class foxes.models.farm_controllers.BasicFarmController(foxes.core.FarmController)[source]

The basic farm controller, running all turbine models in their order, without conditions.

Public members




List of all sub-models

set_pars(model_name, init_pars, calc_pars, final_pars)[source]

Set parameters for a turbine model


Returns flag for requiring REWS2 variable


Returns flag for requiring REWS3 variable


Collects the turbine types.


Analyze and gather turbine models, based on the turbines of the wind farm.

initialize(algo, verbosity=0)[source]

Initializes the model.

load_data(algo, verbosity=0)[source]

Load and/or create all model data that is subject to chunking.


The variables which are being modified by the model.

calculate(algo, mdata, fdata, pre_rotor, downwind_index=None)[source]

The main model calculation.

finalize(algo, verbosity=0)[source]

Finalizes the model.

classmethod new(controller_type, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Run-time farm controller factory.


Gets the coordinates of all output arrays

ensure_variables(algo, mdata, fdata)[source]

Add variables to fdata, initialized with NaN

run_calculation(algo, *data, out_vars, **calc_pars)[source]

Starts the model calculation in parallel, via xarray’s apply_ufunc.


Return repr(self).

property model_id

Unique id based on the model type.


Creates a model specific variable name.

property initialized

Initialization flag.

property running

Flag for currently running models

set_running(algo, data_stash, sel=None, isel=None, verbosity=0)[source]

Sets this model status to running, and moves all large data to stash.

unset_running(algo, data_stash, sel=None, isel=None, verbosity=0)[source]

Sets this model status to not running, recovering large data from stash

get_data(variable, target, lookup='smfp', mdata=None, ...)[source]

Getter for a data entry in the model object or provided data sources