Source code for iwopy.core.opt_results

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] class SingleObjOptResults: """ Container for optimization results for single objective problems. Attributes ---------- success: bool Optimization success vars_int: np.array Optimal variables, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array Optimal variables, shape: (n_vars_float,) objs: float Optimal objective function value cons: np.array Constraint values, shape: (n_constraints,) problem_results: Object The results of the variable application to the problem pname: str The problem's name vnames_int: list of str The int variable names vnames_float: list of str The float variable names onames: list of str The names of objectives cnames: list of str The names of constraints :group: core """
[docs] def __init__( self, problem, success, vars_int, vars_float, objs, cons, problem_results, ): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- problem: iwopy.core.Problem The problem success: bool Optimization success vars_int: np.array Optimal variables, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array Optimal variables, shape: (n_vars_float,) objs: float Optimal objective function value cons: np.array Constraint values, shape: (n_constraints,) problem_results: Object The results of the variable application to the problem """ self.success = success self.vars_int = vars_int self.vars_float = vars_float self.objs = objs self.cons = cons self.problem_results = problem_results self.pname = self.vnames_int = problem.var_names_int() self.vnames_float = problem.var_names_float() self.onames = problem.objs.component_names self.cnames = problem.cons.component_names if problem.n_objectives > 1: raise ValueError( f"Wrong opt results class '{type(self).__name__}' for multi objective problem. Use 'MultiObjOptResults' instead." )
[docs] def __str__(self): s = f"Results problem '{self.pname}':\n" hline = "-" * len(s) + "\n" if len(self.vnames_int): s += hline L = len(max(self.vnames_int, key=len)) s += " Integer variables:\n" for i, vname in enumerate(self.vnames_int): s += f" {i}: {vname:<{L}} = {self.vars_int[i]}\n" if self.vars_float is not None and len(self.vnames_float): s += hline L = len(max(self.vnames_float, key=len)) s += " Float variables:\n" for i, vname in enumerate(self.vnames_float): s += f" {i}: {vname:<{L}} = {self.vars_float[i]:.6e}\n" if self.objs is not None and len(self.onames): s += hline L = len(max(self.onames, key=len)) s += " Objectives:\n" for i, vname in enumerate(self.onames): s += f" {i}: {vname:<{L}} = {self.objs[i]:.6e}\n" if self.cons is not None and len(self.cnames): s += hline L = len(max(self.cnames, key=len)) s += " Constraints:\n" for i, vname in enumerate(self.cnames): s += f" {i}: {vname:<{L}} = {self.cons[i]:.6e}\n" s += hline s += f" Success: {self.success}\n" s += hline return s
[docs] class MultiObjOptResults: """ Container for optimization results for multi objective problems. Attributes ---------- success: bool Optimization success vars_int: np.array Pareto-optimal variables, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int) vars_float: np.array Pareto-optimal variables, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float) objs: np.array Pareto front objective function values, shape: (n_pop, n_objectives) cons: np.array Parteo front Constraint values, shape: (n_pop, n_constraints) problem_results: Object The results of the variable application to the problem pname: str The problem's name vnames_int: list of str The int variable names vnames_float: list of str The float variable names onames: list of str The names of objectives cnames: list of str The names of constraints :group: core """
[docs] def __init__( self, problem, success, vars_int, vars_float, objs, cons, problem_results, ): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- problem: iwopy.core.Problem The problem success: bool Optimization success vars_int: np.array Pareto-optimal variables, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int) vars_float: np.array Pareto-optimal variables, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float) objs: np.array Pareto front objective function values, shape: (n_pop, n_objectives) cons: np.array Parteo front Constraint values, shape: (n_pop, n_constraints) problem_results: Object The results of the variable application to the problem """ self.success = success self.vars_int = vars_int self.vars_float = vars_float self.objs = objs self.cons = cons self.problem_results = problem_results self.pname = self.vnames_int = problem.var_names_int() self.vnames_float = problem.var_names_float() self.onames = problem.objs.component_names self.cnames = problem.cons.component_names if problem.n_objectives <= 1: raise ValueError( f"Wrong opt results class '{type(self).__name__}' for single objective problem. Use 'SingleObjOptResults' instead." )
[docs] def __str__(self): s = f"Results problem '{self.pname}':\n" hline = "-" * 2 * len(s) + "\n" if len(self.vnames_int): s += hline L = len(max(self.vnames_int, key=len)) s += " Integer variables:\n" for i, vname in enumerate(self.vnames_int): v = self.vars_int[:, i] s += f" {i}: {vname:<{L}}: {vname:<{L}} = {np.min(v)} --> {np.max(v)}\n" if self.vars_float is not None and len(self.vnames_float): s += hline L = len(max(self.vnames_float, key=len)) s += " Float variables:\n" for i, vname in enumerate(self.vnames_float): v = self.vars_float[:, i] s += f" {i}: {vname:<{L}}: {vname:<{L}} = {np.min(v):.6e} --> {np.max(v):.6e}\n" if self.objs is not None and len(self.onames): s += hline L = len(max(self.onames, key=len)) s += " Objectives:\n" for i, vname in enumerate(self.onames): v = self.objs[:, i] s += f" {i}: {vname:<{L}} = {np.min(v):.6e} --> {np.max(v):.6e}\n" if self.cons is not None and len(self.cnames): s += hline L = len(max(self.cnames, key=len)) s += " Constraints:\n" for i, vname in enumerate(self.cnames): v = self.cons[:, i] s += f" {i}: {vname:<{L}} = {np.min(v):.6e} --> {np.max(v):.6e}\n" s += hline v = np.sum(self.success) / len(self.success.flat) s += f" Success: {100*v:.2f} %\n" s += hline return s
[docs] def plot_pareto( self, obj_0=0, obj_1=1, ax=None, figsize=(5, 5), s=50, color_val="orange", color_ival="red", title=None, ): """ Get figure that shows the pareto front Parameters ---------- obj_0: int The objective on the x axis obj_1: int The objective on the y axis ax: pyplot.Axis, optional The axis to plot on figsize: tuple The figure size, if ax is not given s: float Scatter point size color_val: str Color choice for valid points color_ival: str Color choice for invalid points title: str, optional The plot title Returns ------- ax: pyplot.axis The plot axis """ if ax is None: __, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) sel = self.success ax.scatter( self.objs[sel, obj_0], self.objs[sel, obj_1], s=s, c=color_val, label="valid", ) sel = ~self.success ax.scatter( self.objs[sel, obj_0], self.objs[sel, obj_1], s=s, c=color_ival, label="invalid", ) if np.any(sel): ax.legend(loc="best") ax.set_xlabel(self.onames[obj_0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.onames[obj_1]) ax.set_title(self.pname if title is None else title) ax.grid() return ax
[docs] def find_pareto_objmix(self, obj_weights, max=False): """ Find the point on the pareto front that approximates best the given weights of objectives Paramters --------- obj_weights: list of float The weights of the objectives max: bool Find the maximal value of the weighted result (otherwise find the minimal value) Returns ------- index: int The index in the pareto front results """ w = np.array(obj_weights, dtype=np.float64) res = np.einsum("po,o->p", self.objs, w) return np.argmax(res) if max else np.argmin(res)