foxes.models.wake_models.ti.CrespoHernandezTIWake(superposition, use_ambti=False, sbeta_factor=0.25, near_wake_D=None, a_near=0.362, a_far=0.73, e1=0.83, e2=-0.0325, e3=-0.32, induction='Betz', **wake_k)[source]



superposition: str

The TI wake superposition.

k: float, optional

The wake growth parameter k. If not given here it will be searched in the farm data.

use_ambti: bool

Flag for using ambient TI instead of local wake corrected TI

sbeta_factor: float

Factor multiplying sbeta

near_wake_D: float, optional

The near wake distance in units of D, calculated from TI and ct if not given here

a_near: float

Model parameter

a_far: float

Model parameter

e1: float

Model parameter

e2: float

Model parameter

e3: float

Model parameter

k_var: str

The variable name for k

induction: foxes.core.AxialInductionModel or str

The induction model

wake_k: dict, optional

Parameters for the WakeK class