The foxes variables, defining data that is either user input or a calculation result.
- foxes.variables.X =
The x coordinate in m
- foxes.variables.Y =
The y coordinate in
- foxes.variables.H =
The height over ground in m
- foxes.variables.D =
The rotor diameter in m
- foxes.variables.TXYH =
The turbine rotor centre coordinate vector (x, y, height)
- foxes.variables.WEIGHT =
The statistical weight of a state
- foxes.variables.ORDER =
The turbine order
- foxes.variables.ORDER_INV =
The inverse of the turbine order
- foxes.variables.ORDER_SSEL =
The states selection for applying the order
- foxes.variables.WS =
The wind speed in m/s
- foxes.variables.WD =
The wind direction in degrees
- foxes.variables.TI =
The turbulence intensity
- foxes.variables.RHO =
The air density in kg/m3
- foxes.variables.YAW =
The absolute yaw angle of a turbine in degrees
- foxes.variables.YAWM =
The relative yaw angle of a turbine in degrees
- foxes.variables.P =
The power, unit depends on user choice
- foxes.variables.MAX_P =
The maximal power, for derating/boost
- foxes.variables.CT =
The thrust coefficient
- foxes.variables.T =
The temperature in Kelvin
- foxes.variables.YLD =
Yield in GWh/a
- foxes.variables.EFF =
Efficiency, equals P/AMB_P
- foxes.variables.CAP =
Capacity, equals P/P_nominal
- foxes.variables.REWS =
Rotor effective wind speed in m/s
- foxes.variables.REWS2 =
Rotor effective wind speed in m/s, calculated from second moment
- foxes.variables.REWS3 =
Rotor effective wind speed in m/s, calculated from third moment
- foxes.variables.AMB_WS =
The ambient wind speed in m/s
- foxes.variables.AMB_WD =
The ambient wind direction in degrees
- foxes.variables.AMB_TI =
The ambient turbulence intensity
- foxes.variables.AMB_RHO =
The ambient air density in kg/m3
- foxes.variables.AMB_YAW =
The ambient absolute yaw angle of a turbine in degrees
- foxes.variables.AMB_YAWM =
The ambient relative yaw angle of a turbine in degrees
- foxes.variables.AMB_P =
The ambient power, unit depends on user choice
- foxes.variables.AMB_CT =
The ambient thrust coefficient
- foxes.variables.AMB_T =
The ambient temperature in Kelvin
- foxes.variables.AMB_YLD =
Ambient yield in GWh/a
- foxes.variables.AMB_CAP =
Ambient capacity, equals AMB_P/P_nominal
- foxes.variables.AMB_REWS =
Ambient rotor effective wind speed in m/s
- foxes.variables.AMB_REWS2 =
Ambient rotor effective wind speed in m/s, calculated from second moment
- foxes.variables.AMB_REWS3 =
Ambient rotor effective wind speed in m/s, calculated from third moment
- foxes.variables.var2amb =
{'CAP': 'AMB_CAP', 'CT': 'AMB_CT', 'P': 'AMB_P', 'REWS': 'AMB_REWS', 'REWS2': 'AMB_REWS2', 'REWS3': 'AMB_REWS3', 'RHO': 'AMB_RHO', 'T': 'AMB_T', 'TI': 'AMB_TI', 'WD': 'AMB_WD', 'WS': 'AMB_WS', 'YAW': 'AMB_YAW', 'YAWM': 'AMB_YAWM', 'YLD': 'AMB_YLD'}
Mapping from variable to the corresponding ambient variable
- foxes.variables.amb2var =
{'AMB_CAP': 'CAP', 'AMB_CT': 'CT', 'AMB_P': 'P', 'AMB_REWS': 'REWS', 'AMB_REWS2': 'REWS2', 'AMB_REWS3': 'REWS3', 'AMB_RHO': 'RHO', 'AMB_T': 'T', 'AMB_TI': 'TI', 'AMB_WD': 'WD', 'AMB_WS': 'WS', 'AMB_YAW': 'YAW', 'AMB_YAWM': 'YAWM', 'AMB_YLD': 'YLD'}
Mapping from ambient variable to the corresponding waked variable
- foxes.variables.K =
Wake growth parameter
- foxes.variables.KB =
KTI value for zero TI, K = KB + KTI*TI
- foxes.variables.KTI =
Factor between K and TI, K = KB + KTI*TI
- foxes.variables.Z0 =
The roughness length in m
- foxes.variables.MOL =
The Monin-Ubukhof length in m
- foxes.variables.SHEAR =
The shear exponent
- foxes.variables.PA_ALPHA =
The alpha parameter of the PorteAgel wake model
- foxes.variables.PA_BETA =
The beta parameter of the PorteAgel wake model
- foxes.constants.XYH =
The vector (x, y, height)