foxes.models.wake_models.ti.IECTIWake.calc_centreline(algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index, st_sel, x, wake_r, ct)[source]

Calculate centre line results of wake deltas.


algo: foxes.core.Algorithm

The calculation algorithm

mdata: foxes.core.MData

The model data

fdata: foxes.core.FData

The farm data

tdata: foxes.core.TData

The target point data

downwind_index: int

The index in the downwind order

st_sel: numpy.ndarray of bool

The state-target selection, for which the wake is non-zero, shape: (n_states, n_targets)

x: numpy.ndarray

The x values, shape: (n_st_sel,)

wake_r: numpy.ndarray

The wake radii, shape: (n_st_sel,)

ct: numpy.ndarray

The ct values of the wake-causing turbines, shape: (n_st_sel,)


cl_del: dict

The centre line wake deltas. Key: variable name str, varlue: numpy.ndarray, shape: (n_st_sel,)