Source code for foxes.input.yaml.dict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from inspect import signature

import foxes.input.farm_layout as farm_layout
from foxes.core import States, Engine, WindFarm, Algorithm
from foxes.models import ModelBook
from foxes.output import Output
from foxes.utils import Dict, new_cls
from foxes.config import config
import foxes.constants as FC

[docs] def read_dict( idict, farm=None, states=None, mbook=None, algo=None, engine_pars=None, iterative=None, verbosity=None, work_dir=None, input_dir=None, output_dir=None, **algo_pars, ): """ Read dictionary input into foxes objects Parameters ---------- idict: foxes.utils.Dict The input parameter dictionary farm: foxes.core.WindFarm, optional The wind farm, overrules settings from idict states: foxes.core.States, optional The ambient states, overrules settings from idict mbook: foxes.models.ModelBook, optional The model book, overrules settings from idict algo: foxes.core.Algorithm, optional The algorithm, overrules settings from idict engine_pars: dict, optional Parameters for engine creation, overrules settings from idict iterative: bool, optional Force iterative calculations, overrules settings from idict verbosity: int, optional Force a verbosity level, 0 = silent, overrules settings from idict work_dir: str or pathlib.Path, optional Path to the working directory input_dir: str or pathlib.Path, optional The default input directory output_dir: str or pathlib.Path, optional The default output directory algo_pars: dict, optional Additional parameters for the algorithm, overrules settings from idict Returns ------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm engine: foxes.core.Engine The engine, or None if not set :group: input.yaml """ def _print(*args, level=1, **kwargs): if verbosity is None or verbosity >= level: print(*args, **kwargs) # set working directory: l = 0 for c, d in zip( [FC.WORK_DIR, FC.INPUT_DIR, FC.OUTPUT_DIR], [work_dir, input_dir, output_dir] ): if d is not None: config[c] = d l = max(l, len(str(d))) _print("\n--------------------- Reading foxes parameter dict ---------------------") _print("Working directory :", config.work_dir) _print("Input directory :", config.input_dir) _print("Output directory :", config.output_dir) # create states: if states is None: if algo is None: _print("Creating states") states =**idict["states"]) else: states = algo.states else: assert ( algo is None ), f"Cannot handle both the algo and the states argument, please drop one" # create model book: if mbook is None: if algo is None: mbook = ModelBook() if "model_book" in idict: _print("Creating model book") mdict = idict.get_item("model_book") for s, mlst in mdict.items(): t = mbook.sources.get_item(s) c = mbook.base_classes.get_item(s) ms = [ Dict(m, name=f"{}.s{i}") for i, m in enumerate(mlst) ] for m in ms: mname = m.pop_item("name") _print(f" Adding {s}.{mname}") t[mname] =**m) else: mbook = algo.mbook else: assert ( algo is None ), f"Cannot handle both the algo and the mbook argument, please drop one" # create farm: if farm is None: if algo is None: _print("Creating wind farm") fdict = idict.get_item("wind_farm") lyts = [ Dict(l, name=f"{}.layout{i}") for i, l in enumerate(fdict.pop_item("layouts")) ] farm = WindFarm(**fdict) for lyt in lyts: add_fun = getattr(farm_layout, lyt.pop_item("function")) if verbosity is not None: lyt["verbosity"] = verbosity - 1 add_fun(farm, **lyt) else: farm = else: assert ( algo is None ), f"Cannot handle both the algo and the farm argument, please drop one" # create engine: engine = None if engine_pars is not None: engine =**engine_pars) _print(f"Initializing engine: {engine}") engine.initialize() elif "engine" in idict: if verbosity is not None: idict["verbosity"] = verbosity - 1 engine =**idict["engine"]) engine.initialize() _print(f"Initializing engine: {engine}") # create algorithm: if algo is None: adict = idict.get_item("algorithm") if iterative is not None and iterative: adict["algo_type"] = "Iterative" _print("Creating algorithm :", adict["algo_type"]) adict.update(dict(farm=farm, states=states, mbook=mbook)) if verbosity is not None: adict["verbosity"] = verbosity - 1 if algo_pars is not None: adict.update({v: d for v, d in algo_pars.items() if d is not None}) algo =**adict) _print("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") return algo, engine
[docs] def get_output_obj( ocls, odict, algo, farm_results=None, point_results=None, base_class=Output, extra_sig={}, ): """ Create the output object Parameters ---------- ocls: str Name of the output class odict: dict The output dict algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm farm_results: xarray.Dataset, optional The farm results point_results: xarray.Dataset, optional The point results base_class: object The output's base class extra_sig: dict Extra function signature check, sets arguments (key) with data (value) Returns ------- obj: object or None The output object :group: input.yaml """ cls = new_cls(base_class, ocls) prs = list(signature(cls.__init__).parameters.keys()) if "algo" in prs: assert algo is not None, f"Output of type '{ocls}' requires algo" odict["algo"] = algo if "farm" in prs: odict["farm"] = if "farm_results" in prs: if farm_results is None: print(f"No farm results; skipping output {ocls}") return None odict["farm_results"] = farm_results if "point_results" in prs: odict["point_results"] = point_results for k, v in extra_sig.items(): if k in prs: odict[k] = v return cls(**odict)
def _get_object(rlabels, d): """Helper function for object extraction""" d = d.replace("]", "") i0 = d.find("[") if i0 > 0: inds = tuple([int(x) for x in d[i0 + 1 :].split(",")]) return rlabels[d[:i0]][inds] else: return rlabels[d]
[docs] def run_obj_function( obj, fdict, algo, rlabels, verbosity=None, ): """ Runs a function of an object Parameters ---------- obj: object The object fdict: dict The function call dict algo: foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm rlabels: dict Storage for result variables verbosity: int, optional The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- results: object The returns of the function :group: input.yaml """ def _print(*args, level=1, **kwargs): if verbosity is None or verbosity >= level: print(*args, **kwargs) fname = fdict.pop_item("function") _print(f"Running function {type(obj).__name__}.{fname}") plt_show = fdict.pop_item("plt_show", False) plt_close = fdict.pop_item("plt_close", False) rlbs = fdict.pop_item("result_labels", None) # grab function: ocls = type(obj).__name__ assert hasattr(obj, fname), f"Output of type '{ocls}': Function '{fname}' not found" f = getattr(obj, fname) # add required input data objects: prs = list(signature(f).parameters.keys()) if "algo" in prs: fdict["algo"] = algo if "farm" in prs: fdict["farm"] = # replace result labels by objects: for k, d in fdict.items(): if isinstance(d, str) and d[0] == "$": fdict[k] = _get_object(rlabels, d) # run function: args = fdict.pop_item("args", tuple()) results = f(*args, **fdict) # pyplot shortcuts: if plt_show: if plt_close: results = None plt.close() # store results under result labels: if rlbs is not None: def _set_label(rlabels, k, r): if k not in ["", "none", "None", "_", "__"]: assert ( k[0] == "$" ), f"Output {i} of type '{ocls}', function '{fname}': result labels must start with '$', got '{k}'" assert ( "[" not in k and "]" not in k and "," not in k ), f"Output {i} of type '{ocls}', function '{fname}': result labels cannot contain '[' or ']' or comma, got '{k}'" _print(f" result label {k}: {type(r).__name__}") rlabels[k] = r if isinstance(rlbs, (list, tuple)): for i, k in enumerate(rlbs): _set_label(rlabels, k, results[i]) else: _set_label(rlabels, rlbs, results) return results
[docs] def run_outputs( idict, algo=None, farm_results=None, point_results=None, extra_sig={}, ret_rlabels=False, verbosity=None, ): """ Run outputs from dict. Parameters ---------- idict: foxes.utils.Dict The input parameter dictionary algo: foxes.core.Algorithm, optional The algorithm farm_results: xarray.Dataset, optional The farm results point_results: xarray.Dataset, optional The point results extra_sig: dict Extra function signature check, sets arguments (key) with data (value) ret_rlabels: bool Flag for returning results variables verbosity: int, optional The verbosity level, 0 = silent Returns ------- outputs: list of tuple For each output enty, a tuple (dict, results), where results is a list that represents one entry per function call rlabels: dict, optional The results variables :group: input.yaml """ def _print(*args, level=1, **kwargs): if verbosity is None or verbosity >= level: print(*args, **kwargs) out = [] rlabels = Dict(name="result_labels") if "outputs" in idict: odicts = [ Dict(odict, name=f"{}.output{i}") for i, odict in enumerate(idict["outputs"]) ] for i, d in enumerate(odicts): if "output_type" in d: ocls = d.pop_item("output_type") _print(f"\nRunning output {i}: {ocls}") d0 = dict(output_type=ocls) d0.update(d) flist = [ Dict(f, name=f"{}.function{j}") for j, f in enumerate(d.pop_item("functions")) ] o = get_output_obj( ocls, d, algo, farm_results, point_results, extra_sig=extra_sig ) if o is None: out.append((d0, None)) continue elif "object" in d: ocls = d.pop_item("object") _print(f"Running output {i}: Object {ocls}") o = _get_object(rlabels, ocls) d0 = dict(object=ocls) d0.update(d) flist = [ Dict(f, name=f"{}.function{j}") for j, f in enumerate(d.pop_item("functions")) ] else: raise KeyError( f"Output {i}: Please specify either 'output_type' or 'object'" ) fres = [] for fdict in flist: results = run_obj_function(o, fdict, algo, rlabels, verbosity) fres.append(results) out.append((d0, fres)) if len(odicts): _print() return out if not ret_rlabels else out, rlabels
[docs] def run_dict(idict, *args, verbosity=None, **kwargs): """ Runs foxes from dictionary input Parameters ---------- idict: foxes.utils.Dict The input parameter dictionary args: tuple, optional Additional parameters for read_dict verbosity: int, optional Force a verbosity level, 0 = silent, overrules settings from idict kwargs: dict, optional Additional parameters for read_dict Returns ------- farm_results: xarray.Dataset, optional The farm results point_results: xarray.Dataset, optional The point results outputs: list of tuple For each output enty, a tuple (dict, results), where results is a list that represents one entry per function call :group: input.yaml """ def _print(*args, level=1, **kwargs): if verbosity is None or verbosity >= level: print(*args, **kwargs) # read components: algo, engine = read_dict(idict, *args, verbosity=verbosity, **kwargs) # run farm calculation: rdict = idict.get_item("calc_farm", Dict( + ".calc_farm")) if rdict.pop_item("run", True): _print("Running calc_farm") farm_results = algo.calc_farm(**rdict) else: farm_results = None out = (farm_results,) # run points calculation: point_results = None if "calc_points" in idict: rdict = idict.get_item("calc_points") if rdict.pop_item("run"): _print("Running calc_points") points = rdict.pop_item("points") if isinstance(points, str): _print("Reading file", points) points = pd.read_csv(points).to_numpy() point_results = algo.calc_points(farm_results, points=points, **rdict) else: point_results = None out += (point_results,) # run outputs: out += (run_outputs(idict, algo, farm_results, point_results, verbosity=verbosity),) # shutdown engine, if created above: if engine is not None: _print(f"Finalizing engine: {engine}") engine.finalize() return out