foxes.utils.read_shp_polygons(fname, names=None, name_col='Name', geom_col='geometry', to_utm=True, ret_utm_zone=False, **kwargs)[source]

Reads the polygon points from a shp file.


fname: str

Path to the .shp file

names: list: of str, optinal

The names of the polygons to be extracted. All by default

name_col: int

Column that contains the area names

geom_col: str

The geometry column

to_utm: bool or str, optional

Convert to UTM coordinates. If str, then UTM zone plus letter, e.g. “32U”

ret_utm_zone: bool

Return UTM zone plus letter as str

kwargs: dict, optional

Additional parameters for geopandas.read_shp()


point_dict_exterior: dict

Dict with list of array of points. Key: area name, Value: list:np.ndarray, shape of latter: (n_points, 2)

point_dict_interior: dict

Dict with list of array of points. Key: area name, Value: list:np.ndarray, shape of latter: (n_points, 2)

utm_zone_str: str, optional

The utem zone plus letter as str, e.g. “32U”