Source code for foxes.algorithms.sequential.models.seq_state

from foxes.core.states import States

[docs] class SeqState(States): """ A single state during sequential iteration, just serving as a structural placeholder Parameters ---------- states: foxes.core.States The original states set :group: algorithms.sequential.models """
[docs] def __init__(self, states): """ Constructor. Attributes ---------- states: foxes.core.States The original states set """ super().__init__() self.states = states # updated by SequentialIter: self._size = states.size() self._indx = None self._counter = None
[docs] def sub_models(self): """ List of all sub-models Returns ------- smdls: list of foxes.core.Model Names of all sub models """ return [self.states]
[docs] def initialize(self, algo, verbosity=0, force=False): """ Initializes the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent force: bool Overwrite existing data """ super().initialize(algo, verbosity, force) self._size = self.states.size()
[docs] def size(self): """ The total number of states. Returns ------- int: The total number of states """ return self._size
[docs] def index(self): """ The index list Returns ------- indices: array_like The index labels of states, or None for default integers """ return [self._indx] if self._size == 1 else self.states.index()
@property def counter(self): """ The current index counter Returns ------- i: int The current index counter """ return self._counter
[docs] def output_point_vars(self, algo): """ The variables which are being modified by the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm Returns ------- output_vars: list of str The output variable names """ return self.states.output_point_vars(algo)
[docs] def calculate(self, algo, mdata, fdata, tdata): """ The main model calculation. This function is executed on a single chunk of data, all computations should be based on numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.Data The model data fdata: foxes.core.Data The farm data tdata: foxes.core.Data The target point data Returns ------- results: dict The resulting data, keys: output variable str. Values: numpy.ndarray with shape (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) """ return self.states.calculate(algo, mdata, fdata, tdata)