foxes.models.partial_wakes.PartialSegregated.finalize_wakes(algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, amb_res, rpoint_weights, wake_deltas, wmodel, downwind_index)[source]

Updates the wake_deltas at the selected target downwind index.

Modifies wake_deltas on the fly.


algo: foxes.core.Algorithm

The calculation algorithm

mdata: foxes.core.MData

The model data

fdata: foxes.core.FData

The farm data

tdata: foxes.core.Data

The target point data

amb_res: dict

The ambient results at the target points of all rotors. Key: variable name, value np.ndarray of shape: (n_states, n_turbines, n_rotor_points)

rpoint_weights: numpy.ndarray

The rotor point weights, shape: (n_rotor_points,)

wake_deltas: dict

The wake deltas. Key: variable name, value: np.ndarray of shape (n_states, n_turbines, n_tpoints)

wmodel: foxes.core.WakeModel

The wake model

downwind_index: int

The index in the downwind order


final_wake_deltas: dict

The final wake deltas at the selected downwind turbines. Key: variable name, value: np.ndarray of shape (n_states, n_rotor_points)