Source code for foxes.models.partial_wakes.axiwake

import numpy as np

from foxes.models.wake_models.axisymmetric import AxisymmetricWakeModel
from foxes.utils.two_circles import calc_area
from foxes.config import config
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC

from .centre import PartialCentre

[docs] class PartialAxiwake(PartialCentre): """ Partial wake calculation for axial wake models. The basic idea is that the x-dependent part of the wake model is evaluated only once, and the radial part then for `n` radii that cover the target rotor discs. The latter results are then weighted according to the overlap of radial wake circle area deltas and the target rotor disc area. Attributes ---------- n: int The number of radial evaluation points :group: models.partial_wakes """
[docs] def __init__(self, n=6): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- n: int The number of radial evaluation points """ super().__init__() self.n = n
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}(n={self.n})"
[docs] def check_wmodel(self, wmodel, error=True): """ Checks the wake model type Parameters ---------- wmodel: foxes.core.WakeModel The wake model to be tested error: bool Flag for raising TypeError Returns ------- chk: bool True if wake model is compatible """ if not isinstance(wmodel, AxisymmetricWakeModel): if error: raise TypeError( f"Partial wakes '{}': Cannot be applied to wake model '{}', since not an AxisymmetricWakeModel" ) return False return True
[docs] def contribute( self, algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index, wake_deltas, wmodel, ): """ Modifies wake deltas at target points by contributions from the specified wake source turbines. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data tdata: foxes.core.TData The target point data downwind_index: int The index of the wake causing turbine in the downwind order wake_deltas: dict The wake deltas. Key: variable name, value: numpy.ndarray with shape (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, ...) wmodel: foxes.core.WakeModel The wake model """ # check: self.check_wmodel(wmodel, error=True) # prepare: n_states = mdata.n_states n_targets = tdata.n_targets # get D: D = self.get_data( FV.D, FC.STATE_TARGET, lookup="w", algo=algo, fdata=fdata, tdata=tdata, downwind_index=downwind_index, upcast=True, ) # calc coordinates to rotor centres: wcoos = algo.wake_frame.get_wake_coos(algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index) # prepare x and r coordinates: x = wcoos[..., 0, 0] n = wcoos[..., 0, 1:3] R = np.linalg.norm(n, axis=-1) r = np.zeros((n_states, n_targets, self.n), dtype=config.dtype_double) del wcoos # prepare circle section area calculation: A = np.zeros((n_states, n_targets, self.n), dtype=config.dtype_double) weights = np.zeros_like(A) # get normalized 2D vector between rotor and wake centres: sel = R > 0 if np.any(sel): n[sel] /= R[sel][:, None] if np.any(~sel): n[:, :, 0][~sel] = 1 # case wake centre outside rotor disk: sel = (x > 1e-8) & (R > D / 2) if np.any(sel): n_sel = np.sum(sel) Rsel = np.zeros((n_sel, self.n + 1), dtype=config.dtype_double) Rsel[:] = R[sel][:, None] Dsel = D[sel][:, None] # equal delta R2: R1 = np.zeros((n_sel, self.n + 1), dtype=config.dtype_double) R1[:] = Dsel / 2 steps = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, self.n + 1, endpoint=True) - 0.5 R2 = np.zeros_like(R1) R2[:] = Rsel + Dsel * steps[None, :] r[sel] = 0.5 * (R2[:, 1:] + R2[:, :-1]) hA = calc_area(R1, R2, Rsel) hA = hA[:, 1:] - hA[:, :-1] + 1e-15 weights[sel] = hA / np.sum(hA, axis=-1)[:, None] del hA, Rsel, Dsel, R1, R2 # case wake centre inside rotor disk: sel = (x > 0) & (R < D / 2) if np.any(sel): n_sel = np.sum(sel) Rsel = np.zeros((n_sel, self.n + 1), dtype=config.dtype_double) Rsel[:] = R[sel][:, None] Dsel = D[sel][:, None] # equal delta R2: R1 = np.zeros((n_sel, self.n + 1), dtype=config.dtype_double) R1[:, 1:] = Dsel / 2 R2 = np.zeros_like(R1) # R2[:, 1:] = Rsel[:, :-1] + Dsel/2 # R2[:] *= np.linspace(0., 1, self.n + 1, endpoint=True)[None, :] R2[:, 1:] = (Rsel[:, :-1] + Dsel / 2) / (self.n - 0.5) R2[:, 1:] *= ( 0.5 + np.linspace(0.0, self.n - 1, self.n, endpoint=True)[None, :] ) hr = 0.5 * (R2[:, 1:] + R2[:, :-1]) hr[:, 0] = 0.0 r[sel] = hr hA = calc_area(R1, R2, Rsel) hA = hA[:, 1:] - hA[:, :-1] weights[sel] = hA / np.sum(hA, axis=-1)[:, None] del hA, hr, Rsel, Dsel, R1, R2 # evaluate wake model: wdeltas, st_sel = wmodel.calc_wakes_x_r( algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index, x, r ) for v, wdel in wdeltas.items(): d = np.einsum("sn,sn->s", wdel, weights[st_sel]) try: superp = wmodel.superp[v] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"Model '{}': Missing wake superposition entry for variable '{v}' in wake model '{}', found {sorted(list(wmodel.superp.keys()))}" ) wake_deltas[v] = superp.add_wake( algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index, st_sel, v, wake_deltas[v], d[:, None], )