from foxes.core import PointDataModel
class PointWakesCalculation(PointDataModel):
This model calculates wake effects at points of interest.
pvars: list of str
The variables of interest
emodels: foxes.core.PointDataModelList
The extra evaluation models
emodels_cpars: list of dict
The calculation parameters for extra models
wake_models: list of foxes.core.WakeModel
The wake models to be used
:group: algorithms.downwind.models
def __init__(self, emodels=None, emodels_cpars=None, wake_models=None):
emodels: foxes.core.PointDataModelList, optional
The extra evaluation models
emodels_cpars: list of dict, optional
The calculation parameters for extra models
wake_models: list of foxes.core.WakeModel, optional
Specific wake models to be used
self.pvars = None
self.emodels = emodels
self.emodels_cpars = emodels_cpars
self.wake_models = wake_models
def sub_models(self):
List of all sub-models
smdls: list of foxes.core.Model
Names of all sub models
return [self.emodels] if self.emodels is not None else []
def initialize(self, algo, verbosity=0, force=False):
Initializes the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
force: bool
Overwrite existing data
super().initialize(algo, verbosity, force)
self.pvars = algo.states.output_point_vars(algo)
def output_point_vars(self, algo):
The variables which are being modified by the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
output_vars: list of str
The output variable names
return self.pvars
def calculate(self, algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index=None):
The main model calculation.
This function is executed on a single chunk of data,
all computations should be based on numpy arrays.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
mdata: foxes.core.Data
The model data
fdata: foxes.core.Data
The farm data
tdata: foxes.core.Data
The target point data
downwind_index: int
The index in the downwind order of the wake
causing turbine
results: dict
The resulting data, keys: output variable str.
Values: numpy.ndarray with shape
(n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints)
res = {}
wmodels = (
algo.wake_models.values() if self.wake_models is None else self.wake_models
for wmodel in wmodels:
gmodel = algo.ground_models[]
wdeltas = gmodel.new_point_wake_deltas(algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, wmodel)
if len(set(self.pvars).intersection(wdeltas.keys())):
if downwind_index is None:
for oi in range(fdata.n_turbines):
algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, oi, wdeltas, wmodel
algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index, wdeltas, wmodel
for v in self.pvars:
if v not in res and v in tdata:
res[v] = tdata[v].copy()
gmodel.finalize_point_wakes(algo, mdata, fdata, res, wdeltas, wmodel)
for v in res.keys():
if v in wdeltas:
res[v] += wdeltas[v]
for v in res.keys():
tdata[v] = res[v]
if self.emodels is not None:
self.emodels.calculate(algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, self.emodels_cpars)
return {v: tdata[v] for v in self.pvars}