foxes.output.SliceData.get_mean_data_xy(resolution=None, n_img_points=None, variables=None, data_format='xarray', xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, z=None, xspace=500.0, yspace=500.0, normalize_x=None, normalize_y=None, normalize_z=None, normalize_v={}, label_map={}, vmin={}, vmax={}, states_sel=None, states_isel=None, to_file=None, write_pars={}, ret_states=False, ret_grid=False, verbosity=0, **kwargs)[source]

Creates mean data of 2D farm flow slices in a horizontal xy-plane.


resolution: float, optional

The resolution in m

n_img_points: tuple of int, optional

The number of image points (n, m) in the two directions

variables: list of str, optional

The variables, or None for all

data_format: str

The output data format: numpy, pandas, xarray

xmin: float, optional

The min x coordinate, or None for automatic

ymin: float, optional

The min y coordinate, or None for automatic

xmax: float, optional

The max x coordinate, or None for automatic

ymax: float, optional

The max y coordinate, or None for automatic

z: float, optional

The z coordinate of the plane

xspace: float, optional

The extra space in x direction, before and after wind farm

yspace: float, optional

The extra space in y direction, before and after wind farm

normalize_x: float, optional

Divide x by this value

normalize_y: float, optional

Divide y by this value

normalize_z: float, optional

Divide z by this value

normalize_v: dict, optional

Divide the variables by these values

label_map: dict

The mapping from original to new field names

vmin: dict

Minimal values for variables

vmax: dict

Maximal values for variables

states_sel: list, optional

Reduce to selected states

states_isel: list, optional

Reduce to the selected states indices

to_file: str, optional

Write data to this file name

write_pars: dict

Additional write function parameters

ret_states: bool

Flag for returning states indices

ret_grid: bool

Flag for returning grid data

verbosity: int, optional

The verbosity level, 0 = silent

kwargs: dict, optional

Parameters forwarded to the algorithm’s calc_points function.


data: dict or pandas.DataFrame or xarray.Dataset

The gridded data

states: numpy.ndarray, optional

The states indices

grid_data: tuple, optional

The grid data (x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, g_pts)