Source code for foxes.utils.data_book

import importlib.resources as resources

from pathlib import Path

[docs] class DataBook: """ Container class for file paths, either directly given or as static data within a package. Parameters ---------- data_book: DataBook, optional A data book to start from Attributes ---------- dbase: dict The data base. Key: context str, value: dict (file name str to pathlib.Path) :group: utils """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_book=None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- data_book: DataBook, optional A data book to start from """ self.dbase = {} if data_book is not None: for c, d in data_book.items(): self.dbase[c] = {} self.dbase[c].update(d)
[docs] def add_data_package(self, context, package, file_sfx): """ Add static files from a package location. Parameters ---------- context: str The context package: str or package The package, must contain init file file_sfx: list of str File endings to include """ if context not in self.dbase: self.dbase[context] = {} if isinstance(file_sfx, str): file_sfx = [file_sfx] try: contents = [ for r in resources.files(package).iterdir() if r.is_file() ] except AttributeError: contents = list(resources.contents(package)) check_f = lambda f: any( [len(f) > len(s) and f[-len(s) :] == s for s in file_sfx] ) contents = [f for f in contents if check_f(f)] try: for f in contents: with resources.as_file(resources.files(package).joinpath(f)) as path: self.dbase[context][f] = path except AttributeError: for f in contents: with resources.path(package, f) as path: self.dbase[context][f] = path
[docs] def add_data_package_file(self, context, package, file_name): """ Add a static file from a package location. Parameters ---------- context: str The context package: str or package The package, must contain` file file_mane: str The file name """ if context not in self.dbase: self.dbase[context] = {} try: with resources.path(package, file_name) as path: self.dbase[context][file_name] = path except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( f"File '{file_name}' not found in package '{package}'" )
[docs] def add_files(self, context, file_paths): """ Add file paths Parameters ---------- context: str The context file_paths: list of str The file paths """ if context not in self.dbase: self.dbase[context] = {} for f in file_paths: path = Path(f) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"File '{path}' not found, cannot add to context '{context}'" ) self.dbase[context][] = path
[docs] def add_file(self, context, file_path): """ Add a file path Parameters ---------- context: str The context file_path: str The file path """ self.add_files(context, [file_path])
[docs] def get_file_path(self, context, file_name, check_raw=True, errors=True): """ Get path of a file Parameters ---------- context: str The context file_name: str The file name check_raw: bool Check if `file_name` exists as given, and in that case return the path errors: bool Flag for raising KeyError, otherwise return None, if context of file_name not found Returns ------- path: pathlib.Path The path """ if check_raw: path = Path(file_name) if path.is_file(): return path file_name = str(file_name) try: cdata = self.dbase[context] except KeyError: if not errors: return None raise KeyError( f"Context '{context}' not found in data book. Available: {sorted(list(self.dbase.keys()))}" ) try: return cdata[file_name] except KeyError: if not errors: return None raise KeyError( f"File '{file_name}' not found in context '{context}'. Available: {sorted(list(cdata.keys()))}" )
[docs] def toc(self, context): """ Get list of contents Parameters ---------- context: str The context Returns ------- keys: list of str The data keys """ return sorted(list(self.dbase[context].keys()))