Source code for foxes.models.turbine_models.kTI_model

import numpy as np

from foxes.core import TurbineModel
from foxes.config import config
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC

[docs] class kTI(TurbineModel): """ Calculates the wake model parameter `k` as a linear function of `TI`. Attributes ---------- ti_var: str The `TI` variable name k_var: str The variable name for k :group: models.turbine_models """
[docs] def __init__(self, kTI=None, kb=None, ti_var=FV.TI, ti_val=None, k_var=FV.K): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- kTI: float, optional Uniform value for `kTI`. If not given it will be searched in farm data kb: float, optional Uniform value for `kb`. If not given it will be searched in farm data, and zero by default ti_var: str The `TI` variable name ti_val: float, optional The uniform value of `TI`. If not given it will be searched in farm data k_var: str The variable name for k """ super().__init__() self.ti_var = ti_var self.k_var = k_var setattr(self, ti_var, ti_val) setattr(self, FV.KTI, kTI) setattr(self, FV.KB, 0 if kb is None else kb)
[docs] def __repr__(self): kti = getattr(self, FV.KTI) kb = getattr(self, FV.KB) ti = getattr(self, self.ti_var) tiv = f", ti_val={ti}" if ti is not None else "" a = f"kTI={kti}, kb={kb}, ti_var={self.ti_var}{tiv}, k_var={self.k_var}" return f"{type(self).__name__}({a})"
[docs] def output_farm_vars(self, algo): """ The variables which are being modified by the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm Returns ------- output_vars: list of str The output variable names """ return [self.k_var]
[docs] def calculate(self, algo, mdata, fdata, st_sel): """ The main model calculation. This function is executed on a single chunk of data, all computations should be based on numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data st_sel: slice or numpy.ndarray of bool The state-turbine selection, for shape: (n_states, n_turbines) Returns ------- results: dict The resulting data, keys: output variable str. Values: numpy.ndarray with shape (n_states, n_turbines) """ kti = self.get_data( FV.KTI, FC.STATE_TURBINE, lookup="sf", fdata=fdata, upcast=False, selection=st_sel, ) kb = self.get_data( FV.KB, FC.STATE_TURBINE, lookup="sf", fdata=fdata, upcast=False, selection=st_sel, ) ti = self.get_data( self.ti_var, FC.STATE_TURBINE, lookup="f", fdata=fdata, upcast=False, selection=st_sel, ) k = fdata.get( self.k_var, np.zeros((fdata.n_states, fdata.n_turbines), dtype=config.dtype_double), ) k[st_sel] = kti * ti + kb return {self.k_var: k}