Source code for foxes.models.rotor_models.centre

import numpy as np

from foxes.core import RotorModel
from foxes.utils import wd2uv, uv2wd
import foxes.variables as FV
from foxes.config import config

[docs] class CentreRotor(RotorModel): """ The centre rotor model. Evaluates states at a single point, located at the rotor centre. :group: models.rotor_models """
[docs] def n_rotor_points(self): """ The number of rotor points Returns ------- n_rpoints: int The number of rotor points """ return 1
[docs] def design_points(self): """ The rotor model design points. Design points are formulated in rotor plane (x,y,z)-coordinates in rotor frame, such that - (0,0,0) is the centre point, - (1,0,0) is the point radius * n_rotor_axis - (0,1,0) is the point radius * n_rotor_side - (0,0,1) is the point radius * n_rotor_up Returns ------- dpoints: numpy.ndarray The design points, shape: (n_points, 3) """ return np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
[docs] def rotor_point_weights(self): """ The weights of the rotor points Returns ------- weights: numpy.ndarray The weights of the rotor points, add to one, shape: (n_rpoints,) """ return np.array([1.0])
[docs] def get_rotor_points(self, algo, mdata, fdata): """ Calculates rotor points from design points. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data Returns ------- points: numpy.ndarray The rotor points, shape: (n_states, n_turbines, n_rpoints, 3) """ return fdata[FV.TXYH][:, :, None, :]
[docs] def eval_rpoint_results( self, algo, mdata, fdata, rpoint_results, rpoint_weights, downwind_index=None, copy_to_ambient=False, ): """ Evaluate rotor point results. This function modifies `fdata`, either for all turbines or one turbine per state, depending on parameter `states_turbine`. In the latter case, the turbine dimension of the `rpoint_results` is expected to have size one. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data rpoint_results: dict The results at rotor points. Keys: variable str. Values: numpy.ndarray, shape if `states_turbine` is None: (n_states, n_turbines, n_rpoints). Else: (n_states, 1, n_rpoints) weights: numpy.ndarray The rotor point weights, shape: (n_rpoints,) downwind_index: int, optional The index in the downwind order copy_to_ambient: bool If `True`, the fdata results are copied to ambient variables after calculation """ if len(rpoint_weights) > 1: return super().eval_rpoint_results( algo, mdata, fdata, rpoint_results, rpoint_weights, downwind_index ) n_states = mdata.n_states n_turbines = algo.n_turbines for v in [FV.REWS2, FV.REWS3]: if v in fdata and v not in self.calc_vars: self.calc_vars.append(v) uvp = None uv = None if ( FV.WS in self.calc_vars or FV.WD in self.calc_vars or FV.YAW in self.calc_vars or FV.REWS in self.calc_vars or FV.REWS2 in self.calc_vars or FV.REWS3 in self.calc_vars ): wd = rpoint_results[FV.WD] ws = rpoint_results[FV.WS] uvp = wd2uv(wd, ws, axis=-1) uv = uvp[:, :, 0] wd = None vdone = [] for v in self.calc_vars: if v not in fdata: fdata[v] = np.zeros((n_states, n_turbines), dtype=config.dtype_double) if v == FV.WD or v == FV.YAW: if wd is None: wd = uv2wd(uv, axis=-1) self._set_res(fdata, v, wd, downwind_index) vdone.append(v) elif v == FV.WS: self._set_res(fdata, v, ws[:, :, 0], downwind_index) del ws vdone.append(v) del uv, wd if ( FV.REWS in self.calc_vars or FV.REWS2 in self.calc_vars or FV.REWS3 in self.calc_vars ): if downwind_index is None: yaw = fdata[FV.YAW] else: yaw = fdata[FV.YAW][:, downwind_index, None] nax = wd2uv(yaw, axis=-1) wsp = np.einsum("stpd,std->stp", uvp, nax) for v in self.calc_vars: if v == FV.REWS or v == FV.REWS2 or v == FV.REWS3: rews = wsp[:, :, 0] self._set_res(fdata, v, rews, downwind_index) del rews vdone.append(v) del wsp del uvp for v in self.calc_vars: if v not in vdone and ( fdata[v].shape[1] > 1 or downwind_index is None or downwind_index == 0 ): res = rpoint_results[v][:, :, 0] self._set_res(fdata, v, res, downwind_index) del res if copy_to_ambient and v in FV.var2amb: fdata[FV.var2amb[v]] = fdata[v].copy()