Source code for

import numpy as np

from iwopy.core import Optimizer, SingleObjOptResults

[docs]class GG(Optimizer): """ Greedy Gradient (GG) optimizer, for local optimum search with constraints. Follows steepest decent, reducing step size in a finite number of steps on the way. Step directions that violate constraints are projected out or reversed. Attributes ---------- step_max: numpy.ndarray Maximal step size for each problem variable, shape: (n_vars_float,) step_min: numpy.ndarray Minimal step size for each problem variable, shape: (n_vars_float,) step_div_factor: float Step size division factor until step_min is reached f_tol: float The objective function tolerance vectorized: bool Flag for running in vectorized mode n_max_steps: int The maximal number of steps without fresh gradient memory_size: int The number of memorized visited points memory: tuple Memorized data: (x, obj, grad, all_valid), each a numpy.ndarray, shapes: (memory_size, n_vars), (memory_size, n_vars), (memory_size,), (memory_size,) :group: optimizers """
[docs] def __init__( self, problem, step_max, step_min, step_div_factor=10.0, f_tol=1e-8, vectorized=True, n_max_steps=100, memory_size=100, name="GG", ): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- problem: iwopy.Problem The problem to optimize step_max: float or list or dict The maximal steps. Either uniform float value or list of floats for each problem variable, or dict with entry for each variable step_min: float or list or dict The minimal steps. Either uniform float value or list of floats for each problem variable, or dict with entry for each variable step_div_factor: float Step size division factor until step_min is reached f_tol: float The objective function tolerance vectorized: bool Flag for running in vectorized mode n_max_steps: int The maximal number of steps without fresh gradient memory_size: int The number of memorized visited points name: str, optional The name """ super().__init__(problem, name) self.step_max = step_max self.step_min = step_min self.step_div_factor = step_div_factor self.f_tol = f_tol self.vectorized = vectorized self.n_max_steps = n_max_steps self.memory_size = memory_size self.memory = None
[docs] def initialize(self, verbosity=0): """ Initialize the object. Parameters ---------- verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ if self.problem.n_objectives != 1: raise ValueError( f"Optimizer '{}': Not applicable for multi-objective problems." ) if self.problem.n_vars_int != 0: raise ValueError( f"Optimizer '{}': Not applicable for problems with integer variables." ) if self.problem.n_vars_float == 0: raise ValueError( f"Optimizer '{}': Missing float variables in problem." ) n_vars = self.problem.n_vars_float smax = np.zeros(n_vars, dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(self.step_max, dict): for i, vname in enumerate(self.problem.var_names_float()): if vname in self.step_max: smax[i] = self.step_max[vname] else: raise KeyError( f"Optimizer '{}': Missing step_max entry for variable '{vname}'" ) elif isinstance(self.step_max, list) or isinstance(self.step_max, np.ndarray): if len(self.step_max) != n_vars: raise ValueError( f"Optimizer '{}': step_max has wrong size {len(self.step_max)} for {n_vars} variables" ) smax[:] = self.step_max else: smax[:] = self.step_max self.step_max = smax smin = np.zeros(n_vars, dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(self.step_min, dict): for i, vname in enumerate(self.problem.var_names_float()): if vname in self.step_min: smin[i] = self.step_min[vname] else: raise KeyError( f"Optimizer '{}': Missing step_min entry for variable '{vname}'" ) elif isinstance(self.step_min, list) or isinstance(self.step_min, np.ndarray): if len(self.step_min) != n_vars: raise ValueError( f"Optimizer '{}': step_max has wrong size {len(self.step_min)} for {n_vars} variables" ) smin[:] = self.step_min else: smin[:] = self.step_min self.step_min = smin n_funcs = 1 + self.problem.n_constraints self.memory = ( np.zeros((self.memory_size, n_vars), dtype=np.float64), np.zeros((self.memory_size, n_funcs, n_vars), dtype=np.float64), np.zeros(self.memory_size, dtype=np.float64), np.zeros(self.memory_size, dtype=bool), ) super().initialize(verbosity)
[docs] def print_info(self): """ Print solver info, called before solving """ s = f" Optimizer '{}' " print(s) hline = "-" * len(s) print(hline) for i, vname in enumerate(self.problem.var_names_float()): print( f" ({i}) {vname}: step size {self.step_min[i]:.2e} -- {self.step_max[i]:.2e}" ) print(hline)
def _get_newx(self, x, deltax): """ Helper function for new x creation """ n_vars = self.problem.n_vars_float newx = np.zeros((self.n_max_steps, n_vars), dtype=np.float64) newx[:] = x[None, :] for i in range(self.n_max_steps): newx[i] += np.sum(deltax[: i + 1], axis=0) mi = self.problem.min_values_float()[None, :] sel = np.where(newx < mi) newx[sel[0], sel[1]] = mi[0, sel[1]] ma = self.problem.max_values_float()[None, :] sel = np.where(newx > ma) newx[sel[0], sel[1]] = ma[0, sel[1]] return newx def _grad2deltax(self, grad, step): """ Helper function for deltax creation """ j = np.argmax(np.abs(grad) / step) return grad * step[j] / np.abs(grad[j])
[docs] def solve(self, verbosity=1): """ Run the optimization solver. Parameters ---------- verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- results: iwopy.core.SingleObjOptResults The optimization results object """ super().solve(verbosity) # prepare: inone = np.array([], dtype=np.int32) n_vars = self.problem.n_vars_float maximize = self.problem.maximize_objs[0] imem = 0 nmem = 0 # evaluate initial variables: x = np.array(self.problem.initial_values_float(), dtype=np.float64) obs, cons = self.problem.evaluate_individual(inone, x) obs0 = obs[0] valid = self.problem.check_constraints_individual(cons) if verbosity > 0: s = f"{'it':<5} | {'Objective':<9} | cviol | level" hline = "-" * (len(s) + 1) print("\nRunning GG") print(hline) print(s) print(hline) step = self.step_max.copy() count = -1 level = 0 while not np.all(step < self.step_min): count += 1 recover = not np.all(valid) # check memory: sel = ( np.max(np.abs(x[None, :] - self.memory[0][:nmem]), axis=1) < 1e-13 if nmem > 0 else np.array([False]) ) if np.any(sel): jmem = np.where(sel)[0][0] grads = self.memory[1][jmem] step /= self.step_div_factor level += 1 else: # fresh calculation: grads = self.problem.get_gradients(inone, x, pop=self.vectorized) step = self.step_max.copy() level = 0 # memorize: jmem = imem self.memory[0][jmem] = x self.memory[1][jmem] = grads self.memory[2][jmem] = obs[0] self.memory[3][jmem] = not recover imem = (imem + 1) % self.memory_size nmem = min(nmem + 1, self.memory_size) if verbosity > 0: print(f"{count:>5} | {obs[0]:9.3e} | {np.sum(~valid):>5} | {level:>5}") # project out directions of constraint violation: grad = grads[0].copy() if not maximize else -grads[0] deltax = self._grad2deltax(-grad, step) ncons = cons + np.einsum("cd,d->c", grads[1:], deltax) nvalid = ncons <= 0 # self.problem.check_constraints_individual(ncons) newbad = valid & ~nvalid newgood = ~valid & nvalid cnews = newgood | newbad for ci in np.where(~valid | cnews)[0]: n = grads[1 + ci] / np.linalg.norm(grads[1 + ci]) grad -=, n) * n # follow grad, but move downwards along violated directions: deltax = np.zeros((self.n_max_steps, n_vars), dtype=np.float64) deltax[:] = self._grad2deltax(-grad, step)[None, :] for ci in np.where(~valid & ~cnews)[0]: deltax[:] += self._grad2deltax(-grads[1 + ci], step) # linear approximation when crossing constraint bondary: for ci in np.where(cnews)[0]: m = np.linalg.norm(grads[1 + ci]) if np.abs(m) > 0: deltax[0] -= grads[1 + ci] * cons[ci] / m**2 newx = self._get_newx(x, deltax) if not len(newx): continue """ # for debugging import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pres = self.problem.base_problem.apply_individual(inone, x) fig = self.problem.get_fig(pres) ax = fig.axes[0] for i, xy in enumerate(pres): ax.annotate(str(i), xy) plt.close(fig) """ if self.vectorized: # calculate population: inonep = np.zeros((len(newx), 0), dtype=np.int32) obsp, consp = self.problem.evaluate_population(inonep, newx) validp = self.problem.check_constraints_population(consp) valc = np.all(validp, axis=1) # evaluate population results: if np.any(valc): if recover: i = np.where(valc)[0][0] x = newx[i] obs = obsp[i] cons = consp[i] valid = validp[i] else: # find best: obsp = obsp[valc] if maximize: i = np.argmax(obsp) if obsp[i][0] <= obs[0]: i = -1 else: i = np.argmin(obsp) if obsp[i][0] >= obs[0]: i = -1 if i >= 0: x = newx[valc][i] done = np.abs(obs[0] - obsp[i][0]) <= self.f_tol obs = obsp[i] cons = consp[valc][i] valid = validp[valc][i] if done: break else: x = newx[0] obs = obsp[0] cons = consp[0] valid = validp[0] # non-vectorized: else: anygood = False done = False for i, hx in enumerate(newx): obsh, consh = self.problem.evaluate_individual(inone, hx) validh = self.problem.check_constraints_individual(consh) if i == 0: hx0 = hx obsh0 = obsh consh0 = consh validh0 = validh if np.all(validh): anygood = True if recover: x = hx obs = obsh cons = consh valid = validh break else: if maximize: better = obsh[0] > obs[0] else: better = obsh[0] < obs[0] if better: x = hx done = np.abs(obs[0] - obsh[0]) <= self.f_tol obs = obsh cons = consh valid = validh if done: break if not anygood: x = hx0 obs = obsh0 cons = consh0 valid = validh0 if verbosity > 0: print(f"{hline}\n") # final evaluation: pres, obs, cons = self.problem.finalize_individual(inone, x, verbosity) valid = self.problem.check_constraints_individual(cons, verbosity) if maximize: better = obs[0] > obs0 else: better = obs[0] < obs0 success = np.all(valid) and better return SingleObjOptResults( self.problem, success, inone, x, obs, cons, pres, )