class foxes.core.WakeFrame(foxes.core.Model)[source]

Abstract base class for wake frames.

Wake frames translate global coordinates into wake frame coordinates, which are then evaluated by wake models.

They are also responsible for the calculation of the turbine evaluation order.

Public members

abstract calc_order(algo, mdata, fdata)[source]

” Calculates the order of turbine evaluation.

abstract get_wake_coos(algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index)[source]

Calculate wake coordinates of rotor points.

get_wake_modelling_data(algo, variable, downwind_index, fdata, ...)[source]

Return data that is required for computing the wake from source turbines to evaluation points.

get_centreline_points(algo, mdata, fdata, downwind_index, x)[source]

Gets the points along the centreline for given values of x.

calc_centreline_integral(algo, mdata, fdata, downwind_index, ...)[source]

Integrates variables along the centreline.

classmethod new(wframe_type, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Run-time wake frame factory.




Return repr(self).

property model_id

Unique id based on the model type.


Creates a model specific variable name.

property initialized

Initialization flag.


List of all sub-models

load_data(algo, verbosity=0)[source]

Load and/or create all model data that is subject to chunking.

initialize(algo, verbosity=0, force=False)[source]

Initializes the model.

finalize(algo, verbosity=0)[source]

Finalizes the model.

get_data(variable, target, lookup='smfp', mdata=None, ...)[source]

Getter for a data entry in the model object or provided data sources

data_to_store(name, algo, data)[source]

Adds data from mdata to the local store, intended for iterative runs.

from_data_or_store(name, algo, data, ret_dims=False, safe=False)[source]

Get data from mdata or local store