# Installation ## Requirements The supported Python versions are: - `Python 3.7` - `Python 3.8` - `Python 3.9` - `Python 3.10` - `Python 3.11` ## Installation via conda The `iwopy` package is available on the channel [conda-forge](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/iwopy). You can install the latest version by ```console conda install -c conda-forge iwopy ``` ## Installation via pip ### Virtual Python environment We recommend working in a Python virtual environment and install `iwopy` there. Such an environment can be created by ```console python -m venv /path/to/my_venv ``` and afterwards be activated by ```console source /path/to/my_venv/bin/activate ``` Note that in the above commands `/path/to/my_venv` is a placeholder that should be replaced by a path to a (non-existing) folder of your choice, for example `~/venv/iwopy`. All subsequent installation commands via `pip` can then be executed directly within the active environment without changes. After your work with `iwopy` is done you can leave the environment by the command `deactivate`. ### Standard users As a standard user, you can install the latest release via [pip](https://pypi.org/project/iwopy/) by ```console pip install iwopy ``` This in general corresponds to the `main` branch at [github](https://github.com/FraunhoferIWES/iwopy). Alternatively, you can decide to install the latest pre-release developments (non-stable) by ```console pip install git+https://github.com/FraunhoferIWES/iwopy@dev#egg=iwopy ``` ### Developers The first step as a developer is to clone the `iwopy` repository by ```console git clone https://github.com/FraunhoferIWES/iwopy.git ``` Enter the root directory by ```console cd iwopy ``` Then you can either install from this directory via ```console pip install -e . ```