Source code for foxes.core.engine

import os
import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from tqdm import tqdm
from xarray import Dataset

from foxes.core import MData, FData, TData
from foxes.utils import new_instance
from foxes.config import config
import foxes.constants as FC

__global_engine_data__ = dict(

[docs] class Engine(ABC): """ Abstract base clas for foxes calculation engines Attributes ---------- chunk_size_states: int The size of a states chunk chunk_size_points: int The size of a points chunk n_procs: int, optional The number of processes to be used, or None for automatic verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent :group: core """
[docs] def __init__( self, chunk_size_states=None, chunk_size_points=None, n_procs=None, verbosity=1, ): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- chunk_size_states: int, optional The size of a states chunk chunk_size_points: int, optional The size of a points chunk n_procs: int, optional The number of processes to be used, or None for automatic verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ self.chunk_size_states = chunk_size_states self.chunk_size_points = chunk_size_points try: self.n_procs = n_procs if n_procs is not None else os.process_cpu_count() except AttributeError: self.n_procs = os.cpu_count() self.verbosity = verbosity self.__initialized = False self.__entered = False
[docs] def __repr__(self): s = f"n_procs={self.n_procs}, chunk_size_states={self.chunk_size_states}, chunk_size_points={self.chunk_size_points}" return f"{type(self).__name__}({s})"
def __enter__(self): if self.__entered: raise ValueError(f"Enter called for already entered engine") self.__entered = True if not self.initialized: self.initialize() return self def __exit__(self, *exit_args): if not self.__entered: raise ValueError(f"Exit called for not entered engine") self.__entered = False if self.initialized: self.finalize(*exit_args) def __del__(self): if self.initialized: self.finalize() @property def entered(self): """ Flag that this model has been entered. Returns ------- flag: bool True if the model has been entered. """ return self.__entered @property def initialized(self): """ Initialization flag. Returns ------- flag: bool True if the model has been initialized. """ return self.__initialized
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initializes the engine. """ if not self.entered: self.__enter__() elif not self.initialized: if get_engine(error=False, default=False) is not None: raise ValueError( f"Cannot initialize engine '{type(self).__name__}', since engine already set to '{type(get_engine()).__name__}'" ) global __global_engine_data__ __global_engine_data__["engine"] = self self.__initialized = True
[docs] def finalize(self, type=None, value=None, traceback=None): """ Finalizes the engine. Parameters ---------- type: object, optional Dummy argument for the exit function value: object, optional Dummy argument for the exit function traceback: object, optional Dummy argument for the exit function """ if self.entered: self.__exit__(type, value, traceback) elif self.initialized: global __global_engine_data__ __global_engine_data__["engine"] = None self.__initialized = False
[docs] def print(self, *args, level=1, **kwargs): """Prints based on verbosity""" if self.verbosity >= level: print(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def map( self, func, inputs, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Runs a function on a list of files Parameters ---------- func: Callable Function to be called on each file, func(input, *args, **kwargs) -> data inputs: array-like The input data list args: tuple, optional Arguments for func kwargs: dict, optional Keyword arguments for func Returns ------- results: list The list of results """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def loop_dims(self): """ Gets the loop dimensions (possibly chunked) Returns ------- dims: list of str The loop dimensions (possibly chunked) """ if self.chunk_size_states is None and self.chunk_size_states is None: return [] elif self.chunk_size_states is None: return [FC.TARGET] elif self.chunk_size_points is None: return [FC.STATE] else: return [FC.STATE, FC.TARGET]
[docs] def select_subsets(self, *datasets, sel=None, isel=None): """ Takes subsets of datasets Parameters ---------- datasets: tuple The xarray.Dataset or xarray.Dataarray objects sel: dict, optional The selection dictionary isel: dict, optional The index selection dictionary Returns ------- subsets: list The subsets of the input data """ if sel is not None: new_datasets = [] for data in datasets: if data is not None: s = {c: u for c, u in sel.items() if c in data.coords} new_datasets.append(data.sel(s) if len(s) else data) else: new_datasets.append(data) datasets = new_datasets if isel is not None: new_datasets = [] for data in datasets: if data is not None: s = {c: u for c, u in isel.items() if c in data.coords} new_datasets.append(data.isel(s) if len(s) else data) else: new_datasets.append(data) datasets = new_datasets return datasets
[docs] def calc_chunk_sizes(self, n_states, n_targets=1): """ Computes the sizes of states and points chunks Parameters ---------- n_states: int The number of states n_targets: int The number of point targets Returns ------- chunk_sizes_states: numpy.ndarray The sizes of all states chunks, shape: (n_chunks_states,) chunk_sizes_targets: numpy.ndarray The sizes of all targets chunks, shape: (n_chunks_targets,) """ # determine states chunks: if self.chunk_size_states is None: n_chunks_states = min(self.n_procs, n_states) chunk_size_states = max(int(n_states / self.n_procs), 1) else: chunk_size_states = min(n_states, self.chunk_size_states) n_chunks_states = max(int(n_states / chunk_size_states), 1) if int(n_states / n_chunks_states) > chunk_size_states: n_chunks_states += 1 chunk_size_states = int(n_states / n_chunks_states) # determine points chunks: chunk_sizes_targets = [n_targets] if n_targets > 1: if self.chunk_size_points is None: if n_targets < max(n_states, 1000): chunk_size_targets = n_targets n_chunks_targets = 1 else: n_chunks_targets = min(self.n_procs, n_targets) chunk_size_targets = max(int(n_targets / self.n_procs), 1) if self.chunk_size_states is None and n_chunks_states > 1: while chunk_size_states * chunk_size_targets > n_targets: n_chunks_states += 1 chunk_size_states = int(n_states / n_chunks_states) else: chunk_size_targets = min(n_targets, self.chunk_size_points) n_chunks_targets = max(int(n_targets / chunk_size_targets), 1) if int(n_targets / n_chunks_targets) > chunk_size_targets: n_chunks_targets += 1 chunk_size_targets = int(n_targets / n_chunks_targets) chunk_sizes_targets = np.full(n_chunks_targets, chunk_size_targets) extra = n_targets - n_chunks_targets * chunk_size_targets if extra > 0: chunk_sizes_targets[-extra:] += 1 s = np.sum(chunk_sizes_targets) assert ( s == n_targets ), f"Targets count mismatch: Expecting {n_targets}, chunks sum is {s}. Chunks: {[int(c) for c in chunk_sizes_targets]}" chunk_sizes_states = np.full(n_chunks_states, chunk_size_states) extra = n_states - n_chunks_states * chunk_size_states if extra > 0: chunk_sizes_states[-extra:] += 1 s = np.sum(chunk_sizes_states) assert ( s == n_states ), f"States count mismatch: Expecting {n_states}, chunks sum is {s}. Chunks: {[int(c) for c in chunk_sizes_states]}" return chunk_sizes_states, chunk_sizes_targets
[docs] def get_chunk_input_data( self, algo, model_data, farm_data, point_data, states_i0_i1, targets_i0_i1, out_vars, ): """ Extracts the data for a single chunk calculation Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm object model_data: xarray.Dataset The initial model data farm_data: xarray.Dataset The initial farm data point_data: xarray.Dataset The initial point data states_i0_i1: tuple The (start, end) values of the states targets_i0_i1: tuple The (start, end) values of the targets out_vars: list of str Names of the output variables Returns ------- data: list of foxes.core.Data Either [mdata, fdata] or [mdata, fdata, tdata] """ # prepare: i0_states, i1_states = states_i0_i1 i0_targets, i1_targets = targets_i0_i1 s_states = np.s_[i0_states:i1_states] s_targets = np.s_[i0_targets:i1_targets] # create mdata: mdata = MData.from_dataset( model_data, s_states=s_states, loop_dims=[FC.STATE], states_i0=i0_states, copy=True, ) # create fdata: if point_data is None: def cb(data, dims): n_states = i1_states - i0_states for o in set(out_vars).difference(data.keys()): data[o] = np.full( (n_states, algo.n_turbines), np.nan, dtype=config.dtype_double ) dims[o] = (FC.STATE, FC.TURBINE) else: cb = None fdata = FData.from_dataset( farm_data, mdata=mdata, s_states=s_states, callback=cb, loop_dims=[FC.STATE], states_i0=i0_states, copy=True, ) # create tdata: tdata = None if point_data is not None: def cb(data, dims): n_states = i1_states - i0_states n_targets = i1_targets - i0_targets for o in set(out_vars).difference(data.keys()): data[o] = np.full( (n_states, n_targets, 1), np.nan, dtype=config.dtype_double ) dims[o] = (FC.STATE, FC.TARGET, FC.TPOINT) tdata = TData.from_dataset( point_data, mdata=mdata, s_states=s_states, s_targets=s_targets, callback=cb, loop_dims=[FC.STATE, FC.TARGET], states_i0=i0_states, copy=True, ) return [d for d in [mdata, fdata, tdata] if d is not None]
[docs] def combine_results( self, algo, results, model_data, out_vars, out_coords, n_chunks_states, n_chunks_targets, goal_data, iterative, ): """ Combines chunk results into final Dataset Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm object results: dict The results from the chunk calculations, key: (chunki_states, chunki_targets), value: dict with numpy.ndarray values model_data: xarray.Dataset The initial model data out_vars: list of str Names of the output variables out_coords: list of str Names of the output coordinates n_chunks_states: int The number of states chunks n_chunks_targets: int The number of targets chunks goal_data: foxes.core.Data Either fdata or tdata iterative: bool Flag for use within the iterative algorithm Returns ------- ds: xarray.Dataset The final results dataset """ self.print(f"{type(self).__name__}: Combining results", level=2) pbar = tqdm(total=len(out_vars)) if self.verbosity > 1 else None data_vars = {} for v in out_vars: if v in results[(0, 0)][0]: data_vars[v] = [out_coords, []] if n_chunks_targets == 1: alls = 0 for chunki_states in range(n_chunks_states): r, cstore = results[(chunki_states, 0)] data_vars[v][1].append(r[v]) alls += data_vars[v][1][-1].shape[0] if iterative: for k, c in cstore.items(): if k in algo.chunk_store: algo.chunk_store[k].update(c) else: algo.chunk_store[k] = c else: for chunki_states in range(n_chunks_states): tres = [] for chunki_points in range(n_chunks_targets): r, cstore = results[(chunki_states, chunki_points)] tres.append(r[v]) if iterative: for k, c in cstore.items(): if k in algo.chunk_store: algo.chunk_store[k].update(c) else: algo.chunk_store[k] = c data_vars[v][1].append(np.concatenate(tres, axis=1)) del tres del r, cstore data_vars[v][1] = np.concatenate(data_vars[v][1], axis=0) else: data_vars[v] = (goal_data[v].dims, goal_data[v].to_numpy()) if pbar is not None: pbar.update() del results if pbar is not None: pbar.close() # if not iterative or algo.final_iteration: # algo.reset_chunk_store() coords = {} if FC.STATE in out_coords and FC.STATE in model_data.coords: coords[FC.STATE] = model_data[FC.STATE].to_numpy() # reducing weights dimensions: dvars = {} for v, (dims, d) in data_vars.items(): if ( dims == (FC.STATE, FC.TURBINE) and d.shape[1] == 1 and algo.n_turbines > 1 ): dvars[v] = ((FC.STATE,), d[:, 0]) elif ( dims == (FC.STATE, FC.TARGET, FC.TPOINT) and goal_data.sizes[FC.TARGET] > n_chunks_targets and d.shape[1:] == (n_chunks_targets, 1) ): dvars[v] = ((FC.STATE,), d[:, 0, 0]) else: dvars[v] = (dims, d) return Dataset( coords=coords, data_vars=dvars, )
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_calculation(self, algo, model, model_data, farm_data, point_data=None): """ Runs the model calculation Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm object model: foxes.core.DataCalcModel The model that whose calculate function should be run model_data: xarray.Dataset The initial model data farm_data: xarray.Dataset The initial farm data point_data: xarray.Dataset, optional The initial point data Returns ------- results: xarray.Dataset The model results """ n_states = model_data.sizes[FC.STATE] if point_data is None: self.print( f"{type(self).__name__}: Calculating {n_states} states for {algo.n_turbines} turbines" ) else: self.print( f"{type(self).__name__}: Calculating data at {point_data.sizes[FC.TARGET]} points for {n_states} states" ) if not self.initialized: raise ValueError(f"Engine '{type(self).__name__}' not initialized") if not model.initialized: raise ValueError(f"Model '{}' not initialized")
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, engine_type, *args, **kwargs): """ Run-time engine factory. Parameters ---------- engine_type: str The selected derived class name args: tuple, optional Additional parameters for constructor kwargs: dict, optional Additional parameters for constructor """ if engine_type is None: engine_type = "default" engine_type = dict( default="DefaultEngine", threads="ThreadsEngine", process="ProcessEngine", xarray="XArrayEngine", dask="DaskEngine", multiprocess="MultiprocessEngine", local_cluster="LocalClusterEngine", slurm_cluster="SlurmClusterEngine", mpi="MPIEngine", ray="RayEngine", numpy="NumpyEngine", single="SingleChunkEngine", ).get(engine_type, engine_type) return new_instance(cls, engine_type, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_engine(error=True, default=True): """ Gets the global calculation engine Parameters ---------- error: bool Flag for raising ValueError if no engine is found default: bool or dict or Engine Set default engine if not set yet Returns ------- engine: foxes.core.Engine The foxes calculation engine :group: core """ engine = __global_engine_data__["engine"] if engine is None: if isinstance(default, dict): engine =**default) print(f"Selecting default engine '{engine}'") engine.initialize() return engine elif isinstance(default, Engine): print(f"Selecting default engine '{default}'") default.initialize() return default elif isinstance(default, bool) and default: engine ="DefaultEngine", verbosity=1) print(f"Selecting '{engine}'") engine.initialize() return engine elif error: raise ValueError("Engine not found.") return engine
[docs] def has_engine(): """ Flag that checks if engine has been set Returns ------- flag: bool True if engine has been set :group: core """ return __global_engine_data__["engine"] is not None
[docs] def reset_engine(): """ Resets the global calculation engine :group: core """ engine = get_engine(error=False, default=False) if engine is not None: engine.finalize(type=None, value=None, traceback=None)