Constants and identifiers.
- foxes.constants.FARM =
Wind farm identifier
- foxes.constants.STATE =
States identifier
- foxes.constants.TIME =
Time identifier
- foxes.constants.TURBINE =
Wind turbine identifier
- foxes.constants.TNAME =
Wind turbine name identifier
- foxes.constants.TARGET =
Target identifier
- foxes.constants.TARGETS =
Targets identifier
- foxes.constants.TPOINT =
Target point identifier
- foxes.constants.TPOINTS =
Points per target identifier
- foxes.constants.TWEIGHTS =
Target point weights identifier
- foxes.constants.POINT =
Point identifier
- foxes.constants.POINTS =
Points identifier
- foxes.constants.ROTOR_POINTS =
Identifier for rotor points
- foxes.constants.ROTOR_WEIGHTS =
Identifier for rotor point weights
- foxes.constants.AMB_ROTOR_RES =
Identifier for ambient rotor point results
- foxes.constants.WEIGHT_RES =
Identifier for weights results at rotor points
- foxes.constants.VARS =
Variables identifier
- foxes.constants.VALID =
Validity identifier
- foxes.constants.TMODELS =
Turbine models identifier
- foxes.constants.TMODEL_SELS =
Selected turbine models identifier
- foxes.constants.STATES_SEL =
Identifier for states selection
- foxes.constants.STATE_TURBINE =
Identifier for state-turbine dimensions
- foxes.constants.STATE_TARGET =
Identifier for state-target dimensions
- foxes.constants.STATE_TARGET_TPOINT =
Identifier for state-target-tpoints dimensions
- foxes.constants.STATE_SOURCE_ORDERI =
Identifier for order index of wake causing turbines
- foxes.constants.DTYPE =
Identifier for default double data type
- foxes.constants.ITYPE =
Identifier for default integer data type
- foxes.constants.BLOCK_CONVERGENCE =
Identifier for convergence blocking signal
- foxes.constants.KAPPA =
The Von Karman constant
- foxes.constants.W =
The unit watt
- foxes.constants.kW =
The unit kilowatt
- foxes.constants.MW =
The unit megawatt
- foxes.constants.GW =
The unit gigawatt
- foxes.constants.TW =
The unit terawatt
- foxes.constants.P_UNITS =
{'GW': 1000000000.0, 'MW': 1000000.0, 'TW': 1000000000000.0, 'W': 1.0, 'kW': 1000.0}
Power unit factors relative to watts, key: unit str, value: factor
- foxes.constants.POP =
Population identifier
- foxes.constants.WORK_DIR =
Identifier for the working directory
- foxes.constants.INPUT_DIR =
Identifier for the input base directory
- foxes.constants.OUTPUT_DIR =
Identifier for the default output directory
- foxes.constants.NC_ENGINE =
Identifier for the NetCDF engine