import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from foxes.core import TurbineModel
from foxes.utils import PandasFileHelper
from foxes.config import get_input_path
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC
class SectorManagement(TurbineModel):
Changes variables based on variable range conditions.
source: str or pandas.DataFrame
The file path or data
:group: models.turbine_models
def __init__(
var_periods={FV.WD: 360.0, FV.AMB_WD: 360.0},
data_source: str or pandas.DataFrame
The file path or data
range_vars: list of str
The variables for which (min, max) ranges
are specified in the data
target_vars: list of str
The variables that change if range variables
are within specified ranges
col_tinds: str, optional
The turbine index column name in the data
col_tnames: str, optional
The turbine name column name in the data
colmap: dict
Mapping from expected to existing
column names
var_periods: dict
Periods for periodic variables
pd_file_read_pars: dict
Parameters for pandas file reading
self.source = data_source
self._col_i = col_tinds
self._col_t = col_tnames
self._rvars = range_vars
self._tvars = target_vars
self._colmap = colmap
self._perds = var_periods
self._rpars = pd_file_read_pars
self._rdata = None
self._tdata = None
self._trbs = None
def initialize(self, algo, verbosity=0):
Initializes the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
super().initialize(algo, verbosity)
if isinstance(self.source, pd.DataFrame):
data = self.source
fpath = get_input_path(self.source)
if verbosity > 0:
print(f"{}: Reading file {fpath}")
data = PandasFileHelper.read_file(fpath, **self._rpars)
if self._trbs is None:
if self._col_i is not None and self._col_t is None:
elif self._col_i is None and self._col_t is not None:
tnames =
inds = [tnames.index(name) for name in data[self._col_t]]
data[FC.TURBINE] = inds
self._col_i = FC.TURBINE
raise KeyError(
f"{}: Please either specify 'col_tinds' or 'col_tnames'"
self._trbs = data[self._col_i].to_numpy()
n_trbs = len(self._trbs)
self._rcols = []
for v in self._rvars:
col_vmin = f"{v}_min"
col_vmin = self._colmap.get(col_vmin, col_vmin)
if col_vmin not in data.columns:
raise KeyError(
f"{}: Missing column '{col_vmin}', maybe add it to 'colmap'?"
col_vmax = f"{v}_max"
col_vmax = self._colmap.get(col_vmax, col_vmax)
if col_vmax not in data.columns:
raise KeyError(
f"{}: Missing column '{col_vmax}', maybe add it to 'colmap'?"
self._rcols += [col_vmin, col_vmax]
self._tcols = []
for v in self._tvars:
col = self._colmap.get(v, v)
if col not in data.columns:
raise KeyError(
f"{}: Missing column '{col}', maybe add it to 'colmap'?"
n_rvars = len(self._rvars)
self._rdata = data[self._rcols].to_numpy().reshape(n_trbs, n_rvars, 2)
self._tdata = data[self._tcols].to_numpy()
for vi, v in enumerate(self._rvars):
if v in self._perds:
self._rdata[:, vi] = np.mod(self._rdata[:, vi], self._perds[v])
def output_farm_vars(self, algo):
The variables which are being modified by the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
output_vars: list of str
The output variable names
return self._tvars
def calculate(self, algo, mdata, fdata, st_sel):
The main model calculation.
This function is executed on a single chunk of data,
all computations should be based on numpy arrays.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
mdata: foxes.core.MData
The model data
fdata: foxes.core.FData
The farm data
st_sel: slice or numpy.ndarray of bool
The state-turbine selection,
for shape: (n_states, n_turbines)
results: dict
The resulting data, keys: output variable str.
Values: numpy.ndarray with shape (n_states, n_turbines)
# prepare:
n_trbs = len(self._trbs)
if n_trbs == fdata.n_turbines and np.all(
self._trbs == np.arange(fdata.n_turbines)
tsel = np.s_[:]
tsel = self._trbs
# find state-turbine data that matches ranges:
rsel = np.ones((fdata.n_states, n_trbs), dtype=bool)
for vi, v in enumerate(self._rvars):
d = fdata[v][:, tsel]
if v in self._perds:
d = np.mod(d, self._perds[v])
mi = self._rdata[:, vi, 0]
ma = self._rdata[:, vi, 1]
sel = ma < mi
if np.any(sel):
rsel[:, sel] = rsel[:, sel] & (
(d[:, sel] >= mi[sel]) | (d[:, sel] < ma[sel])
if np.any(~sel):
rsel[:, ~sel] = (
rsel[:, ~sel]
& (d[:, ~sel] >= mi[~sel])
& (d[:, ~sel] < ma[~sel])
rsel = (
& (d >= self._rdata[None, :, vi, 0])
& (d < self._rdata[None, :, vi, 1])
# set target data:
if np.any(rsel):
sel = np.where(rsel)
selt = self._trbs[sel[1]]
for vi, v in enumerate(self._tvars):
fdata[v][sel[0], selt] = self._tdata[None, sel[1], vi]
return {v: fdata[v] for v in self._tvars}