class foxes.models.turbine_models.PowerMask(foxes.core.TurbineModel)[source]

Invokes a maximal power value.

This may correspond to turbine derating, if the maximal power value is below rated power. For higher values, a boost is introduced.

The model updates the P and CT variables, so it is wise to use it after calling the turbine type model.


var_ws_P: str

The wind speed variable for power lookup

factor_P: float

The power unit factor, e.g. 1000 for kW

P_lim: float

Threshold power delta for boosts

induction: foxes.core.AxialInductionModel

The induction model

Public members

PowerMask(var_ws_P='REWS3', factor_P=1000.0, P_lim=100, ...)[source]



Return repr(self).


The variables which are being modified by the model.


List of all sub-models

initialize(algo, verbosity=0)[source]

Initializes the model.

calculate(algo, mdata, fdata, st_sel)[source]

The main model calculation.

classmethod new(tmodel_type, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Run-time turbine model factory.


Gets the coordinates of all output arrays

ensure_variables(algo, mdata, fdata)[source]

Add variables to fdata, initialized with NaN

run_calculation(algo, *data, out_vars, **calc_pars)[source]

Starts the model calculation in parallel, via xarray’s apply_ufunc.

property model_id

Unique id based on the model type.


Creates a model specific variable name.

property initialized

Initialization flag.

load_data(algo, verbosity=0)[source]

Load and/or create all model data that is subject to chunking.

property running

Flag for currently running models

set_running(algo, data_stash, sel=None, isel=None, verbosity=0)[source]

Sets this model status to running, and moves all large data to stash.

unset_running(algo, data_stash, sel=None, isel=None, verbosity=0)[source]

Sets this model status to not running, recovering large data from stash

finalize(algo, verbosity=0)[source]

Finalizes the model.

get_data(variable, target, lookup='smfp', mdata=None, ...)[source]

Getter for a data entry in the model object or provided data sources