Source code for foxes.algorithms.sequential.sequential

import numpy as np
from xarray import Dataset

from foxes.algorithms import Iterative
from foxes.config import config
from foxes.core import get_engine
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC

from . import models as mdls

[docs] class Sequential(Iterative): """ A sequential calculation of states without chunking. This is of use for the evaluation in simulation environments that do not support multi-state computations, like FMUs. Attributes ---------- ambient: bool Flag for ambient calculation calc_pars: dict Parameters for model calculation. Key: model name str, value: parameter dict states0: foxes.core.States The original states points: numpy.ndarray The points of interest, shape: (n_states, n_points, 3) plugins: list of foxes.algorithm.sequential.SequentialIterPlugin The plugins, updated with every iteration outputs: list of str The output variables :group: algorithms.sequential """
[docs] @classmethod def get_model(cls, name): """ Get the algorithm specific model Parameters ---------- name: str The model name Returns ------- model: foxes.core.model The model """ try: return getattr(mdls, name) except AttributeError: return super().get_model(name)
[docs] def __init__( self, farm, states, *args, points=None, ambient=False, calc_pars={}, plugins=[], outputs=None, **kwargs, ): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- farm: foxes.WindFarm The wind farm states: foxes.core.States The ambient states args: tuple, optional Additional arguments for Downwind points: numpy.ndarray, optional The points of interest, shape: (n_states, n_points, 3) ambient: bool Flag for ambient calculation calc_pars: dict Parameters for model calculation. Key: model name str, value: parameter dict plugins: list of foxes.algorithm.sequential.SequentialIterPlugin The plugins, updated with every iteration outputs: list of str, optional The output variables kwargs: dict, optional Additional arguments for Downwind """ super().__init__(farm, mdls.SeqState(states), *args, **kwargs) self.ambient = ambient self.calc_pars = calc_pars self.states0 = self.states.states self.points = points self.plugins = plugins self.outputs = outputs if outputs is not None else self.DEFAULT_FARM_OUTPUTS self._verbo0 = self.verbosity + 1 self.verbosity -= 1 get_engine().verbosity -= 2 self._i = None
@property def iterating(self): """ Flag for running iteration Returns ------- itr: bool True if currently iterating """ return self._i is not None
[docs] def get_models_data(self, sel=None, isel=None): if sel is not None and len(sel): raise ValueError(f"calc_points does not support sel, got sel={sel}") if isel is not None and len(isel): raise ValueError(f"calc_points does not support isel, got isel={isel}") return self._model_data.isel({FC.STATE: [self.counter]})
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Initialize the iterator""" if not self.iterating: if not self.initialized: self.initialize() self.print_deco("calc_farm") self._inds = self.states0.index() self._weights = self.states0.weights(self) self._i = 0 self._counter = 0 self._it = 0 mlist, __ = self._collect_farm_models( None, self.calc_pars, ambient=self.ambient ) self._calc_farm_vars(mlist) self._it = None self._model_data = Dataset(**super().get_models_idata()) if self._verbo0 > 0: print("\nInput data:\n") print(self._model_data) print(f"\nOutput farm variables:", ", ".join(self.farm_vars)) print() self._farm_results = Dataset( coords={FC.STATE: self._model_data[FC.STATE].to_numpy()}, data_vars={ v: ( (FC.STATE, FC.TURBINE), np.zeros_like(self._model_data[FV.WEIGHT].to_numpy()), ) for v in self.farm_vars }, ) self._farm_results[FC.TNAME] = ((FC.TURBINE,), if FV.ORDER in self._farm_results: self._farm_results[FV.ORDER] = self._farm_results[FV.ORDER].astype( config.dtype_int ) self._farm_results_dwnd = self._farm_results.copy(deep=True) self._point_results = None for p in self.plugins: p.initialize(self) return self
[docs] def __next__(self): """Run calculation for current step, then iterate to next""" if self._i < len(self._inds): self._counter = self._i self.states._counter = self._i self.states._size = 1 self.states._indx = self._inds[self._i] self.states._weight = self._weights[self._i] if self._verbo0 > 0: print(f"{}: Running state {self.states.index()[0]}") fres, fres_dnwnd = super().calc_farm( outputs=self.farm_vars, finalize=False, ret_dwnd_order=True, **self.calc_pars, ) for v in self._farm_results.data_vars.keys(): if FC.STATE in self._farm_results[v].dims: self._farm_results[v].loc[{FC.STATE: [self.index]}] = fres[v] self._farm_results_dwnd[v].loc[{FC.STATE: [self.index]}] = ( fres_dnwnd[v] ) if self.points is None: for p in self.plugins: p.update(self, fres) self._i += 1 return fres else: pres = super().calc_points(fres, points=self.points, finalize=False) if self._point_results is None: n_states = self._model_data.sizes[FC.STATE] self._point_results = Dataset( coords={ FC.STATE: self._model_data[FC.STATE].to_numpy(), **{c: d for c, d in pres.coords.items() if c != FC.STATE}, }, data_vars={ v: ( d.dims, np.zeros([n_states] + list(d.shape[1:]), dtype=d.dtype), ) for v, d in pres.data_vars.items() if d.dims[0] == FC.STATE }, ) for v, d in pres.data_vars.items(): if FC.STATE not in d.dims: self._point_results[v] = d for v in self._point_results.data_vars.keys(): if FC.STATE in self._point_results[v].dims: self._point_results[v].loc[{FC.STATE: [self.index]}] = pres[v] for p in self.plugins: p.update(self, fres, pres) self._i += 1 return fres, pres else: del self._model_data self._i = None self.states._counter = None self.states._size = len(self._inds) self.states._indx = self._inds self.states._weight = self._weights for p in self.plugins: p.finalize(self) raise StopIteration
@property def size(self): """ The total number of iteration steps Returns ------- s: int The total number of iteration steps """ return self.states.size() @property def counter(self): """ The current index counter Returns ------- i: int The current index counter """ return self._counter if self.iterating else None @property def index(self): """ The current index Returns ------- indx: int The current index """ return self.states._indx if self.iterating else None
[docs] def states_i0(self, counter, algo=None): """ Returns counter or index Parameters ---------- counter: bool Flag for counter algo: object, optional Dummy argument, due to consistency with foxes.core.Data.states_i0 Returns ------- i0: int The counter or index """ return self.counter if counter else self.index
@property def weight(self): """ The current weight array Returns ------- w: numpy.ndarray The current weight array, shape: (n_turbines,) """ return self.states._weight if self.iterating else None @property def farm_results(self): """ The overall farm results Returns ------- results: xarray.Dataset The overall farm results """ return self._farm_results @property def farm_results_downwind(self): """ The overall farm results, with turbine dimension in downwind order Returns ------- results: xarray.Dataset The overall farm results """ return self._farm_results_dwnd @property def cur_farm_results(self): """ The current farm results Returns ------- results: xarray.Dataset The current farm results """ return self._farm_results.isel({FC.STATE: [self.counter]}) @property def point_results(self): """ The overall point results Returns ------- results: xarray.Dataset The overall point results """ return self._point_results @property def cur_point_results(self): """ The current point results Returns ------- results: xarray.Dataset The current point results """ return self._point_results.isel({FC.STATE: [self.counter]})
[docs] def calc_farm(self): """ Calculate farm data. Returns ------- farm_results: xarray.Dataset The farm results. The calculated variables have dimensions (state, turbine) """ if not self.iterating: raise ValueError(f"calc_farm call is only allowed during iterations") return self.cur_farm_results
[docs] def calc_points( self, farm_results, points, **kwargs, ): """ Calculate data at a given set of points. Parameters ---------- farm_results: xarray.Dataset The farm results. The calculated variables have dimensions (state, turbine) points: numpy.ndarray The points of interest, shape: (n_states, n_points, 3) states_sel: list, optional Reduce to selected states states_isel: list, optional Reduce to the selected states indices Returns ------- point_results: xarray.Dataset The point results. The calculated variables have dimensions (state, point) """ if not self.iterating: raise ValueError(f"calc_points call is only allowed during iterations") return super().calc_points(farm_results, points, finalize=False, **kwargs)