Source code for foxes.input.states.multi_height

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from foxes.core import States
from foxes.utils import PandasFileHelper
from import STATES
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC
from foxes.utils import wd2uv, uv2wd

[docs] class MultiHeightStates(States): """ States with multiple heights data per entry. The input data is taken from a csv file or pandas data frame with columns. The format of the data columns is as in the following example for wind speed at heights 50, 60, 100 m: WS-50, WS-60, WS-100, ... Attributes ---------- data_source: str or pandas.DataFrame Either path to a file or data ovars: list of str The output variables heights: list of float The heights at which to search data var2col: dict, optional Mapping from variable names to data column names fixed_vars: dict, optional Fixed uniform variable values, instead of reading from data pd_read_pars: dict, optional pandas file reading parameters states_sel: slice or range or list of int States subset selection states_loc: list State index selection via pandas loc function RDICT: dict Default pandas file reading parameters :group: input.states """ RDICT = {"index_col": 0}
[docs] def __init__( self, data_source, output_vars, heights, var2col={}, fixed_vars={}, pd_read_pars={}, states_sel=None, states_loc=None, ipars={}, ): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- data_source: str or pandas.DataFrame Either path to a file or data output_vars: list of str The output variables heights: list of float The heights at which to search data var2col: dict, optional Mapping from variable names to data column names fixed_vars: dict, optional Fixed uniform variable values, instead of reading from data pd_read_pars: dict, optional pandas file reading parameters states_sel: slice or range or list of int, optional States subset selection states_loc: list, optional State index selection via pandas loc function ipars: dict, optional Parameters for scipy.interpolate.interp1d """ super().__init__() self.data_source = data_source self.ovars = output_vars self.heights = np.array(heights, dtype=FC.DTYPE) self.rpars = pd_read_pars self.var2col = var2col self.fixed_vars = fixed_vars self.ipars = ipars self.states_sel = states_sel self.states_loc = states_loc self._cmap = None self._solo = None self._weights = None self._N = None
[docs] def reset(self, algo=None, states_sel=None, states_loc=None, verbosity=0): """ Reset the states, optionally select states Parameters ---------- states_sel: slice or range or list of int, optional States subset selection states_loc: list, optional State index selection via pandas loc function verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ if self.initialized: if algo is None: raise KeyError(f"{}: Missing algo for reset") elif algo.states is not self: raise ValueError(f"{self.states}: algo.states differs from self") self.finalize(algo, verbosity) self.states_sel = states_sel self.states_loc = states_loc
def _find_cols(self, v, cols): """ Helper function for searching height columns """ c0 = self.var2col.get(v, v) if v in self.fixed_vars: return [] elif c0 in cols: return [c0] else: cls = [] for h in self.heights: hh = int(h) if int(h) == h else h c = f"{c0}-{hh}" oc = self.var2col.get(c, c) if oc in cols: cls.append(oc) else: raise KeyError( f"Missing: '{v}' in fixed_vars, or '{c0}' or '{oc}' in columns. Maybe make use of var2col?" ) return cls
[docs] def load_data(self, algo, verbosity=0): """ Load and/or create all model data that is subject to chunking. Such data should not be stored under self, for memory reasons. The data returned here will automatically be chunked and then provided as part of the mdata object during calculations. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- idata: dict The dict has exactly two entries: `data_vars`, a dict with entries `name_str -> (dim_tuple, data_ndarray)`; and `coords`, a dict with entries `dim_name_str -> dim_array` """ if not isinstance(self.data_source, pd.DataFrame): if not Path(self.data_source).is_file(): if verbosity: print( f"States '{}': Reading static data '{self.data_source}' from context '{STATES}'" ) self.data_source = algo.dbook.get_file_path( STATES, self.data_source, check_raw=False ) if verbosity: print(f"Path: {self.data_source}") elif verbosity: print(f"States '{}': Reading file {self.data_source}") rpars = dict(self.RDICT, **self.rpars) data = PandasFileHelper().read_file(self.data_source, **rpars) isorg = False else: isorg = True data = self.data_source if self.states_sel is not None: data = data.iloc[self.states_sel] elif self.states_loc is not None: data = data.loc[self.states_loc] self._N = len(data.index) self._inds = data.index.to_numpy() col_w = self.var2col.get(FV.WEIGHT, FV.WEIGHT) self._weights = np.zeros((self._N, algo.n_turbines), dtype=FC.DTYPE) if col_w in data: self._weights[:] = data[col_w].to_numpy()[:, None] elif FV.WEIGHT in self.var2col: raise KeyError( f"Weight variable '{col_w}' defined in var2col, but not found in states table columns {data.columns}" ) else: self._weights[:] = 1.0 / self._N if isorg: data = data.copy() data[col_w] = self._weights[:, 0] cols = [] self._cmap = {} self._solo = {} for v in self.ovars: vcols = self._find_cols(v, data.columns) if len(vcols) == 1: self._solo[v] = data[vcols[0]].to_numpy() elif len(vcols) > 1: self._cmap[v] = (len(cols), len(cols) + len(vcols)) cols += vcols data = data[cols] self.H = self.var(FV.H) self.VARS = self.var("vars") self.DATA = self.var("data") idata = super().load_data(algo, verbosity) idata["coords"][self.H] = self.heights idata["coords"][self.VARS] = list(self._cmap.keys()) n_hts = len(self.heights) n_vrs = int(len(data.columns) / n_hts) dims = (FC.STATE, self.VARS, self.H) idata["data_vars"][self.DATA] = ( dims, data.to_numpy().reshape(self._N, n_vrs, n_hts), ) for v, d in self._solo.items(): idata["data_vars"][self.var(v)] = ((FC.STATE,), d) return idata
[docs] def size(self): """ The total number of states. Returns ------- int: The total number of states """ return self._N
[docs] def index(self): """ The index list Returns ------- indices: array_like The index labels of states, or None for default integers """ return self._inds
[docs] def output_point_vars(self, algo): """ The variables which are being modified by the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm Returns ------- output_vars: list of str The output variable names """ return self.ovars
[docs] def weights(self, algo): """ The statistical weights of all states. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm Returns ------- weights: numpy.ndarray The weights, shape: (n_states, n_turbines) """ return self._weights
[docs] def calculate(self, algo, mdata, fdata, tdata): """ " The main model calculation. This function is executed on a single chunk of data, all computations should be based on numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm mdata: foxes.core.MData The model data fdata: foxes.core.FData The farm data tdata: foxes.core.TData The target point data Returns ------- results: dict The resulting data, keys: output variable str. Values: numpy.ndarray with shape (n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) """ n_states = tdata.n_states n_targets = tdata.n_targets n_tpoints = tdata.n_tpoints h = mdata[self.H] z = tdata[FC.TARGETS][..., 2].reshape(n_states, n_targets * n_tpoints) n_h = len(h) vrs = list(mdata[self.VARS]) n_vars = len(vrs) coeffs = np.zeros((n_h, n_h), dtype=FC.DTYPE) np.fill_diagonal(coeffs, 1.0) ipars = dict(assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=True) ipars.update(self.ipars) intp = interp1d(h, coeffs, axis=0, **ipars) ires = intp(z) del coeffs, intp has_wd = FV.WD in vrs if has_wd: i_wd = vrs.index(FV.WD) if FV.WS in vrs: i_ws = vrs.index(FV.WS) uvh = wd2uv( mdata[self.DATA][:, i_wd], mdata[self.DATA][:, i_ws], axis=-1 ) elif FV.WS in self.fixed_vars: uvh = wd2uv(mdata[self.DATA][:, i_wd], self.fixed_vars[FV.WS], axis=-1) elif self.var(FV.WS) in mdata: uvh = wd2uv( mdata[self.DATA][:, i_wd], mdata[self.var(FV.WS)][:, None], axis=-1 ) else: raise KeyError( f"States '{}': Found variable '{FV.WD}', but missing variable '{FV.WS}'" ) uv = np.einsum("shd,sph->spd", uvh, ires).reshape( n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints, 2 ) del uvh ires = np.einsum("svh,sph->vsp", mdata[self.DATA], ires).reshape( n_vars, n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints ) results = {} for v in self.ovars: if has_wd and v == FV.WD: results[v] = uv2wd(uv, axis=-1) elif has_wd and v == FV.WS: results[v] = np.linalg.norm(uv, axis=-1) elif v in self.fixed_vars: results[v] = np.zeros((n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints), dtype=FC.DTYPE) results[v][:] = self.fixed_vars[v] elif v in self._solo.keys(): results[v] = np.zeros((n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints), dtype=FC.DTYPE) results[v][:] = mdata[self.var(v)][:, None, None] else: results[v] = ires[vrs.index(v)] return results
[docs] def finalize(self, algo, verbosity=0): """ Finalizes the model. Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The calculation algorithm verbosity: int The verbosity level """ super().finalize(algo, verbosity) self._cmap = None self._solo = None self._weights = None self._N = None
[docs] class MultiHeightTimeseries(MultiHeightStates): """ Multi-height timeseries states data. :group: input.states """ RDICT = {"index_col": 0, "parse_dates": [0]}