foxes.output.RosePlotOutput.get_figure(sectors, var, var_bins, wd_var='AMB_WD', turbine=None, point=None, title=None, legend=None, design='bar', start0=False, fig=None, figsize=None, rect=None, ret_data=False, **kwargs)[source]

Creates figure object


sectors: int

The number of wind direction sectors

var: str

The data variable name

var_bins: list of float

The variable bin seperation values

wd_var: str, optional

The wind direction variable name

turbine: int, optional

Only relevant in case of farm results. If None, mean over all turbines. Else, data from a single turbine

point: int, optional

Only relevant in case of point results. If None, mean over all points. Else, data from a single point

title. str, optional

The title

legend: str, optional

The data legend string

design: str

The wind rose design: bar, contour, …

start0: bool

Flag for starting the first sector at zero degrees instead of minus half width

fig: matplotlib.Figure

The figure to which to add an axis

figsize: tuple, optional

The figsize of the newly created figure

rect: list, optional

The rectangle of the figure which to fill, e.g. [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]

ret_data: bool

Flag for returning wind rose data

kwargs: dict, optional

Additional arguments for TabWindroseAxes plot function


fig: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure

The rose plot figure

data: pd.DataFrame, optional

The wind rose data