Optimization problems define the basic wind farm problem setup and the variables that will be modified by the optimizer. Objectives and constraints are then subsequently added to the problem. Finally, any optimizer from iwopy can be used to find optimal values of the optimization variables (or Pareto fronts).

Please consult the `iwopy documentation<https://fraunhoferiwes.github.io/iwopy.docs/index.html>`_ for details of the optimizers, and see the Examples section for applications.




Abstract base classes and core functionality.


Wind farm optimization problems.


Objectives for wind farm optimization problems.


Constraints for wind farm optimization problems.


Contains core functionality and abstract base classes.

class foxes_opt.core.FarmOptProblem(iwopy.core.problem.Problem)[source]

Abstract base class of wind farm optimization problems.

class foxes_opt.core.FarmVarsProblem(foxes_opt.core.FarmOptProblem)[source]

Abstract base class for models that optimize farm variables.

class foxes_opt.core.FarmObjective(foxes_opt.problems.layout.geom_layouts.objectives.Objective)[source]

Abstract base class for foxes wind farm objective functions.

class foxes_opt.core.FarmConstraint(foxes_opt.problems.layout.geom_layouts.constraints.Constraint)[source]

Abstract base class for foxes wind farm optimization constraints.

class foxes_opt.core.PopStates(foxes.core.states.States)[source]

Helper class for vectorized opt population calculation, via artificial states of length n_pop times n_states.


Wind farm optimization problems.


Objectives for wind farm optimization problems.

class foxes_opt.objectives.FarmVarObjective(foxes_opt.core.FarmObjective)[source]

Objectives based on farm variables.

class foxes_opt.objectives.MaxFarmPower(foxes_opt.objectives.FarmVarObjective)[source]

Maximize the mean wind farm power

class foxes_opt.objectives.MinimalMaxTI(foxes_opt.objectives.FarmVarObjective)[source]

Minimize the maximal turbine TI

class foxes_opt.objectives.MaxNTurbines(foxes_opt.core.FarmObjective)[source]

Maximizes the number of turrbines.


Constraints for wind farm optimization problems.

class foxes_opt.constraints.AreaGeometryConstraint(foxes_opt.core.FarmConstraint)[source]

Constrains turbine positions to the inside of a given area geometry.

class foxes_opt.constraints.FarmBoundaryConstraint(foxes_opt.constraints.AreaGeometryConstraint)[source]

Constrains turbine positions to the inside of the wind farm boundary

class foxes_opt.constraints.MinDistConstraint(foxes_opt.core.FarmConstraint)[source]

Turbines must keep at least a minimal spatial distance.