Source code for foxes.models.wake_superpositions.ws_pow

import numpy as np

from foxes.core import WakeSuperposition
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC

[docs] class WSPow(WakeSuperposition): """ Power superposition of wind deficit results Attributes ---------- pow: float The power to which to take the wake results scale_amb: bool Flag for scaling wind deficit with ambient wind speed instead of waked wind speed lim_low: float Lower limit of the final waked wind speed lim_high: float Upper limit of the final waked wind speed :group: models.wake_superpositions """
[docs] def __init__(self, pow, scale_amb=False, lim_low=None, lim_high=None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- pow: float The power to which to take the wake results scale_amb: bool Flag for scaling wind deficit with ambient wind speed instead of waked wind speed lim_low: float Lower limit of the final waked wind speed lim_high: float Upper limit of the final waked wind speed """ super().__init__() self.pow = pow self.scale_amb = scale_amb self.lim_low = lim_low self.lim_high = lim_high
[docs] def __repr__(self): a = f"pow={self.pow}, scale_amb={self.scale_amb}, lim_low={self.lim_low}, lim_high={self.lim_high}" return f"{type(self).__name__}({a})"
[docs] def input_farm_vars(self, algo): """ The variables which are needed for running the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm Returns ------- input_vars: list of str The input variable names """ return [FV.AMB_REWS] if self.scale_amb else [FV.REWS]
[docs] def add_wake( self, algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index, st_sel, variable, wake_delta, wake_model_result, ): """ Add a wake delta to previous wake deltas, at rotor points. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data tdata: foxes.core.TData The target point data downwind_index: int The index of the wake causing turbine in the downwind order st_sel: numpy.ndarray of bool The selection of targets, shape: (n_states, n_targets) variable: str The variable name for which the wake deltas applies wake_delta: numpy.ndarray The original wake deltas, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, ...) wake_model_result: numpy.ndarray The new wake deltas of the selected rotors, shape: (n_st_sel, n_tpoints, ...) Returns ------- wdelta: numpy.ndarray The updated wake deltas, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, ...) """ if variable not in [FV.REWS, FV.REWS2, FV.REWS3, FV.WS]: raise ValueError( f"Superposition '{}': Expecting wind speed variable, got {variable}" ) if np.any(st_sel): scale = self.get_data( FV.AMB_REWS if self.scale_amb else FV.REWS, FC.STATE_TARGET_TPOINT, lookup="w", algo=algo, fdata=fdata, tdata=tdata, downwind_index=downwind_index, upcast=False, selection=st_sel, ) wake_delta[st_sel] += np.abs(scale * wake_model_result) ** self.pow return wake_delta
[docs] def calc_final_wake_delta( self, algo, mdata, fdata, variable, amb_results, wake_delta, ): """ Calculate the final wake delta after adding all contributions. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data variable: str The variable name for which the wake deltas applies amb_results: numpy.ndarray The ambient results at targets, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) wake_delta: numpy.ndarray The wake deltas at targets, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) Returns ------- final_wake_delta: numpy.ndarray The final wake delta, which will be added to the ambient results by simple plus operation. Shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) """ w = -(wake_delta ** (1 / self.pow)) if self.lim_low is not None: w = np.maximum(w, self.lim_low - amb_results) if self.lim_high is not None: w = np.minimum(w, self.lim_high - amb_results) return w
[docs] class WSPowLocal(WakeSuperposition): """ Local power superposition of wind deficit results Attributes ---------- pow: float The power to which to take the wake results lim_low: float Lower limit of the final waked wind speed lim_high: float Upper limit of the final waked wind speed :group: models.wake_superpositions """
[docs] def __init__(self, pow, lim_low=None, lim_high=None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- pow: float The power to which to take the wake results lim_low: float Lower limit of the final waked wind speed lim_high: float Upper limit of the final waked wind speed """ super().__init__() self.pow = pow self.lim_low = lim_low self.lim_high = lim_high
[docs] def __repr__(self): a = f"pow={self.pow}, lim_low={self.lim_low}, lim_high={self.lim_high}" return f"{type(self).__name__}({a})"
[docs] def input_farm_vars(self, algo): """ The variables which are needed for running the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm Returns ------- input_vars: list of str The input variable names """ return []
[docs] def add_wake( self, algo, mdata, fdata, tdata, downwind_index, st_sel, variable, wake_delta, wake_model_result, ): """ Add a wake delta to previous wake deltas, at rotor points. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data tdata: foxes.core.TData The target point data downwind_index: int The index of the wake causing turbine in the downwind order st_sel: numpy.ndarray of bool The selection of targets, shape: (n_states, n_targets) variable: str The variable name for which the wake deltas applies wake_delta: numpy.ndarray The original wake deltas, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, ...) wake_model_result: numpy.ndarray The new wake deltas of the selected rotors, shape: (n_st_sel, n_tpoints, ...) Returns ------- wdelta: numpy.ndarray The updated wake deltas, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, ...) """ if variable not in [FV.REWS, FV.REWS2, FV.REWS3, FV.WS]: raise ValueError( f"Superposition '{}': Expecting wind speed variable, got {variable}" ) if np.any(st_sel): wake_delta[st_sel] += np.abs(wake_model_result) ** self.pow return wake_delta
[docs] def calc_final_wake_delta( self, algo, mdata, fdata, variable, amb_results, wake_delta, ): """ Calculate the final wake delta after adding all contributions. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data variable: str The variable name for which the wake deltas applies amb_results: numpy.ndarray The ambient results at targets, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) wake_delta: numpy.ndarray The wake deltas at targets, shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) Returns ------- final_wake_delta: numpy.ndarray The final wake delta, which will be added to the ambient results by simple plus operation. Shape: (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) """ w = -(wake_delta ** (1 / self.pow)) * amb_results if self.lim_low is not None: w = np.maximum(w, self.lim_low - amb_results) if self.lim_high is not None: w = np.minimum(w, self.lim_high - amb_results) return w