import numpy as np
from xarray import Dataset
from foxes.core import WakeFrame, MData, FData, TData
from foxes.utils import wd2uv
from foxes.algorithms.iterative import Iterative
from foxes.config import config
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC
class Timelines(WakeFrame):
Dynamic wakes for spatially uniform timeseries states.
max_length_km: float
The maximal wake length in km
cl_ipars: dict
Interpolation parameters for centre line
point interpolation
dt_min: float
The delta t value in minutes,
if not from timeseries data
:group: models.wake_frames
def __init__(self, max_length_km=2e4, cl_ipars={}, dt_min=None, **kwargs):
max_length_km: float
The maximal wake length in km
cl_ipars: dict
Interpolation parameters for centre line
point interpolation
dt_min: float, optional
The delta t value in minutes,
if not from timeseries data
kwargs: dict, optional
Additional parameters for the base class
super().__init__(max_length_km=max_length_km, **kwargs)
self.cl_ipars = cl_ipars
self.dt_min = dt_min
def __repr__(self):
return f"{type(self).__name__}(dt_min={self.dt_min}, max_length_km={self.max_length_km})"
def _precalc_data(self, algo, states, heights, verbosity, needs_res=False):
"""Helper function for pre-calculation of ambient wind vectors"""
if verbosity > 0:
print(f"{}: Pre-calculating ambient wind vectors")
# get and check times:
times = np.asarray(states.index())
if self.dt_min is None:
if not np.issubdtype(times.dtype, np.datetime64):
raise TypeError(
f"{}: Expecting state index of type np.datetime64, found {times.dtype}"
elif len(times) == 1:
raise KeyError(
f"{}: Expecting 'dt_min' for single step timeseries"
dt = (
(times[1:] - times[:-1])
n = max(len(times) - 1, 1)
dt = np.full(n, self.dt_min * 60, dtype="timedelta64[s]").astype(
# prepare mdata:
data = algo.get_model_data(states)["coords"]
mdict = {v: np.array(d) for v, d in data.items()}
mdims = {v: (v,) for v in data.keys()}
data = algo.get_model_data(states)["data_vars"]
mdict.update({v: d[1] for v, d in data.items()})
mdims.update({v: d[0] for v, d in data.items()})
mdata = MData(mdict, mdims, loop_dims=[FC.STATE], states_i0=0)
del mdict, mdims, data
# prepare fdata:
fdata = FData({}, {}, loop_dims=[FC.STATE])
# prepare tdata:
n_states = states.size()
data = {
v: np.zeros((n_states, 1, 1), dtype=config.dtype_double)
for v in states.output_point_vars(algo)
pdims = {v: (FC.STATE, FC.TARGET, FC.TPOINT) for v in data.keys()}
points = np.zeros((n_states, 1, 3), dtype=config.dtype_double)
# calculate all heights:
self.timelines_data = {"dxy": (("height", FC.STATE, "dir"), [])}
weight_data = None
for h in heights:
if verbosity > 0:
print(f" Height: {h} m")
points[..., 2] = h
tdata = TData.from_points(
res = states.calculate(algo, mdata, fdata, tdata)
if weight_data is None:
weight_data = ((FC.STATE,), tdata[FV.WEIGHT][:, 0, 0])
elif not np.all(tdata[FV.WEIGHT] == weight_data[1]):
raise AssertionError(
f"States '{}': weight data mismatch between heights"
del tdata
uv = wd2uv(res[FV.WD], res[FV.WS])[:, 0, 0, :2]
if len(dt) == 1:
dxy = uv * dt[0]
dxy = uv[:-1] * dt[:, None]
dxy = np.append(dxy, uv[-1, None, :] * dt[-1], axis=0)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xy = np.array([np.sum(self.timelines_data[h][:n], axis=0) for n in range(len(self.timelines_data[h]))])
plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1])
plt.title(f"Height {h} m")
if needs_res:
if "U" not in self.timelines_data:
self.timelines_data["U"] = (("height", FC.STATE), [])
self.timelines_data["V"] = (("height", FC.STATE), [])
self.timelines_data["U"][1].append(uv[:, 0])
self.timelines_data["V"][1].append(uv[:, 1])
for v in states.output_point_vars(algo):
if v not in [FV.WS, FV.WD]:
if v not in self.timelines_data:
self.timelines_data[v] = (("height", FC.STATE), [])
self.timelines_data[v][1].append(res[v][:, 0, 0])
del res, uv, dxy
self.timelines_data = Dataset(
FC.STATE: states.index(),
"height": heights,
v: (d[0], np.stack(d[1], axis=0))
for v, d in self.timelines_data.items()
return weight_data
def initialize(self, algo, verbosity=0):
Initializes the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
if not isinstance(algo, Iterative):
raise TypeError(
f"Incompatible algorithm type {type(algo).__name__}, expecting {Iterative.__name__}"
super().initialize(algo, verbosity)
# find turbine hub heights:
t2h = np.zeros(algo.n_turbines, dtype=config.dtype_double)
for ti, t in enumerate(
t2h[ti] = (
t.H if t.H is not None else algo.farm_controller.turbine_types[ti].H
heights = np.unique(t2h)
# pre-calc data:
from foxes.input.states import OnePointFlowTimeseries
if isinstance(algo.states, OnePointFlowTimeseries):
self._precalc_data(algo, algo.states.base_states, heights, verbosity)
self._precalc_data(algo, algo.states, heights, verbosity)
def set_running(
Sets this model status to running, and moves
all large data to stash.
The stashed data will be returned by the
unset_running() function after running calculations.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
data_stash: dict
Large data stash, this function adds data here.
Key: model name. Value: dict, large model data
sel: dict, optional
The subset selection dictionary
isel: dict, optional
The index subset selection dictionary
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
super().set_running(algo, data_stash, sel, isel, verbosity)
if sel is not None or isel is not None:
data_stash[]["data"] = self.timelines_data
if isel is not None:
self.timelines_data = self.timelines_data.isel(isel)
if sel is not None:
self.timelines_data = self.timelines_data.sel(sel)
def unset_running(
Sets this model status to not running, recovering large data
from stash
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
data_stash: dict
Large data stash, this function adds data here.
Key: model name. Value: dict, large model data
sel: dict, optional
The subset selection dictionary
isel: dict, optional
The index subset selection dictionary
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
super().unset_running(algo, data_stash, sel, isel, verbosity)
data = data_stash[]
if "data" in data:
self.timelines_data = data.pop("data")
def calc_order(self, algo, mdata, fdata):
Calculates the order of turbine evaluation.
This function is executed on a single chunk of data,
all computations should be based on numpy arrays.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
mdata: foxes.core.MData
The model data
fdata: foxes.core.FData
The farm data
order: numpy.ndarray
The turbine order, shape: (n_states, n_turbines)
order = np.zeros((fdata.n_states, fdata.n_turbines), dtype=config.dtype_int)
order[:] = np.arange(fdata.n_turbines)[None, :]
return order
def get_wake_coos(
Calculate wake coordinates of rotor points.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
mdata: foxes.core.MData
The model data
fdata: foxes.core.FData
The farm data
tdata: foxes.core.TData
The target point data
downwind_index: int
The index of the wake causing turbine
in the downwind order
wake_coos: numpy.ndarray
The wake frame coordinates of the evaluation
points, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, 3)
# prepare:
targets = tdata[FC.TARGETS]
n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints = targets.shape[:3]
n_points = n_targets * n_tpoints
points = targets.reshape(n_states, n_points, 3)
rxyz = fdata[FV.TXYH][:, downwind_index]
theights = fdata[FV.H][:, downwind_index]
heights = self.timelines_data["height"].to_numpy()
data_dxy = self.timelines_data["dxy"].to_numpy()
D = np.zeros((n_states, n_points), dtype=config.dtype_double)
D[:] = fdata[FV.D][:, downwind_index, None]
wcoos = np.full((n_states, n_points, 3), 1e20, dtype=config.dtype_double)
wcoosx = wcoos[:, :, 0]
wcoosy = wcoos[:, :, 1]
wcoos[:, :, 2] = points[:, :, 2] - rxyz[:, None, 2]
i0 = mdata.states_i0(counter=True)
i1 = i0 + mdata.n_states
trace_si = np.zeros((n_states, n_points), dtype=config.dtype_int)
trace_si[:] = i0 + np.arange(n_states)[:, None]
for hi, h in enumerate(heights):
dxy = data_dxy[hi][:i1]
precond = theights[:, None] == h
trace_p = np.zeros((n_states, n_points, 2), dtype=config.dtype_double)
trace_p[:] = points[:, :, :2] - rxyz[:, None, :2]
trace_l = np.zeros((n_states, n_points), dtype=config.dtype_double)
trace_d = np.full((n_states, n_points), np.inf, dtype=config.dtype_double)
h_trace_si = trace_si.copy()
# flake8: noqa: F821
def _update_wcoos(sel):
"""Local function that updates coordinates and source times"""
nonlocal wcoosx, wcoosy, trace_si
d = np.linalg.norm(trace_p, axis=-1)
sel = sel & (d <= trace_d)
if np.any(sel):
trace_d[sel] = d[sel]
nx = dxy[h_trace_si[sel]]
dx = np.linalg.norm(nx, axis=-1)
nx /= dx[:, None]
trp = trace_p[sel]
projx = np.einsum("sd,sd->s", trp, nx)
seln = (projx > -dx) & (projx < dx)
if np.any(seln):
wcoosx[sel] = np.where(seln, projx + trace_l[sel], wcoosx[sel])
ny = np.concatenate([-nx[:, 1, None], nx[:, 0, None]], axis=1)
projy = np.einsum("sd,sd->s", trp, ny)
wcoosy[sel] = np.where(seln, projy, wcoosy[sel])
del ny, projy
trace_si[sel] = np.where(seln, h_trace_si[sel], trace_si[sel])
# step backwards in time, until wake source turbine is hit:
while True:
sel = precond & (h_trace_si > 0) & (trace_l < self.max_length_km * 1e3)
if np.any(sel):
h_trace_si[sel] -= 1
delta = dxy[h_trace_si[sel]]
dmag = np.linalg.norm(delta, axis=-1)
trace_p[sel] -= delta
trace_l[sel] += dmag
del delta, dmag
# check if this is closer to turbine:
del sel
del sel
del trace_p, trace_l, trace_d, h_trace_si, dxy, precond
# store turbines that cause wake:
trace_si = np.minimum(trace_si, i0 + np.arange(n_states)[:, None])
tdata[FC.STATE_SOURCE_ORDERI] = downwind_index
# store states that cause wake for each target point,
# will be used by model.get_data() during wake calculation:
trace_si.reshape(n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints),
return wcoos.reshape(n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, 3)
def get_centreline_points(self, algo, mdata, fdata, downwind_index, x):
Gets the points along the centreline for given
values of x.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
mdata: foxes.core.MData
The model data
fdata: foxes.core.FData
The farm data
downwind_index: int
The index in the downwind order
x: numpy.ndarray
The wake frame x coordinates, shape: (n_states, n_points)
points: numpy.ndarray
The centreline points, shape: (n_states, n_points, 3)
# prepare:
n_states, n_points = x.shape
rxyz = fdata[FV.TXYH][:, downwind_index]
theights = fdata[FV.H][:, downwind_index]
heights = self.timelines_data["height"].to_numpy()
data_dxy = self.timelines_data["dxy"].to_numpy()
points = np.zeros((n_states, n_points, 3), dtype=config.dtype_double)
points[:] = rxyz[:, None, :]
trace_dp = np.zeros_like(points[..., :2])
trace_l = x.copy()
trace_si = np.zeros((n_states, n_points), dtype=config.dtype_int)
trace_si[:] = np.arange(n_states)[:, None]
for hi, h in enumerate(heights):
precond = theights == h
if np.any(precond):
sel = precond[:, None] & (trace_l > 0)
while np.any(sel):
dxy = data_dxy[hi][trace_si[sel]]
trl = trace_l[sel]
trp = trace_dp[sel]
dl = np.linalg.norm(dxy, axis=-1)
cl = np.abs(trl - dl) < np.abs(trl)
if np.any(cl):
trace_l[sel] = np.where(cl, trl - dl, trl)
trace_dp[sel] = np.where(cl[:, None], trp + dxy, trp)
del trl, trp, dl, cl, dxy
trace_si[sel] -= 1
sel = precond[:, None] & (trace_l > 0) & (trace_si >= 0)
si = trace_si[precond] + 1
dxy = data_dxy[hi][si]
dl = np.linalg.norm(dxy, axis=-1)[:, :, None]
trl = trace_l[precond][:, :, None]
trp = trace_dp[precond]
sel = np.abs(trl) < 2 * dl
trace_dp[precond] = np.where(sel, trp - trl / dl * dxy, np.nan)
del si, dxy, dl, trl, trp, sel
del precond
del trace_si, trace_l
points[..., :2] += trace_dp
return points
def finalize(self, algo, verbosity=0):
Finalizes the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
super().finalize(algo, verbosity=verbosity)
self.timelines_data = None