Source code for foxes.models.turbine_models.power_mask

import numpy as np

from foxes.core import TurbineModel
from foxes.config import config
from foxes.utils import cubic_roots
import foxes.variables as FV

[docs] class PowerMask(TurbineModel): """ Invokes a maximal power value. This may correspond to turbine derating, if the maximal power value is below rated power. For higher values, a boost is introduced. The model updates the P and CT variables, so it is wise to use it after calling the turbine type model. Attributes ---------- var_ws_P: str The wind speed variable for power lookup factor_P: float The power unit factor, e.g. 1000 for kW P_lim: float Threshold power delta for boosts induction: foxes.core.AxialInductionModel The induction model :group: models.turbine_models """
[docs] def __init__( self, var_ws_P=FV.REWS3, factor_P=1.0e3, P_lim=100, induction="Betz", ): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- var_ws_P: str The wind speed variable for power lookup factor_P: float The power unit factor, e.g. 1000 for kW P_lim: float Threshold power delta for boosts induction: foxes.core.AxialInductionModel or str The induction model """ super().__init__() self.var_ws_P = var_ws_P self.factor_P = factor_P self.P_lim = P_lim self.induction = induction
[docs] def __repr__(self): iname = ( self.induction if isinstance(self.induction, str) else ) a = f"var_ws_P={self.var_ws_P}, P_lim={self.P_lim}, induction={iname}" return f"{type(self).__name__}({a})"
[docs] def output_farm_vars(self, algo): """ The variables which are being modified by the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm Returns ------- output_vars: list of str The output variable names """ return [FV.P, FV.CT]
[docs] def sub_models(self): """ List of all sub-models Returns ------- smdls: list of foxes.core.Model All sub models """ return [self.induction]
[docs] def initialize(self, algo, verbosity=0): """ Initializes the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ if isinstance(self.induction, str): self.induction = algo.mbook.axial_induction[self.induction] super().initialize(algo, verbosity) self._P_rated = [] for t in algo.farm_controller.turbine_types: Pnom = config.dtype_double(t.P_nominal) if np.isnan(Pnom): raise ValueError( f"Model '{}': P_nominal is NaN for turbine type '{}'" ) self._P_rated.append(Pnom) self._P_rated = np.array(self._P_rated, dtype=config.dtype_double)
[docs] def calculate(self, algo, mdata, fdata, st_sel): """ The main model calculation. This function is executed on a single chunk of data, all computations should be based on numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data st_sel: slice or numpy.ndarray of bool The state-turbine selection, for shape: (n_states, n_turbines) Returns ------- results: dict The resulting data, keys: output variable str. Values: numpy.ndarray with shape (n_states, n_turbines) """ # prepare: P = fdata[FV.P] max_P = fdata[FV.MAX_P] P_rated = self._P_rated[None, :] # select power entries for which this is active: sel = np.zeros((fdata.n_states, fdata.n_turbines), dtype=bool) sel[st_sel] = True sel = ( sel & ~np.isnan(max_P) & ( ((max_P < P_rated) & (P > max_P)) | ((max_P > P_rated) & (P > P_rated - self.P_lim)) ) ) if np.any(sel): # apply selection: max_P = max_P[sel] ws = fdata[self.var_ws_P][sel] rho = fdata[FV.RHO][sel] r = fdata[FV.D][sel] / 2 P = P[sel] ct = fdata[FV.CT][sel] # calculate power efficiency e of turbine # e is the ratio of the cp derived from the power curve # and the theoretical cp from the turbine induction cp = P / (0.5 * ws**3 * rho * np.pi * r**2) * self.factor_P a = self.induction.ct2a(ct) cp_a = 4 * a**3 - 8 * a**2 + 4 * a e = cp / cp_a del cp, a, cp_a, ct, P # calculating new cp for changed power cp = max_P / (0.5 * ws**3 * rho * np.pi * r**2) * self.factor_P # find roots: N = len(cp) a3 = np.full(N, 4.0, dtype=config.dtype_double) a2 = np.full(N, -8.0, dtype=config.dtype_double) a1 = np.full(N, 4.0, dtype=config.dtype_double) a0 = -cp / e rts = cubic_roots(a0, a1, a2, a3) rts[np.isnan(rts)] = np.inf rts[rts <= 0.0] = np.inf a = np.min(rts, axis=1) del a0, a1, a2, a3, rts # set results: P = fdata[FV.P] ct = fdata[FV.CT] P[sel] = max_P ct[sel] = 4 * a * (1 - a) return {FV.P: fdata[FV.P], FV.CT: fdata[FV.CT]}