Source code for foxes.algorithms.downwind.models.farm_wakes_calc

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

from foxes.core import FarmDataModel, TData
import foxes.constants as FC
import foxes.variables as FV

[docs] class FarmWakesCalculation(FarmDataModel): """ This model calculates wakes effects on farm data. :group: algorithms.downwind.models """
[docs] def output_farm_vars(self, algo): """ The variables which are being modified by the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm Returns ------- output_vars: list of str The output variable names """ ovars = algo.rotor_model.output_farm_vars( algo ) + algo.farm_controller.output_farm_vars(algo) return list(dict.fromkeys(ovars))
[docs] def calculate(self, algo, mdata, fdata): """ The main model calculation. This function is executed on a single chunk of data, all computations should be based on numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.Data The model data fdata: foxes.core.Data The farm data Returns ------- results: dict The resulting data, keys: output variable str. Values: numpy.ndarray with shape (n_states, n_turbines) """ # collect ambient rotor results and weights: rotor = algo.rotor_model rwghts = algo.get_from_chunk_store(FC.ROTOR_WEIGHTS, mdata=mdata) amb_res = algo.get_from_chunk_store(FC.AMB_ROTOR_RES, mdata=mdata) weights = algo.get_from_chunk_store(FC.WEIGHT_RES, mdata=mdata) # generate all wake evaluation points # (n_states, n_order, n_rpoints) pwake2tdata = {} for wname, wmodel in algo.wake_models.items(): pwake = algo.partial_wakes[wname] if not in pwake2tdata: tpoints, tweights = pwake.get_wake_points(algo, mdata, fdata) pwake2tdata[] = TData.from_tpoints(tpoints, tweights) def _get_wdata(tdatap, wdeltas, variables, s): """Helper function for wake data extraction""" tdata = tdatap.get_slice(variables, s) wdelta = {v: d[s] for v, d in wdeltas.items()} return tdata, wdelta def _evaluate( gmodel, tdata, amb_res, rwghts, wake_res, wdeltas, oi, wmodel, pwake ): """Helper function for data evaluation at turbines""" wres = gmodel.finalize_farm_wakes( algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, amb_res, rwghts, wdeltas, wmodel, oi, pwake ) hres = { v: d[:, oi, None] if d.shape[1] > 1 else d[:, 0, None] for v, d in wake_res.items() } for v, d in wres.items(): if v in wake_res: hres[v] += d[:, None] hres[FV.WEIGHT] = weights rotor.eval_rpoint_results( algo, mdata, fdata, hres, rwghts, downwind_index=oi ) res = algo.farm_controller.calculate( algo, mdata, fdata, pre_rotor=False, downwind_index=oi ) fdata.update(res) wake_res = deepcopy(amb_res) n_turbines = mdata.n_turbines run_up = None run_down = None for wname, wmodel in algo.wake_models.items(): pwake = algo.partial_wakes[wname] gmodel = algo.ground_models[wname] tdatap = pwake2tdata[] wdeltas = gmodel.new_farm_wake_deltas( algo, mdata, fdata, tdatap, wmodel, pwake ) # downwind: if wmodel.affects_downwind: run_up = wname for oi in range(n_turbines): if oi > 0: _evaluate( gmodel, tdatap, amb_res, rwghts, wake_res, wdeltas, oi, wmodel, pwake, ) if oi < n_turbines - 1: tdata, wdelta = _get_wdata( tdatap, wdeltas, [FC.STATE, FC.TARGET], np.s_[:, oi + 1 :] ) gmodel.contribute_to_farm_wakes( algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, oi, wdelta, wmodel, pwake ) # upwind: else: run_down = wname for oi in range(n_turbines - 1, -1, -1): if oi < n_turbines - 1: _evaluate( gmodel, tdatap, amb_res, rwghts, wake_res, wdeltas, oi, wmodel, pwake, ) if oi > 0: tdata, wdelta = _get_wdata( tdatap, wdeltas, [FC.STATE, FC.TARGET], np.s_[:, :oi] ) gmodel.contribute_to_farm_wakes( algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, oi, wdelta, wmodel, pwake ) if run_up is not None and run_down is not None: raise KeyError( f"Wake model '{run_up}' is an upwind model, wake model '{run_down}' is a downwind model: Require iterative algorithm" ) return {v: fdata[v] for v in self.output_farm_vars(algo)}