Source code for iwopy.core.problem

import numpy as np
import fnmatch
from abc import ABCMeta

from .base import Base
from .function_list import OptFunctionList
from .memory import Memory
from iwopy.utils import RegularDiscretizationGrid

[docs] class Problem(Base, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for optimization problems. Attributes ---------- objs: iwopy.core.OptFunctionList The objective functions cons: iwopy.core.OptFunctionList The constraints memory: iwopy.core.Memory The memory, or None :group: core """ INT_INF = RegularDiscretizationGrid.INT_INF
[docs] def __init__(self, name, mem_size=None, mem_keyf=None): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- name: str The problem's name mem_size: int, optional The memory size, default no memory mem_keyf: Function, optional The memory key function. Parameters: (vars_int, vars_float), returns key Object """ super().__init__(name) self.objs = OptFunctionList(self, "objs") self.cons = OptFunctionList(self, "cons") self.memory = None self._mem_size = mem_size self._mem_keyf = mem_keyf self._cons_mi = None self._cons_ma = None self._cons_tol = None
[docs] def var_names_int(self): """ The names of integer variables. Returns ------- names: list of str The names of the integer variables """ return []
[docs] def initial_values_int(self): """ The initial values of the integer variables. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Initial int values, shape: (n_vars_int,) """ return 0
[docs] def min_values_int(self): """ The minimal values of the integer variables. Use -self.INT_INF for unbounded. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Minimal int values, shape: (n_vars_int,) """ return -self.INT_INF
[docs] def max_values_int(self): """ The maximal values of the integer variables. Use self.INT_INF for unbounded. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Maximal int values, shape: (n_vars_int,) """ return self.INT_INF
@property def n_vars_int(self): """ The number of int variables Returns ------- n: int The number of int variables """ return len(self.var_names_int())
[docs] def var_names_float(self): """ The names of float variables. Returns ------- names: list of str The names of the float variables """ return []
[docs] def initial_values_float(self): """ The initial values of the float variables. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Initial float values, shape: (n_vars_float,) """ return None
[docs] def min_values_float(self): """ The minimal values of the float variables. Use -numpy.inf for unbounded. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Minimal float values, shape: (n_vars_float,) """ return -np.inf
[docs] def max_values_float(self): """ The maximal values of the float variables. Use numpy.inf for unbounded. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Maximal float values, shape: (n_vars_float,) """ return np.inf
@property def n_vars_float(self): """ The number of float variables Returns ------- n: int The number of float variables """ return len(self.var_names_float()) def _apply_varmap(self, vtype, f, ftype, varmap): """ Helper function for mapping function variables to problem variables """ if varmap is None: return pnms = ( list(self.var_names_int()) if vtype == "int" else list(self.var_names_float()) ) vmap = {} for fv, pv in varmap.items(): if isinstance(pv, str): pvl = fnmatch.filter(pnms, pv) if len(pvl) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': {vtype} varmap rule '{fv} --> {pv}' failed for {ftype} '{}', pattern '{pv}' not found among problem {vtype} variables {pnms}" ) elif len(pvl) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': Require unique match of {vtype} variable '{fv}' of {ftype} '{}' to problem variables, found {pvl} for pattern '{pv}'" ) else: vmap[fv] = pvl[0] elif np.issubdtype(type(pv), np.integer): if pv < 0 or pv >= len(pnms): raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': varmap rule '{fv} --> {pv}' cannot be applied for {len(pnms)} {vtype} variables {pnms}" ) vmap[fv] = pnms[pv] else: raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': varmap_{vtype} target variable in '{fv} --> {pv}' of {ftype} '{}' is neither str nor int" ) if vtype == "int": f.rename_vars_int(vmap) else: f.rename_vars_float(vmap)
[docs] def add_objective( self, objective, varmap_int=None, varmap_float=None, verbosity=0, ): """ Add an objective to the problem. Parameters ---------- objective: iwopy.Objective The objective varmap_int: dict, optional Mapping from objective variables to problem variables. Key: str or int, value: str or int varmap_float: dict, optional Mapping from objective variables to problem variables. Key: str or int, value: str or int verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ if not objective.initialized: objective.initialize(verbosity) self._apply_varmap("int", objective, "objective", varmap_int) self._apply_varmap("float", objective, "objective", varmap_float) self.objs.append(objective)
[docs] def add_constraint( self, constraint, varmap_int=None, varmap_float=None, verbosity=0, ): """ Add a constraint to the problem. Parameters ---------- constraint: iwopy.Constraint The constraint varmap_int: dict, optional Mapping from objective variables to problem variables. Key: str or int, value: str or int varmap_float: dict, optional Mapping from objective variables to problem variables. Key: str or int, value: str or int verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ if not constraint.initialized: constraint.initialize(verbosity) self._apply_varmap("int", constraint, "constraint", varmap_int) self._apply_varmap("float", constraint, "constraint", varmap_float) self.cons.append(constraint) cmi, cma = constraint.get_bounds() ctol = np.zeros(constraint.n_components(), dtype=np.float64) ctol[:] = constraint.tol if self._cons_mi is None: self._cons_mi = cmi self._cons_ma = cma self._cons_tol = ctol else: self._cons_mi = np.append(self._cons_mi, cmi, axis=0) self._cons_ma = np.append(self._cons_ma, cma, axis=0) self._cons_tol = np.append(self._cons_tol, ctol, axis=0)
@property def min_values_constraints(self): """ Gets the minimal values of constraints Returns ------- cmi: numpy.ndarray The minimal constraint values, shape: (n_constraints,) """ return self._cons_mi @property def max_values_constraints(self): """ Gets the maximal values of constraints Returns ------- cma: numpy.ndarray The maximal constraint values, shape: (n_constraints,) """ return self._cons_ma @property def constraints_tol(self): """ Gets the tolerance values of constraints Returns ------- ctol: numpy.ndarray The constraint tolerance values, shape: (n_constraints,) """ return self._cons_tol @property def n_objectives(self): """ The total number of objectives, i.e., the sum of all components Returns ------- n_obj: int The total number of objective functions """ return self.objs.n_components() @property def n_constraints(self): """ The total number of constraints, i.e., the sum of all components Returns ------- n_con: int The total number of constraint functions """ return self.cons.n_components() def _find_vars(self, vars_int, vars_float, func, ret_inds=False): """ Helper function for reducing problem variables to function variables """ vnmsi = list(self.var_names_int()) vnmsf = list(self.var_names_float()) ivars = [] for v in func.var_names_int: if v not in vnmsi: raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': int variable '{v}' of function '{}' not among int problem variables {vnmsi}" ) ivars.append(vnmsi.index(v)) fvars = [] for v in func.var_names_float: if v not in vnmsf: raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': float variable '{v}' of function '{}' not among float problem variables {vnmsf}" ) fvars.append(vnmsf.index(v)) if len(vars_float.shape) == 1: varsi = vars_int[ivars] if len(vars_int) else np.array([], dtype=np.float64) varsf = ( vars_float[fvars] if len(vars_float) else np.array([], dtype=np.float64) ) else: n_pop = vars_float.shape[0] varsi = ( vars_int[:, ivars] if len(vars_int) else np.zeros((n_pop, 0), dtype=np.float64) ) varsf = ( vars_float[:, fvars] if len(vars_float) else np.zeros((n_pop, 0), dtype=np.float64) ) if ret_inds: return ivars, fvars else: return varsi, varsf
[docs] def calc_gradients( self, vars_int, vars_float, func, components, ivars, fvars, vrs, pop=False, verbosity=0, ): """ The actual gradient calculation, not to be called directly (call `get_gradients` instead). Can be overloaded in derived classes, the base class only considers analytic derivatives. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) func: iwopy.core.OptFunctionList, optional The functions to be differentiated, or None for a list of all objectives and all constraints (in that order) components: list of int, optional The function's component selection, or None for all ivars: list of int The indices of the function int variables in the problem fvars: list of int The indices of the function float variables in the problem vrs: list of int The function float variable indices wrt which the derivatives are to be calculated pop: bool Flag for vectorizing calculations via population verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- gradients: numpy.ndarray The gradients of the functions, shape: (n_components, n_vrs) """ n_vars = len(vrs) n_cmpnts = func.n_components() if components is None else len(components) varsi = vars_int[ivars] if len(vars_int) else np.array([]) varsf = vars_float[fvars] if len(vars_float) else np.array([]) gradients = np.full((n_cmpnts, n_vars), np.nan, dtype=np.float64) for vi, v in enumerate(vrs): if v in fvars: gradients[:, vi] = func.ana_deriv( varsi, varsf, fvars.index(v), components ) else: gradients[:, vi] = 0 return gradients
[docs] def get_gradients( self, vars_int, vars_float, func=None, components=None, vars=None, pop=False, verbosity=0, ): """ Obtain gradients of a function that is linked to the problem. The func object typically is a `iwopy.core.OptFunctionList` object that contains a selection of objectives and/or constraints that were previously added to this problem. By default all objectives and constraints (and all their components) are being considered, cf. class `ProblemDefaultFunc`. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) func: iwopy.core.OptFunctionList, optional The functions to be differentiated, or None for a list of all objectives and all constraints (in that order) components: list of int, optional The function's component selection, or None for all vars: list of int or str, optional The float variables wrt which the derivatives are to be calculated, or None for all verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent pop: bool Flag for vectorizing calculations via population Returns ------- gradients: numpy.ndarray The gradients of the functions, shape: (n_components, n_vars) """ # set and check func: if func is None: func = ProblemDefaultFunc(self) if func.problem is not self: raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': Attempt to calculate gradient for function '{}' which is linked to different problem '{}'" ) if not func.initialized: func.initialize(verbosity=(0 if verbosity < 2 else verbosity - 1)) # find function variables: ivars, fvars = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, func, ret_inds=True) # find names of differentiation variables: vnmsf = list(self.var_names_float()) if vars is None: vars = vnmsf else: tvars = [] for v in vars: if np.issubdtype(type(v), np.integer): if v < 0 or v > len(vnmsf): raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': Variable index {v} exceeds problem float variables, count = {len(vnmsf)}" ) tvars.append(vnmsf[v]) elif isinstance(v, str): vl = fnmatch.filter(vnmsf, v) if not len(vl): raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': No match for variable pattern '{v}' among problem float variable {vnmsf}" ) tvars += vl else: raise TypeError( f"Problem '{}': Illegal type '{type(v)}', expecting str or int" ) vars = tvars # find variable indices among function float variables: vrs = [] hvnmsf = np.array(vnmsf)[fvars].tolist() for v in vars: if v not in hvnmsf: raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': Selected gradient variable '{v}' not in function variables '{hvnmsf}' for function '{}'" ) vrs.append(hvnmsf.index(v)) # calculate gradients: gradients = self.calc_gradients( vars_int, vars_float, func, components, ivars, fvars, vrs, pop=pop, verbosity=verbosity, ) # check success: nog = np.where(np.isnan(gradients))[1] if len(nog): nvrs = np.unique(np.array(vars)[nog]).tolist() raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': Failed to calculate derivatives for variables {nvrs}. Maybe wrap this problem into DiscretizeRegGrid?" ) return gradients
[docs] def initialize(self, verbosity=1): """ Initialize the problem. Parameters ---------- verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ if not self.objs.initialized: self.objs.initialize(verbosity) if not self.cons.initialized: self.cons.initialize(verbosity) if verbosity: s = f"Problem '{}' ({type(self).__name__}): Initializing" print(s) self._hline = "-" * len(s) print(self._hline) if self._mem_size is not None: self.memory = Memory(self._mem_size, self._mem_keyf) if verbosity: print(f" Memory size : {self.memory.size}") print(self._hline) n_int = self.n_vars_int n_float = self.n_vars_float if verbosity: print(f" n_vars_int : {n_int}") print(f" n_vars_float: {n_float}") print(self._hline) if verbosity: print(f" n_objectives: {self.objs.n_functions}") print(f" n_obj_cmptns: {self.n_objectives}") print(self._hline) print(f" n_constraints: {self.cons.n_functions}") print(f" n_con_cmptns: {self.n_constraints}") print(self._hline) if self.n_objectives == 0: raise ValueError("Problem initialized without added objectives.") self._maximize = np.zeros(self.n_objectives, dtype=bool) i0 = 0 for f in self.objs.functions: i1 = i0 + f.n_components() self._maximize[i0:i1] = f.maximize() i0 = i1 super().initialize(verbosity)
@property def maximize_objs(self): """ Flags for objective maximization Returns ------- maximize: numpy.ndarray Boolean flag for maximization of objective, shape: (n_objectives,) """ return self._maximize
[docs] def apply_individual(self, vars_int, vars_float): """ Apply new variables to the problem. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) Returns ------- problem_results: Any The results of the variable application to the problem """ return None
[docs] def apply_population(self, vars_int, vars_float): """ Apply new variables to the problem, for a whole population. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float) Returns ------- problem_results: Any The results of the variable application to the problem """ return None
[docs] def evaluate_individual(self, vars_int, vars_float, ret_prob_res=False): """ Evaluate a single individual of the problem. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) ret_prob_res: bool Flag for additionally returning of problem results Returns ------- objs: np.array The objective function values, shape: (n_objectives,) con: np.array The constraints values, shape: (n_constraints,) prob_res: object, optional The problem results """ objs, cons = None, None if not ret_prob_res and self.memory is not None: memres = self.memory.lookup_individual(vars_int, vars_float) if memres is not None: objs, cons = memres results = None if objs is None: results = self.apply_individual(vars_int, vars_float) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, self.objs) objs = self.objs.calc_individual(varsi, varsf, results) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, self.cons) cons = self.cons.calc_individual(varsi, varsf, results) if self.memory is not None: self.memory.store_individual(vars_int, vars_float, objs, cons) if ret_prob_res: return objs, cons, results else: return objs, cons
[docs] def evaluate_population(self, vars_int, vars_float, ret_prob_res=False): """ Evaluate all individuals of a population. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float) ret_prob_res: bool Flag for additionally returning of problem results Returns ------- objs: np.array The objective function values, shape: (n_pop, n_objectives) cons: np.array The constraints values, shape: (n_pop, n_constraints) prob_res: object, optional The problem results """ from_mem = False if not ret_prob_res and self.memory is not None: memres = self.memory.lookup_population(vars_int, vars_float) if memres is not None: todo = np.any(np.isnan(memres), axis=1) from_mem = not np.all(todo) if from_mem: objs = memres[:, : self.n_objectives] cons = memres[:, self.n_objectives :] del memres if np.any(todo): vals_int = vars_int[todo] vals_float = vars_float[todo] results = self.apply_population(vals_int, vals_float) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vals_int, vals_float, self.objs) ores = self.objs.calc_population(varsi, varsf, results) objs[todo] = ores varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vals_int, vals_float, self.cons) cres = self.cons.calc_population(varsi, varsf, results) cons[todo] = cres self.memory.store_population(vals_int, vals_float, ores, cres) else: results = self.apply_population(vars_int, vars_float) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, self.objs) objs = self.objs.calc_population(varsi, varsf, results) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, self.cons) cons = self.cons.calc_population(varsi, varsf, results) if self.memory is not None: self.memory.store_population(vars_int, vars_float, objs, cons) if ret_prob_res: return objs, cons, results else: return objs, cons
[docs] def check_constraints_individual(self, constraint_values, verbosity=0): """ Check if the constraints are fullfilled for the given individual. Parameters ---------- constraint_values: np.array The constraint values, shape: (n_components,) verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- values: np.array The boolean result, shape: (n_components,) """ val = constraint_values out = np.zeros(self.n_constraints, dtype=bool) i0 = 0 for c in self.cons.functions: i1 = i0 + c.n_components() out[i0:i1] = c.check_individual(val[i0:i1], verbosity) i0 = i1 return out
[docs] def check_constraints_population(self, constraint_values, verbosity=0): """ Check if the constraints are fullfilled for the given population. Parameters ---------- constraint_values: np.array The constraint values, shape: (n_pop, n_components) verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- values: np.array The boolean result, shape: (n_pop, n_components) """ val = constraint_values n_pop = val.shape[0] out = np.zeros((n_pop, self.n_constraints), dtype=bool) i0 = 0 for c in self.cons.functions: i1 = i0 + c.n_components() out[:, i0:i1] = c.check_population(val[:, i0:i1], verbosity) i0 = i1 return out
[docs] def finalize_individual(self, vars_int, vars_float, verbosity=1): """ Finalization, given the champion data. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The optimal integer variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The optimal float variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- problem_results: Any The results of the variable application to the problem objs: np.array The objective function values, shape: (n_objectives,) cons: np.array The constraints values, shape: (n_constraints,) """ results = self.apply_individual(vars_int, vars_float) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, self.objs) objs = self.objs.finalize_individual(varsi, varsf, results, verbosity) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, self.cons) cons = self.cons.finalize_individual(varsi, varsf, results, verbosity) return results, objs, cons
[docs] def finalize_population(self, vars_int, vars_float, verbosity=0): """ Finalization, given the final population data. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values of the final generation, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int) vars_float: np.array The float variable values of the final generation, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float) verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- problem_results: Any The results of the variable application to the problem objs: np.array The final objective function values, shape: (n_pop, n_components) cons: np.array The final constraint values, shape: (n_pop, n_constraints) """ results = self.apply_population(vars_int, vars_float) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, self.objs) objs = self.objs.finalize_population(varsi, varsf, results, verbosity) varsi, varsf = self._find_vars(vars_int, vars_float, self.cons) cons = self.cons.finalize_population(varsi, varsf, results, verbosity) return results, objs, cons
[docs] def prob_res_einsum_individual(self, prob_res_list, coeffs): """ Calculate the einsum of problem results Parameters ---------- prob_res_list: list The problem results coeffs: numpy.ndarray The coefficients Returns ------- prob_res: object The weighted sum of problem results """ if not len(prob_res_list) or prob_res_list[0] is None: return None raise NotImplementedError( f"Problem '{}': Einsum not implemented for problem results type '{type(prob_res_list[0]).__name__}'" )
[docs] def prob_res_einsum_population(self, prob_res_list, coeffs): """ Calculate the einsum of problem results Parameters ---------- prob_res_list: list The problem results coeffs: numpy.ndarray The coefficients Returns ------- prob_res: object The weighted sum of problem results """ if not len(prob_res_list) or prob_res_list[0] is None: return None raise NotImplementedError( f"Problem '{}': Einsum not implemented for problem results type '{type(prob_res_list[0]).__name__}'" )
[docs] class ProblemDefaultFunc(OptFunctionList): """ The default function of a problem for gradient calculations. :group: core """
[docs] def __init__(self, problem): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- problem: iwopy.core.Problem The problem """ super().__init__(problem, "objs_cons") for f in problem.objs.functions: self.append(f) for f in problem.cons.functions: self.append(f)