.DataArray 'REWS' (state: 5000, turbine: 100)> Size: 4MB
array([[ 8.70739148, 10.4023241 , 10.85525979, ..., 10.02214303,
        10.86887979,  9.08783168],
       [28.52142919, 28.52142919, 28.52142919, ..., 28.52142919,
        28.52142919, 28.52142919],
       [21.76458387, 21.95981825, 21.91921633, ..., 21.95981825,
        21.76465933, 21.95981825],
       [ 8.95387404,  9.83495453,  7.70073211, ...,  9.83528514,
         9.0447358 ,  9.83528514],
       [23.97191414, 24.28804821, 24.41856192, ..., 24.20911122,
        24.3769261 , 24.08118561],
       [17.25082391, 17.7526868 , 17.80791824, ..., 17.63554043,
        17.62773546, 17.71363755]], shape=(5000, 100))
  * state    (state) datetime64[ns] 40kB 2000-01-01 ... 2000-07-27T07:00:00
Dimensions without coordinates: turbine

After everything is done, shutdown the engine:

In [18]:

The engine object still exists after this, so you can always decide to initialize/finalize it again, if needed.

Remarks & recommendations

  • Take the time to think about your engine choice, and its parameters. Your choice might matter a lot for the performance of your run.

  • In general, all engines accept the parameters n_procs, chunk_size_states, chunk_size_points (the single engine ignores them, though).

  • If n_procs is not set, the maximal number of processes is applied, according to os.cpu_count() for Python version < 3.13 and os.process_cpu_count() for Python version >= 3.13.

  • If chunk_size_states is not set, the number of states is divided by n_procs. This might be non-optimal for small cases.

  • If chunk_size_points is not set and there is more than one states chunk, the full number of points is selected such that there is only one point chunk for each state chunk. If there is only one states chunk, the default points chunk size is the number of points divided by n_procs.

  • In general, for not too small cases, the default process engine is a good choice for runs on a linux based laptop or a workstation computer, or within Windows WSL.

  • For runs on native Windows, i.e., without WSL, the best engine choices have not been tested. Make sure you try different ones, e.g. process, multiprocess, dask, numpy, and also vary the parameters.

  • The mpi engine requires the installation of MPI on the system, for example OpenMPI.

  • If you run into memory problems, the best options are to either reduce the number of processes or the chunk sizes.

  • The dask engine has additional options, accessible through the dask_pars dictionary parameter, for example the scheduler choice. See API and dask documentation for syntax and more info.

  • The local_cluster is not always faster than the process, multiprocess or dask engines, but offers a more detailed setup. For example, the memory and the number of threads per worker can be modified, if needed.

  • The numpy and single engines are intended for testing and small cases, and also for sequential runs without large point evaluations, or for smallish runs with wake frame dyn_wakes.

  • In notebooks, the preferred engine selection method is the Manual engine selection described above.