Source code for foxes.utils.geom2d.area_geometry

import numpy as np
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

[docs] class AreaGeometry(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for closed 2D geometries. :group: utils.geom2d """
[docs] @abstractmethod def p_min(self): """ Returns minimal (x,y) point. Returns ------- p_min: numpy.ndarray The minimal (x,y) point, shape = (2,) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def p_max(self): """ Returns maximal (x,y) point. Returns ------- p_min: numpy.ndarray The maximal (x,y) point, shape = (2,) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def points_distance(self, points, return_nearest=False): """ Calculates point distances wrt boundary. Parameters ---------- points: numpy.ndarray The probe points, shape (n_points, 2) return_nearest: bool Flag for return of the nearest point on bundary Returns ------- dist: numpy.ndarray The smallest distances to the boundary, shape: (n_points,) p_nearest: numpy.ndarray, optional The nearest points on the boundary, if return_nearest is True, shape: (n_points, 2) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def points_inside(self, points): """ Tests if points are inside the geometry. Parameters ---------- points: numpy.ndarray The probe points, shape (n_points, 2) Returns ------- inside: numpy.ndarray True if point is inside, shape: (n_points,) """ pass
[docs] def add_to_figure( self, ax, show_boundary=False, fill_mode="inside_slategray", pars_boundary={}, pars_distance={}, ): """ Add image to (x,y) figure. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axis The axis object show_boundary: bool Add the boundary line to the image fill_mode: str, optional Fill the area. Options: dist, dist_inside, dist_outside, inside_<color>, outside_<color> pars_boundary: dict Parameters for boundary plotting command pars_distance: dict Parameters for distance plotting command """ if fill_mode is not None: if "Nx" in pars_distance or "Ny" in pars_distance: Nx = pars_distance.pop("Nx") Ny = pars_distance.pop("Ny") elif "N" in pars_distance: Nx = pars_distance.pop("N") Ny = Nx else: Nx = 500 Ny = 500 p0 = pars_distance.pop("p_min", self.p_min()) p1 = pars_distance.pop("p_max", self.p_max()) if np.isinf(p0[0]): q0 = self.inverse().p_min() a0 = ax.get_xlim()[0] p0[0] = a0 if a0 < q0[0] else q0[0] if np.isinf(p0[1]): q0 = self.inverse().p_min() a0 = ax.get_ylim()[0] p0[1] = a0 if a0 < q0[1] else q0[1] if np.isinf(p1[0]): q1 = self.inverse().p_max() a1 = ax.get_xlim()[1] p1[0] = a1 if a1 > q1[0] else q1[0] if np.isinf(p1[1]): q1 = self.inverse().p_max() a1 = ax.get_ylim()[1] p1[1] = a1 if a1 > q1[1] else q1[1] delta = p1 - p0 p0 -= 0.05 * delta p1 += 0.05 * delta x = np.linspace(p0[0], p1[0], Nx) y = np.linspace(p0[1], p1[1], Ny) pts = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, 2)) pts[..., 0] = x[:, None] pts[..., 1] = y[None, :] pts = pts.reshape(Nx * Ny, 2) pars = dict(shading="auto", cmap="magma_r", zorder=-100) sbar = True if fill_mode == "dist": dists = self.points_distance(pts).reshape(Nx, Ny) elif fill_mode == "dist_inside": ins = self.points_inside(pts) dists = np.full(Nx * Ny, np.nan, dtype=np.float64) dists[ins] = self.points_distance(pts[ins]) dists = dists.reshape(Nx, Ny) elif fill_mode[:7] == "inside_": ins = self.points_inside(pts) dists = np.full(Nx * Ny, np.nan, dtype=np.float64) dists[ins] = 1.0 dists = dists.reshape(Nx, Ny) pars["cmap"] = ListedColormap([fill_mode[7:]]) sbar = False elif fill_mode == "dist_outside": ins = self.points_inside(pts) dists = np.full(Nx * Ny, np.nan, dtype=np.float64) dists[~ins] = self.points_distance(pts[~ins]) dists = dists.reshape(Nx, Ny) elif fill_mode[:8] == "outside_": ins = self.points_inside(pts) dists = np.full(Nx * Ny, np.nan, dtype=np.float64) dists[~ins] = 1 dists = dists.reshape(Nx, Ny) pars["cmap"] = ListedColormap([fill_mode[8:]]) sbar = False else: raise ValueError( f"Illegal parameter 'fill_mode = {fill_mode}', expecting: None, dist, dist_inside, dist_outside" ) pars.update(pars_distance) im = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, dists.T, **pars) if sbar: plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation="vertical", label="distance") ax.autoscale_view() ax.set_xlabel("x [m]") ax.set_ylabel("y [m]") ax.set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box")
[docs] def inverse(self): """ Get the inverted geometry Returns ------- inverted: foxes.utils.geom2d.InvertedAreaGeometry The inverted geometry """ return InvertedAreaGeometry(self)
def __add__(self, g): if isinstance(g, list): return AreaUnion([self] + g) elif isinstance(g, AreaUnion): return AreaUnion([self] + g.geometries) else: return AreaUnion([self, g]) def __sub__(self, g): if isinstance(g, list): return AreaIntersection([self] + g.inverse()) else: return AreaIntersection([self, g.inverse()])
[docs] class InvertedAreaGeometry(AreaGeometry): """ Base class for inverted geometries. :group: utils.geom2d """
[docs] def __init__(self, geometry): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- geometry: geom2d.AreaGeometry The original geometry """ self._geometry = geometry
[docs] def p_min(self): """ Returns minimal (x,y) point. Returns ------- p_min: numpy.ndarray The minimal (x,y) point, shape = (2,) """ pmi = self._geometry.p_min() if not np.any(np.isinf(pmi)): return np.full(2, -np.inf, dtype=np.float64) elif isinstance(self._geometry, InvertedAreaGeometry): out = np.full(2, np.inf, dtype=np.float64) imi = self._geometry.inverse().p_min() for di in range(2): if np.isinf(pmi[di]) and not np.isinf(imi[di]): out[di] = np.minimum(out[di], imi[di]) if not np.isinf(pmi[di]): out[di] = -np.inf return out else: return np.full(2, -np.inf, dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def p_max(self): """ Returns maximal (x,y) point. Returns ------- p_min: numpy.ndarray The maximal (x,y) point, shape = (2,) """ pma = self._geometry.p_max() if not np.any(np.isinf(pma)): return np.full(2, np.inf, dtype=np.float64) elif isinstance(self._geometry, InvertedAreaGeometry): out = np.full(2, -np.inf, dtype=np.float64) ima = self._geometry.inverse().p_max() for di in range(2): if np.isinf(pma[di]) and not np.isinf(ima[di]): out[di] = np.maximum(out[di], ima[di]) if not np.isinf(pma[di]): out[di] = np.inf return out else: return np.full(2, np.inf, dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def points_distance(self, points, return_nearest=False): """ Calculates point distances wrt boundary. Parameters ---------- points: numpy.ndarray The probe points, shape (n_points, 2) return_nearest: bool Flag for return of the nearest point on bundary Returns ------- dist: numpy.ndarray The smallest distances to the boundary, shape: (n_points,) p_nearest: numpy.ndarray, optional The nearest points on the boundary, if return_nearest is True, shape: (n_points, 2) """ return self._geometry.points_distance(points, return_nearest)
[docs] def points_inside(self, points): """ Tests if points are inside the geometry. Parameters ---------- points: numpy.ndarray The probe points, shape (n_points, 2) Returns ------- inside: numpy.ndarray True if point is inside, shape: (n_points,) """ return ~self._geometry.points_inside(points)
[docs] def add_to_figure( self, ax, show_boundary=False, fill_mode="inside_slategray", pars_boundary={}, pars_distance={}, ): """ Add image to (x,y) figure. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axis The axis object show_boundary: bool Add the boundary line to the image fill_mode: str, optional Fill the area. Options: dist, dist_inside, dist_outside, inside_<color>, outside_<color> pars_boundary: dict Parameters for boundary plotting command pars_distance: dict Parameters for distance plotting command """ self._geometry.add_to_figure( ax, show_boundary, fill_mode=None, pars_boundary=pars_boundary, pars_distance={}, ) super().add_to_figure( ax, show_boundary, fill_mode, pars_boundary, pars_distance )
[docs] def inverse(self): """ Get the inverted geometry Returns ------- inverted: foxes.utils.geom2d.InvertedAreaGeometry The inverted geometry """ return self._geometry
[docs] class AreaUnion(AreaGeometry): """ The union of area geometries. Attributes ---------- geometries: list of geom2d.AreaGeometry The geometries :group: utils.geom2d """
[docs] def __init__(self, geometries): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- geometries: list of geom2d.AreaGeometry The geometries """ self.geometries = geometries
[docs] def p_min(self): """ Returns minimal (x,y) point. Returns ------- p_min: numpy.ndarray The minimal (x,y) point, shape = (2,) """ out = None for g in self.geometries: pmi = g.p_min() if out is None: out = pmi else: out = np.minimum(out, pmi) return out
[docs] def p_max(self): """ Returns maximal (x,y) point. Returns ------- p_min: numpy.ndarray The maximal (x,y) point, shape = (2,) """ out = None for g in self.geometries: pma = g.p_max() if out is None: out = pma else: out = np.maximum(out, pma) return out
[docs] def points_distance(self, points, return_nearest=False): """ Calculates point distances wrt boundary. Parameters ---------- points: numpy.ndarray The probe points, shape (n_points, 2) return_nearest: bool Flag for return of the nearest point on bundary Returns ------- dist: numpy.ndarray The smallest distances to the boundary, shape: (n_points,) p_nearest: numpy.ndarray, optional The nearest points on the boundary, if return_nearest is True, shape: (n_points, 2) """ if len(self.geometries) == 1: return self.geometries[0].points_distance(points, return_nearest) n_pts = len(points) dist = np.full(n_pts, np.inf, dtype=np.float64) pins = np.zeros(n_pts, dtype=bool) nerst = np.zeros((n_pts, 2), dtype=np.float64) if return_nearest else None for g in self.geometries: res = g.points_distance(points, return_nearest) ins = g.points_inside(points) d = res[0] if return_nearest else res # was outside, is outside: sel = ~pins & ~ins & (d < dist) if np.any(sel): dist[sel] = d[sel] if return_nearest: nerst[sel] = res[1][sel] # was outside, is inside: sel = ~pins & ins if np.any(sel): pins[sel] = True dist[sel] = d[sel] if return_nearest: nerst[sel] = res[1][sel] # was inside, is inside: sel = pins & ins & (d > dist) if np.any(sel): dist[sel] = d[sel] if return_nearest: nerst[sel] = res[1][sel] if return_nearest: return dist, nerst else: return dist
[docs] def points_inside(self, points): """ Tests if points are inside the geometry. Parameters ---------- points: numpy.ndarray The probe points, shape (n_points, 2) Returns ------- inside: numpy.ndarray True if point is inside, shape: (n_points,) """ if len(self.geometries) == 1: return self.geometries[0].points_inside(points) n_pts = len(points) inside = np.zeros(n_pts, dtype=bool) for g in self.geometries: inside = inside | g.points_inside(points) return inside
[docs] def add_to_figure( self, ax, show_boundary=False, fill_mode="inside_slategray", pars_boundary={}, pars_distance={}, ): """ Add image to (x,y) figure. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axis The axis object show_boundary: bool Add the boundary line to the image fill_mode: str, optional Fill the area. Options: dist, dist_inside, dist_outside, inside_<color>, outside_<color> pars_boundary: dict Parameters for boundary plotting command pars_distance: dict Parameters for distance plotting command """ if show_boundary: for g in self.geometries: g.add_to_figure( ax, show_boundary=True, fill_mode=None, pars_boundary=pars_boundary, pars_distance={}, ) super().add_to_figure( ax, show_boundary=False, fill_mode=fill_mode, pars_boundary={}, pars_distance=pars_distance, )
[docs] def inverse(self): """ Get the inverted geometry Returns ------- inverted: foxes.utils.geom2d.InvertedAreaGeometry The inverted geometry """ return InvertedAreaUnion(self)
def __add__(self, g): if isinstance(g, list): return AreaUnion(self.geometries + g) elif isinstance(g, AreaUnion): return AreaUnion(self.geometries + g.geometries) else: return AreaUnion(self.geometries + [g])
class InvertedAreaUnion(InvertedAreaGeometry): """ Inversion of a union of areas :group: utils.geom2d """ def __init__(self, union): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- union: geom2d.AreaUnion The original area union geometry """ super().__init__(union) def p_min(self): """ Returns minimal (x,y) point. Returns ------- p_min: numpy.ndarray The minimal (x,y) point, shape = (2,) """ if len(self._geometry.geometries) == 1: return self._geometry.geometries[0].inverse().p_min() pmi = self._geometry.p_min() if not np.any(np.isinf(pmi)): return np.full(2, -np.inf, dtype=np.float64) else: out = np.full(2, np.inf, dtype=np.float64) for g in self._geometry.geometries: imi = g.inverse().p_min() for di in range(2): if np.isinf(pmi[di]) and not np.isinf(imi[di]): out[di] = np.minimum(out[di], imi[di]) for di in range(2): if not np.isinf(pmi[di]): out[di] = -np.inf return out def p_max(self): """ Returns maximal (x,y) point. Returns ------- p_min: numpy.ndarray The maximal (x,y) point, shape = (2,) """ if len(self._geometry.geometries) == 1: return self._geometry.geometries[0].inverse().p_max() pma = self._geometry.p_max() if not np.any(np.isinf(pma)): return np.full(2, np.inf, dtype=np.float64) else: out = np.full(2, -np.inf, dtype=np.float64) for g in self._geometry.geometries: ima = g.inverse().p_max() for di in range(2): if np.isinf(pma[di]) and not np.isinf(ima[di]): out[di] = np.maximum(out[di], ima[di]) for di in range(2): if not np.isinf(pma[di]): out[di] = np.inf return out
[docs] class AreaIntersection(AreaGeometry): """ The intersection of area geometries. :group: utils.geom2d """
[docs] def __new__(cls, geometries): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- geometries: list of geom2d.AreaGeometry The geometries """ return AreaUnion([g.inverse() for g in geometries]).inverse()