import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from foxes.core import WakeFrame, TData
from foxes.utils import wd2uv
from foxes.algorithms.iterative import Iterative
from foxes.config import config
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC
class DynamicWakes(WakeFrame):
Dynamic wakes for any kind of timeseries states.
max_age: int
The maximal number of wake steps
cl_ipars: dict
Interpolation parameters for centre line
point interpolation
dt_min: float
The delta t value in minutes,
if not from timeseries data
:group: models.wake_frames
def __init__(
max_length_km: float
The maximal wake length in km
max_age: int, optional
The maximal number of wake steps
max_age_mean_ws: float
The mean wind speed for the max_age calculation,
if the latter is not given
cl_ipars: dict
Interpolation parameters for centre line
point interpolation
dt_min: float, optional
The delta t value in minutes,
if not from timeseries data
kwargs: dict, optional
Additional parameters for the base class
super().__init__(max_length_km=max_length_km, **kwargs)
self.max_age = max_age
self.cl_ipars = cl_ipars
self.dt_min = dt_min
self._mage_ws = max_age_mean_ws
def __repr__(self):
return f"{type(self).__name__}(dt_min={self.dt_min}, max_length_km={self.max_length_km}, max_age={self.max_age})"
def initialize(self, algo, verbosity=0):
Initializes the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
if not isinstance(algo, Iterative):
raise TypeError(
f"Incompatible algorithm type {type(algo).__name__}, expecting {Iterative.__name__}"
super().initialize(algo, verbosity)
# get and check times:
times = np.asarray(algo.states.index())
if self.dt_min is None:
if not np.issubdtype(times.dtype, np.datetime64):
raise TypeError(
f"{}: Expecting state index of type np.datetime64, found {times.dtype}"
elif len(times) == 1:
raise KeyError(
f"{}: Expecting 'dt_min' for single step timeseries"
self._dt = (
(times[1:] - times[:-1])
n = max(len(times) - 1, 1)
self._dt = np.full(n, self.dt_min * 60, dtype="timedelta64[s]").astype(
self._dt = np.append(self._dt, self._dt[-1, None], axis=0)
# find max age if not given:
if self.max_age is None:
step = np.mean(self._mage_ws * self._dt)
self.max_age = max(int(self.max_length_km * 1e3 / step), 1)
if verbosity > 0:
f"{}: Assumed mean step = {step} m, setting max_age = {self.max_age}"
self.DATA = self.var("data")
self.UPDATE = self.var("update")
def calc_order(self, algo, mdata, fdata):
Calculates the order of turbine evaluation.
This function is executed on a single chunk of data,
all computations should be based on numpy arrays.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
mdata: foxes.core.MData
The model data
fdata: foxes.core.FData
The farm data
order: numpy.ndarray
The turbine order, shape: (n_states, n_turbines)
order = np.zeros((fdata.n_states, fdata.n_turbines), dtype=config.dtype_int)
order[:] = np.arange(fdata.n_turbines)[None, :]
return order
def _calc_wakes(self, algo, mdata, fdata, downwind_index):
"""Helper function that computes the dynamic wakes"""
# prepare:
n_states = mdata.n_states
rxyh = fdata[FV.TXYH][:, downwind_index]
i0 = mdata.states_i0(counter=True)
i1 = i0 + n_states
dt = self._dt[i0:i1]
tdi = {
for v in algo.states.output_point_vars(algo)
key = f"{self.DATA}_{downwind_index}"
ukey_fun = lambda fr, to: f"{self.UPDATE}_dw{downwind_index}_from_{fr}_to_{to}"
# compute wakes that start within this chunk: x, y, z, length
data = algo.get_from_chunk_store(name=key, mdata=mdata, error=False)
if data is None:
data = np.full(
(n_states, self.max_age, 4), np.nan, dtype=config.dtype_double
data[:, 0, :3] = rxyh
data[:, 0, 3] = 0
tdt = {
v: np.zeros((n_states, 1, 1), dtype=config.dtype_double)
for v in tdi.keys()
pts = data[:, 0, :3].copy()
for age in range(self.max_age - 1):
if age == n_states:
elif age == 0:
hmdata = mdata
hfdata = fdata
htdata = TData.from_points(points=pts[:, None], data=tdt, dims=tdi)
hdt = dt[:, None]
s = np.s_[age:]
pts = pts[:-1]
hmdata = mdata.get_slice(FC.STATE, s)
hfdata = fdata.get_slice(FC.STATE, s)
htdt = {v: d[s] for v, d in tdt.items()}
htdata = TData.from_points(points=pts[:, None], data=htdt, dims=tdi)
hdt = dt[s, None]
del htdt, s
res = algo.states.calculate(algo, hmdata, hfdata, htdata)
del hmdata, hfdata, htdata
uv = wd2uv(res[FV.WD], res[FV.WS])[:, 0, 0]
dxy = uv * hdt
pts[:, :2] += dxy
s = np.s_[:-age] if age > 0 else np.s_[:]
data[s, age + 1, :3] = pts
data[s, age + 1, 3] = data[s, age, 3] + np.linalg.norm(dxy, axis=-1)
if age < self.max_age - 2:
s = ~np.isnan(data[:, age + 1, 3])
if np.min(data[s, age + 1, 3]) >= self.max_length_km * 1e3:
del res, uv, s, hdt, dxy
del pts, tdt
# store this chunk's results:
algo.add_to_chunk_store(key, data, mdata, copy=False)
# apply updates from future chunks:
for (j, t), cdict in algo.chunk_store.items():
uname = ukey_fun(j, i0)
if j > i0 and t == 0 and uname in cdict:
u = cdict[uname]
if u is not None:
sel = np.isnan(data) & ~np.isnan(u)
if np.any(sel):
data[:] = np.where(sel, u, data)
cdict[uname] = None
del sel
del u
# compute wakes from previous chunks:
prev = 0
wi0 = i0
data = [data]
while True:
prev += 1
# read data from previous chunk:
hdata, (h_i0, h_n_states, __, __) = algo.get_from_chunk_store(
name=key, mdata=mdata, prev_s=prev, ret_inds=True, error=False
if hdata is None:
hdata = hdata.copy()
wi0 = h_i0
# select points with index+age=i0:
sts = np.arange(h_n_states)
ags = i0 - (h_i0 + sts)
sel = ags < self.max_age - 1
if np.any(sel):
sts = sts[sel]
ags = ags[sel]
pts = hdata[sts, ags, :3]
sel = (
np.all(~np.isnan(pts[:, :2]), axis=-1)
& np.any(np.isnan(hdata[sts, ags + 1, :2]), axis=-1)
& (hdata[sts, ags, 3] <= self.max_length_km * 1e3)
if np.any(sel):
sts = sts[sel]
ags = ags[sel]
pts = pts[sel]
n_pts = len(pts)
tdt = {
v: np.zeros((n_states, n_pts, 1), dtype=config.dtype_double)
for v in algo.states.output_point_vars(algo)
# compute single state wake propagation:
isnan0 = np.isnan(hdata)
for si in range(n_states):
s = slice(si, si + 1, None)
hmdata = mdata.get_slice(FC.STATE, s)
hfdata = fdata.get_slice(FC.STATE, s)
htdt = {v: d[s] for v, d in tdt.items()}
htdata = TData.from_points(
points=pts[None, :], data=htdt, dims=tdi
hdt = dt[s, None]
del htdt, s
res = algo.states.calculate(algo, hmdata, hfdata, htdata)
del hmdata, hfdata, htdata
uv = wd2uv(res[FV.WD], res[FV.WS])[0, :, 0]
dxy = uv * hdt
pts[:, :2] += dxy
del res, uv, hdt
ags += 1
hdata[sts, ags, :3] = pts
hdata[sts, ags, 3] = hdata[
sts, ags - 1, 3
] + np.linalg.norm(dxy, axis=-1)
del dxy
hsel = (h_i0 + sts + ags < i1) & (ags < self.max_age - 1)
if np.any(hsel):
sts = sts[hsel]
ags = ags[hsel]
pts = pts[hsel]
tdt = {v: d[:, hsel] for v, d in tdt.items()}
del hsel
del hsel
# store update:
sel = isnan0 & (~np.isnan(hdata))
if np.any(sel):
udata = np.full_like(hdata, np.nan)
udata[sel] = hdata[sel]
ukey_fun(i0, h_i0), udata, mdata=mdata, copy=False
del udata, tdt
del pts
# store prev chunk's results:
data.insert(0, hdata)
del sts, ags, sel
del hdata
return np.concatenate(data, axis=0), wi0
def get_wake_coos(
Calculate wake coordinates of rotor points.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
mdata: foxes.core.MData
The model data
fdata: foxes.core.FData
The farm data
tdata: foxes.core.TData
The target point data
downwind_index: int
The index of the wake causing turbine
in the downwind order
wake_coos: numpy.ndarray
The wake frame coordinates of the evaluation
points, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, 3)
# first compute dynamic wakes:
wdata, wi0 = self._calc_wakes(algo, mdata, fdata, downwind_index)
# prepare:
targets = tdata[FC.TARGETS]
n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints = targets.shape[:3]
n_points = n_targets * n_tpoints
points = targets.reshape(n_states, n_points, 3)
rxyh = fdata[FV.TXYH][:, downwind_index]
i0 = mdata.states_i0(counter=True)
# initialize:
wcoos = np.full((n_states, n_points, 3), 1e20, dtype=config.dtype_double)
wcoos[:, :, 2] = points[:, :, 2] - rxyh[:, None, 2]
wake_si = np.zeros((n_states, n_points), dtype=config.dtype_int)
wake_si[:] = i0 + np.arange(n_states)[:, None]
# find nearest wake point:
for si in range(n_states):
ags = np.arange(self.max_age)
sts = i0 + si - ags - wi0
sel = (sts >= 0) & (sts < len(wdata))
if np.any(sel):
sts = sts[sel]
ags = ags[sel]
sel = np.all(~np.isnan(wdata[sts, ags]), axis=-1)
if np.any(sel):
sts = sts[sel]
ags = ags[sel]
dists = cdist(points[si, :, :2], wdata[sts, ags, :2])
j = np.argmin(dists, axis=1)
sts = sts[j]
ags = ags[j]
wake_si[si] = sts + wi0
nx = wdata[sts, ags, :2]
dp = points[si, :, :2] - nx
sel = ags < self.max_age - 1
if np.any(sel):
nx[sel] = wdata[sts[sel], ags[sel] + 1, :2] - nx[sel]
if np.any(~sel):
nx[~sel] -= wdata[sts[~sel], ags[~sel] - 1, :2]
dx = np.linalg.norm(nx, axis=-1)
nx /= dx[:, None] + 1e-14
projx = np.einsum("sd,sd->s", dp, nx)
sel = (projx > -dx) & (projx < dx)
if np.any(sel):
ny = np.concatenate([-nx[:, 1, None], nx[:, 0, None]], axis=1)
wcoos[si, sel, 0] = projx[sel] + wdata[sts[sel], ags[sel], 3]
wcoos[si, sel, 1] = np.einsum("sd,sd->s", dp[sel], ny[sel])
# store turbines that cause wake:
tdata[FC.STATE_SOURCE_ORDERI] = downwind_index
# store states that cause wake for each target point,
# will be used by model.get_data() during wake calculation:
wake_si.reshape(n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints),
return wcoos.reshape(n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, 3)