import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interpn
from foxes.core import States
from foxes.utils import uv2wd
from foxes.models.wake_frames.timelines import Timelines
from foxes.config import config
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC
class OnePointFlowStates(States):
Time-evolving states based on horizontally
homogeneous timeseries data
ref_xy: list of float
The [x, y] or [x, y, z] coordinates of the base states.
If [x, y, z] then z will serve as height
tl_heights: list of float
The heights at which timelines will be calculated
dt_min: float
The delta t value in minutes,
if not from timeseries data
intp_pars: dict
Parameters for height interpolation with
:group: input.states
def __init__(
ref_xy: list of float
The [x, y] or [x, y, z] coordinates of the base states.
If [x, y, z] then z will serve as height
base_states_args: tuple, optional
Arguments for creating the base states from, if not given as base_states
base_states: foxes.core.States, optional
The base states, representing horizontally
homogeneous inflow
tl_heights: list of float, optional
The heights at which timelines will be calculated
dt_min: float, optional
The delta t value in minutes,
if not from timeseries data
base_states_kwargs: dict, optional
Arguments for creating the base states from, if not given as base_states
self.ref_xy = np.array(ref_xy, dtype=config.dtype_double)
self.heights = tl_heights
self.base_states = base_states
self.dt_min = dt_min
self.intp_pars = {"fill_value": None}
if "bounds_error" in base_states_kwargs:
self.intp_pars["bounds_error"] = base_states_kwargs["bounds_error"]
if base_states is not None and len(base_states_kwargs):
raise KeyError(
f"Base states of type '{type(base_states).__name__}' were given, cannot handle base_state_pars {list(base_states_kwargs.keys())}"
elif base_states is not None and len(base_states_args):
raise KeyError(
f"Base states of type '{type(base_states).__name__}' were given, cannot handle base_states_args of types {[type(a).__name__ for a in base_states_args]}"
elif base_states is None:
self.base_states =*base_states_args, **base_states_kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{type(self).__name__}(base={type(self.base_states).__name__}, heights={self.heights}, dt_min={self.dt_min})"
def sub_models(self):
List of all sub-models
smdls: list of foxes.core.Model
All sub models
return [self.base_states]
def initialize(self, algo, verbosity=0):
Initializes the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
super().initialize(algo, verbosity)
# find heights:
if self.heights is None:
if hasattr(self.base_states, "heights"):
self.heights = self.base_states.heights
elif len(self.ref_xy) > 2:
self.heights = [self.ref_xy[2]]
raise KeyError(
f"Cannot find 'heights' in base states of type '{type(self.base_states).__name__}', missing either `ref_xy` of type [x, y, z], or explicit value list via parameter 'tl_heights'"
# pre-calc data:
self, algo, self.base_states, self.heights, verbosity, needs_res=True
def size(self):
The total number of states.
The total number of states
return self.base_states.size()
def index(self):
The index list
indices: array_like
The index labels of states, or None for default integers
return self.base_states.index()
def output_point_vars(self, algo):
The variables which are being modified by the model.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
output_vars: list of str
The output variable names
return self.base_states.output_point_vars(algo)
def weights(self, algo):
The statistical weights of all states.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
weights: numpy.ndarray
The weights, shape: (n_states, n_turbines)
return self.base_states.weights(algo)
def set_running(
Sets this model status to running, and moves
all large data to stash.
The stashed data will be returned by the
unset_running() function after running calculations.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
data_stash: dict
Large data stash, this function adds data here.
Key: model name. Value: dict, large model data
sel: dict, optional
The subset selection dictionary
isel: dict, optional
The index subset selection dictionary
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
super().set_running(algo, data_stash, sel, isel, verbosity)
if sel is not None or isel is not None:
data_stash[]["data"] = self.timelines_data
if isel is not None:
self.timelines_data = self.timelines_data.isel(isel)
if sel is not None:
self.timelines_data = self.timelines_data.sel(sel)
def unset_running(
Sets this model status to not running, recovering large data
from stash
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
data_stash: dict
Large data stash, this function adds data here.
Key: model name. Value: dict, large model data
sel: dict, optional
The subset selection dictionary
isel: dict, optional
The index subset selection dictionary
verbosity: int
The verbosity level, 0 = silent
super().unset_running(algo, data_stash, sel, isel, verbosity)
data = data_stash[]
if "data" in data:
self.timelines_data = data.pop("data")
def calc_states_indices(self, algo, mdata, points, hi, ref_xy):
n_states, n_points = points.shape[:2]
dxy = self.timelines_data["dxy"].to_numpy()[hi]
i0 = mdata.states_i0(counter=True)
trace_p = points[:, :, :2] - ref_xy[:, :, :2]
trace_si = np.zeros((n_states, n_points), dtype=config.dtype_int)
trace_si[:] = i0 + np.arange(n_states)[:, None]
coeffs = np.full((n_states, n_points), np.nan, dtype=config.dtype_double)
# flake8: noqa: F821
def _eval_trace(sel, hdxy=None, hdxy0=None, trs=None):
"""Helper function that updates trace_done"""
nonlocal coeffs
# project onto local x direction:
hdxy0 = dxy[trace_si[sel]] if hdxy0 is None else hdxy0
nx = hdxy0 / np.linalg.norm(hdxy0, axis=-1)[..., None]
projx = np.einsum("...d,...d->...", trace_p[sel], nx)
# check for local points:
if hdxy is None:
seld = (projx >= 1e-10) & (projx <= 1e-10)
if np.any(seld):
coeffs[sel] = np.where(seld, -1, coeffs[sel])
# check for vicinity to reference plane:
lx = np.einsum("...d,...d->...", hdxy, nx)
seld = ((lx < 0) & (projx >= lx) & (projx <= 0)) | (
(lx > 0) & (projx >= 0) & (projx <= lx)
if np.any(seld):
w = projx / np.abs(lx)
coeffs[sel] = np.where(seld, w, coeffs[sel])
# step backwards in time, until projection onto axis is negative:
sel = np.isnan(coeffs)
tshift = 0
while np.any(sel):
trs = trace_si[sel]
hdxy = -dxy[trs]
trace_p[sel] += hdxy
_eval_trace(sel, hdxy=hdxy, hdxy0=dxy[trs - tshift])
tshift -= 1
sel0 = np.isnan(coeffs)
trace_si[sel0 & sel] -= 1
sel = sel0 & (trace_si >= 0)
del trs, sel0, hdxy
# step forwards in time, until projection onto axis is positive:
sel = np.isnan(coeffs)
if np.any(sel):
trace_p = np.where(
sel[:, :, None], points[:, :, :2] - ref_xy[:, :, :2], trace_p
trace_si = np.where(sel, i0 + np.arange(n_states)[:, None] + 1, trace_si)
sel &= trace_si < algo.n_states
tshift = 1
while np.any(sel):
trs = trace_si[sel]
hdxy = dxy[trs]
trace_p[sel] += hdxy
_eval_trace(sel, hdxy=hdxy, hdxy0=dxy[trs - tshift])
tshift += 1
sel0 = np.isnan(coeffs)
trace_si[sel0 & sel] += 1
sel = sel0 & (trace_si < algo.n_states)
del trs, sel0, hdxy
return trace_si, coeffs
def calculate(self, algo, mdata, fdata, tdata):
The main model calculation.
This function is executed on a single chunk of data,
all computations should be based on numpy arrays.
algo: foxes.core.Algorithm
The calculation algorithm
mdata: foxes.core.MData
The model data
fdata: foxes.core.FData
The farm data
tdata: foxes.core.TData
The target point data
results: dict
The resulting data, keys: output variable str.
Values: numpy.ndarray with shape
(n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints)
# prepare:
targets = tdata[FC.TARGETS]
n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints = targets.shape[:3]
n_points = n_targets * n_tpoints
points = targets.reshape(n_states, n_points, 3)
heights = self.timelines_data["height"].to_numpy()
n_heights = len(heights)
# compute states indices for all requested points:
trace_si = []
coeffs = []
for hi in range(n_heights):
s, c = self.calc_states_indices(
algo, mdata, points, hi, self.ref_xy[None, None, :]
del s, c
# flake8: noqa: F821
def _interp_time(hi, v):
"""Helper function for interpolation bewteen states"""
sts = trace_si[hi]
cfs = coeffs[hi]
data = self.timelines_data[v].to_numpy()[hi]
out = np.zeros(sts.shape, dtype=config.dtype_double)
sel_low = sts < 0
if np.any(sel_low):
out[sel_low] = data[0]
sel_hi = sts >= algo.n_states
if np.any(sel_hi):
out[sel_hi] = data[algo.n_states - 1]
sel = (~sel_low) & (~sel_hi) & (cfs <= 0)
if np.any(sel):
s = sts[sel]
c = -cfs[sel]
out[sel] = c * data[s] + (1 - c) * data[s - 1]
sel = (~sel_low) & (~sel_hi) & (cfs > 0)
if np.any(sel):
s = sts[sel]
c = cfs[sel]
out[sel] = c * data[s - 1] + (1 - c) * data[s]
return out
# interpolate to heights:
if n_heights > 1:
ar_states = np.arange(n_states)
ar_points = np.arange(n_points)
crds = (heights, ar_states, ar_points)
data = {
v: np.stack([_interp_time(hi, v) for hi in range(n_heights)], axis=0)
for v in self.timelines_data.data_vars.keys()
if v != "dxy"
vres = list(data.keys())
data = np.stack(list(data.values()), axis=-1)
eval = np.zeros((n_states, n_points, 3), dtype=config.dtype_double)
eval[:, :, 0] = points[:, :, 2]
eval[:, :, 1] = ar_states[:, None]
eval[:, :, 2] = ar_points[None, :]
ires = interpn(crds, data, eval, **self.intp_pars)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"\nStates '{}': Interpolation error")
print("INPUT VARS: (heights, states, points)")
[float(np.min(d)) for d in crds],
[float(np.max(d)) for d in crds],
[float(np.min(p)) for p in eval.T],
[float(np.max(p)) for p in eval.T],
"\nMaybe you want to try the option 'bounds_error=False'? This will extrapolate the data.\n"
raise e
del crds, eval, data, ar_points, ar_states
results = {}
for v in self.output_point_vars(algo):
if v not in [FV.WS, FV.WD]:
results[v] = ires[:, :, vres.index(v)]
elif v not in results:
uv = np.stack(
[ires[:, :, vres.index("U")], ires[:, :, vres.index("V")]],
results = {FV.WD: uv2wd(uv), FV.WS: np.linalg.norm(uv, axis=-1)}
del uv
# no dependence on height:
results = {}
for v in self.output_point_vars(algo):
if v not in [FV.WS, FV.WD]:
results[v] = _interp_time(hi, v)
elif v not in results:
uv = np.stack(
[_interp_time(hi, "U"), _interp_time(hi, "V")], axis=-1
results = {FV.WD: uv2wd(uv), FV.WS: np.linalg.norm(uv, axis=-1)}
del uv
return {
v: d.reshape(n_states, n_targets, n_tpoints) for v, d in results.items()
class OnePointFlowTimeseries(OnePointFlowStates):
Inhomogeneous inflow from homogeneous timeseries data
at one point
:group: input.states
def __init__(self, ref_xy, *args, tl_heights=None, **kwargs):
ref_xy: list of float
The [x, y] or [x, y, z] coordinates of the base states.
If [x, y, z] then z will serve as height
args: tuple, optional
Parameters for the base class
tl_heights: list of float, optional
The heights at which timelines will be calculated
kwargs: dict, optional
Parameters for the base class
if tl_heights is None and len(ref_xy) < 3:
tl_heights = [100.0]
class OnePointFlowMultiHeightTimeseries(OnePointFlowStates):
Inhomogeneous inflow from height dependent homogeneous
timeseries data at one point
:group: input.states
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
args: tuple, optional
Parameters for the base class
kwargs: dict, optional
Parameters for the base class
super().__init__(*args, states_type="MultiHeightTimeseries", **kwargs)
class OnePointFlowMultiHeightNCTimeseries(OnePointFlowStates):
Inhomogeneous inflow from height dependent homogeneous
timeseries data at one point based on NetCDF input
:group: input.states
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
args: tuple, optional
Parameters for the base class
kwargs: dict, optional
Parameters for the base class
super().__init__(*args, states_type="MultiHeightNCTimeseries", **kwargs)