Source code for foxes_opt.problems.layout.reggrids_layout

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

from foxes_opt.core import FarmOptProblem, FarmVarsProblem
from foxes.models.turbine_models import Calculator
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC
from .geom_layouts.geom_reggrids import GeomRegGrids

[docs] class RegGridsLayoutOptProblem(FarmVarsProblem): """ Places turbines on several regular grids and optimizes their parameters. Note that this problem has both int and float variables (mixed problem). Attributes ---------- min_spacing: float The minimal turbine spacing n_grids: int The number of grids max_n_row: int The maximal number of turbines per grid and row :group: opt.problems.layout """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, algo, min_dist, n_grids=1, n_row_max=None, max_dist=None, runner=None, **kwargs, ): """ Constraints. Parameters ---------- name: str The problem's name algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm min_dist: float The minimal distance between points n_grids: int The number of grids n_row_max: int, optional The maximal number of points in a row max_dist: float, optional The maximal distance between points runner: foxes.core.Runner, optional The runner for running the algorithm kwargs: dict, optional Additional parameters for `FarmVarsProblem` """ super().__init__(name, algo, runner, **kwargs) b = assert b is not None, f"Problem '{}': Missing wind farm boundary." self._geomp = GeomRegGrids( b, min_dist=min_dist, n_grids=n_grids, n_row_max=n_row_max, max_dist=max_dist, )
[docs] def initialize(self, verbosity=1, **kwargs): """ Initialize the object. Parameters ---------- verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent kwargs: dict, optional Additional parameters for super class init """ self._geomp.objs = self.objs self._geomp.cons = self.cons self._geomp.initialize(verbosity) self._mname = + "_calc" for t in if self._mname not in t.models: t.models.append(self._mname) self._turbine = deepcopy([-1]) self.algo.mbook.turbine_models[self._mname] = Calculator( in_vars=[FC.VALID, FV.P, FV.CT], out_vars=[FC.VALID, FV.P, FV.CT], func=lambda valid, P, ct, st_sel: (valid, P * valid, ct * valid), pre_rotor=False, ) super().initialize( pre_rotor_vars=[FV.X, FV.Y, FC.VALID], post_rotor_vars=[], verbosity=verbosity, **kwargs, )
[docs] def var_names_int(self): """ The names of int variables. Returns ------- names: list of str The names of the int variables """ return self._geomp.var_names_int()
[docs] def initial_values_int(self): """ The initial values of the int variables. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Initial int values, shape: (n_vars_int,) """ return self._geomp.initial_values_int()
[docs] def min_values_int(self): """ The minimal values of the integer variables. Use -self.INT_INF for unbounded. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Minimal int values, shape: (n_vars_int,) """ return self._geomp.min_values_int()
[docs] def max_values_int(self): """ The maximal values of the integer variables. Use self.INT_INF for unbounded. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Maximal int values, shape: (n_vars_int,) """ return self._geomp.max_values_int()
[docs] def var_names_float(self): """ The names of float variables. Returns ------- names: list of str The names of the float variables """ return self._geomp.var_names_float()
[docs] def initial_values_float(self): """ The initial values of the float variables. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Initial float values, shape: (n_vars_float,) """ return self._geomp.initial_values_float()
[docs] def min_values_float(self): """ The minimal values of the float variables. Use -numpy.inf for unbounded. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Minimal float values, shape: (n_vars_float,) """ return self._geomp.min_values_float()
[docs] def max_values_float(self): """ The maximal values of the float variables. Use numpy.inf for unbounded. Returns ------- values: numpy.ndarray Maximal float values, shape: (n_vars_float,) """ return self._geomp.max_values_float()
[docs] def update_problem_individual(self, vars_int, vars_float): """ Update the algo and other data using the latest optimization variables. This function is called before running the farm calculation. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) """ n0 = nxny = vars_int.reshape(self._geomp.n_grids, 2) n = np.sum(np.product(nxny, axis=1)) if n0 > n: =[:n] elif n0 < n: for i in range(n0, n):[-1].index = n0 + i[-1].name = f"T{n0 + i}" if n != n0: self.algo.update_n_turbines() super().update_problem_individual(vars_int, vars_float)
[docs] def update_problem_population(self, vars_int, vars_float): """ Update the algo and other data using the latest optimization variables. This function is called before running the farm calculation. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The integer variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The float variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float,) """ n0 = n_pop = vars_int.shape[0] nxny = vars_int.reshape(n_pop, self._geomp.n_grids, 2) n = np.max(np.sum(np.product(nxny, axis=2), axis=1)) if n0 > n: =[:n] elif n0 < n: for i in range(n0, n):[-1].index = n0 + i[-1].name = f"T{n0 + i}" if n != n0: self.algo.update_n_turbines() super().update_problem_population(vars_int, vars_float)
[docs] def opt2farm_vars_individual(self, vars_int, vars_float): """ Translates optimization variables to farm variables Parameters ---------- vars_int: numpy.ndarray The integer optimization variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: numpy.ndarray The float optimization variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) Returns ------- farm_vars: dict The foxes farm variables. Key: var name, value: numpy.ndarray with values, shape: (n_states, n_sel_turbines) """ pts, vld = self._geomp.apply_individual(vars_int, vars_float) n_pts = pts.shape[0] n_states = self.algo.n_states n_turbines = pmi = np.min(self._geomp._pmin) points = np.full((n_states, n_turbines, 2), pmi, dtype=FC.DTYPE) if n_pts <= n_turbines: points[:, :n_pts] = pts[None, :, :] else: points[:] = pts[None, :n_turbines, :] valid = np.zeros((n_states, n_turbines), dtype=FC.DTYPE) if n_pts <= n_turbines: valid[:, :n_pts] = vld[None, :] else: valid[:] = vld[None, :n_turbines] farm_vars = {FV.X: points[:, :, 0], FV.Y: points[:, :, 1], FC.VALID: valid} return farm_vars
[docs] def opt2farm_vars_population(self, vars_int, vars_float, n_states): """ Translates optimization variables to farm variables Parameters ---------- vars_int: numpy.ndarray The integer optimization variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_int) vars_float: numpy.ndarray The float optimization variable values, shape: (n_pop, n_vars_float) n_states: int The number of original (non-pop) states Returns ------- farm_vars: dict The foxes farm variables. Key: var name, value: numpy.ndarray with values, shape: (n_pop, n_states, n_sel_turbines) """ pts, vld = self._geomp.apply_population(vars_int, vars_float) n_pop, n_pts = vld.shape n_states = self._org_n_states n_turbines = pmi = np.min(self._geomp._pmin) points = np.full((n_pop, n_states, n_turbines, 2), pmi, dtype=FC.DTYPE) if n_pts <= n_turbines: points[:, :, :n_pts] = pts[:, None, :, :] else: points[:] = pts[:, None, :n_turbines, :] valid = np.zeros((n_pop, n_states, n_turbines), dtype=FC.DTYPE) if n_pts <= n_turbines: valid[:, :, :n_pts] = vld[:, None, :] else: valid[:] = vld[:, None, :n_turbines] farm_vars = { FV.X: points[:, :, :, 0], FV.Y: points[:, :, :, 1], FC.VALID: valid, } return farm_vars
[docs] def finalize_individual(self, vars_int, vars_float, verbosity=1): """ Finalization, given the champion data. Parameters ---------- vars_int: np.array The optimal integer variable values, shape: (n_vars_int,) vars_float: np.array The optimal float variable values, shape: (n_vars_float,) verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- problem_results: Any The results of the variable application to the problem objs: np.array The objective function values, shape: (n_objectives,) cons: np.array The constraints values, shape: (n_constraints,) """ pts, vld = self._geomp.apply_individual(vars_int, vars_float) xy = pts[vld] n_xy = xy.shape[0] =[:n_xy] for ti, t in enumerate( t.xy = xy[ti] t.index = ti = f"T{ti}" t.models = [ mname for mname in t.models if mname not in [, self._mname] ] self.algo.update_n_turbines() return FarmOptProblem.finalize_individual( self, vars_int, vars_float, verbosity=1 )