Source code for foxes_opt.core.farm_vars_problem

import numpy as np
from abc import abstractmethod

from .farm_opt_problem import FarmOptProblem
from foxes.models.turbine_models import SetFarmVars
import foxes.constants as FC

[docs] class FarmVarsProblem(FarmOptProblem): """ Abstract base class for models that optimize farm variables. :group: opt.core """
[docs] def initialize(self, pre_rotor_vars, post_rotor_vars, verbosity=1, **kwargs): """ Initialize the object. Parameters ---------- pre_rotor_vars: list of str or dict The pre_rotor farm variables. If dict, then key: sub-model str, value: var names as list of str post_rotor_vars: list of str or dict The post_rotor farm variables. If dict, then key: sub-model str, value: var names as list of str verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent kwargs: dict, optional Additional parameters for super class init """ self._vars_pre = {} self._vars_post = {} if isinstance(pre_rotor_vars, dict): self._vars_pre = {m: v for m, v in pre_rotor_vars.items() if len(v)} elif len(pre_rotor_vars): self._vars_pre = { pre_rotor_vars} if isinstance(post_rotor_vars, dict): self._vars_post = {m: v for m, v in post_rotor_vars.items() if len(v)} elif len(post_rotor_vars): self._vars_post = { post_rotor_vars} cnt = 0 for src, pre in zip((self._vars_pre, self._vars_post), (True, False)): for mname, vrs in src.items(): if mname in self.algo.mbook.turbine_models: m = self.algo.mbook.turbine_models[mname] if not isinstance(m, SetFarmVars): raise KeyError( f"FarmOptProblem '{}': Turbine model entry '{mname}' already exists in model book, and is not of type SetFarmVars" ) elif m.pre_rotor != pre: raise ValueError( f"FarmOptProblem '{}': Turbine model entry '{mname}' exists in model book, and disagrees on pre_rotor = {pre}" ) else: self.algo.mbook.turbine_models[mname] = SetFarmVars(pre_rotor=pre) found = False for t in if mname in t.models: found = True break if not found: raise ValueError( f"FarmOptProblem '{}': Missing entry '{mname}' among any of the turbine models" ) cnt += len(vrs) if not cnt: raise ValueError( f"Problem '{}': Neither pre_rotor_vars not post_rotor_vars containing variables" ) super().initialize(verbosity=verbosity, **kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def opt2farm_vars_individual(self, vars_int, vars_float): """ Translates optimization variables to farm variables Parameters ---------- vars_int: numpy.ndarray The integer optimization variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: numpy.ndarray The float optimization variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) Returns ------- farm_vars: dict The foxes farm variables. Key: var name, value: numpy.ndarray with values, shape: (n_states, n_sel_turbines) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def opt2farm_vars_population(self, vars_int, vars_float, n_states): """ Translates optimization variables to farm variables Parameters ---------- vars_int: numpy.ndarray The integer optimization variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int) vars_float: numpy.ndarray The float optimization variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float) n_states: int The number of original (non-pop) states Returns ------- farm_vars: dict The foxes farm variables. Key: var name, value: numpy.ndarray with values, shape: (n_pop, n_states, n_sel_turbines) """ pass
[docs] def update_problem_individual(self, vars_int, vars_float): """ Update the algo and other data using the latest optimization variables. This function is called before running the farm calculation. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) """ super().update_problem_individual(vars_int, vars_float) # prepare: n_states = self._org_n_states fvars = self.opt2farm_vars_individual(vars_int, vars_float) # update turbine model that sets vars to opt values: for src in (self._vars_pre, self._vars_post): for mname, vrs in src.items(): model = self.algo.mbook.turbine_models[mname] model.reset() for v in vrs: vals = fvars.pop(v) if self.all_turbines: model.add_var(v, vals) else: data = np.zeros( (n_states, self.algo.n_turbines), dtype=FC.DTYPE ) data[:, self.sel_turbines] = vals model.add_var(v, data) if len(fvars): raise KeyError( f"Problem '{}': Too many farm vars from opt2farm_vars_individual: {list(fvars.keys())}" )
[docs] def update_problem_population(self, vars_int, vars_float): """ Update the algo and other data using the latest optimization variables. This function is called before running the farm calculation. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float,) """ super().update_problem_population(vars_int, vars_float) # prepare: n_pop = len(vars_float) n_states = self._org_n_states n_pstates = n_states * n_pop fvars = self.opt2farm_vars_population(vars_int, vars_float, n_states) # update turbine model that sets vars to opt values: for src in (self._vars_pre, self._vars_post): for mname, vrs in src.items(): model = self.algo.mbook.turbine_models[mname] model.reset() for v in vrs: vals = fvars.pop(v) shp0 = list(vals.shape) shp1 = [n_pstates] + shp0[2:] if self.all_turbines: model.add_var(v, vals.reshape(shp1)) else: data = np.zeros( (n_pstates, self.algo.n_turbines), dtype=FC.DTYPE ) data[:, self.sel_turbines] = vals.reshape(shp1) model.add_var(v, data) del data if len(fvars): raise KeyError( f"Problem '{}': Too many farm vars from opt2farm_vars_population: {list(fvars.keys())}" )