Source code for foxes.utils.pandas_utils

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import xarray
from copy import deepcopy

import foxes.variables as FV

[docs] class PandasFileHelper: """ This class helps reading and writing data to files via pandas. Attributes ---------- DEFAULT_READING_PARAMETERS: dict Default parameters for file reading for the supported file formats DEFAULT_WRITING_PARAMETERS: dict Default parameters for file writing for the supported file formats DATA_FILE_FORMAT: list:str The supported file formats for data export DEFAULT_FORMAT_DICT: dict Default column formatting :group: utils """ DEFAULT_READING_PARAMETERS = { "csv": {}, "csv.gz": {}, "csv.bz2": {}, "": {}, "h5": {}, "nc": {}, } DEFAULT_WRITING_PARAMETERS = { "csv": {}, "csv.gz": {}, "csv.bz2": {}, "": {}, "h5": {"key": "foxes", "mode": "w"}, "nc": {}, } DEFAULT_FORMAT_DICT = { FV.WD: "{:.3f}", FV.AMB_WD: "{:.3f}", FV.YAW: "{:.3f}", FV.AMB_YAW: "{:.3f}", FV.WS: "{:.4f}", FV.AMB_WS: "{:.4f}", FV.REWS: "{:.4f}", FV.AMB_REWS: "{:.4f}", FV.REWS2: "{:.4f}", FV.AMB_REWS2: "{:.4f}", FV.REWS3: "{:.4f}", FV.AMB_REWS3: "{:.4f}", FV.TI: "{:.6f}", FV.AMB_TI: "{:.6f}", FV.RHO: "{:.5f}", FV.AMB_RHO: "{:.5f}", FV.P: "{:.3f}", FV.AMB_P: "{:.3f}", FV.CT: "{:.6f}", FV.AMB_CT: "{:.6f}", FV.T: "{:.3f}", FV.AMB_T: "{:.3f}", FV.YLD: "{:.3f}", FV.AMB_YLD: "{:.3f}", FV.CAP: "{:.5f}", FV.AMB_CAP: "{:.5f}", FV.EFF: "{:.5f}", } DATA_FILE_FORMATS = list(DEFAULT_READING_PARAMETERS.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def read_file(cls, file_path, **kwargs): """ Helper for reading data according to file ending. Parameters ---------- file_path: str The path to the file **kwargs: dict, optional Parameters forwarded to the pandas reading method. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame : The data """ fpath = Path(file_path) fname = sfx = ".".join(fname.split(".")[1:]) f = None for fmt in cls.DATA_FILE_FORMATS: if sfx[:3] == "csv": f = pd.read_csv elif sfx == "h5": f = pd.read_hdf elif sfx == "nc": f = lambda fname, **pars: xarray.open_dataset( fname, **pars ).to_dataframe() if f is not None: pars = deepcopy(cls.DEFAULT_READING_PARAMETERS[fmt]) pars.update(kwargs) return f(file_path, **pars) raise KeyError( f"Unknown file format '{fname}'. Supported formats: {cls.DATA_FILE_FORMATS}" )
[docs] @classmethod def write_file(cls, data, file_path, format_dict={}, **kwargs): """ Helper for writing data according to file ending. Parameters ---------- data: pandas.DataFrame The data file_path: str The path to the file format_dict: dict Dictionary with format entries for columns, e.g. '{:.4f}' **kwargs: dict, optional Parameters forwarded to the pandas writing method. """ fdict = deepcopy(cls.DEFAULT_FORMAT_DICT) fdict.update(format_dict) out = pd.DataFrame(index=data.index, columns=data.columns) for c in data.columns: if c in fdict.keys(): out[c] = data[c].map( lambda x: fdict[c].format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else x ) else: out[c] = data[c] fpath = Path(file_path) fname = sfx = ".".join(fname.split(".")[1:]) f = None for fmt in cls.DATA_FILE_FORMATS: if sfx[:3] == "csv": f = out.to_csv elif sfx == "h5": f = out.to_hdf elif sfx == "nc": f = out.to_netcdf if f is not None: pars = cls.DEFAULT_WRITING_PARAMETERS[fmt] pars.update(kwargs) f(file_path, **pars) return raise KeyError( f"Unknown file format '{file_path}'. Supported formats: {cls.DATA_FILE_FORMATS}" )