Source code for foxes.output.farm_results_eval

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cycler import cycler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .output import Output
from foxes.config import config
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC

[docs] class FarmResultsEval(Output): """ Evaluates farm results data. This sums over turbines and/or states, given the state-turbine farm_calc results. Attributes ---------- results: xarray.Dataset The farm results :group: output """
[docs] def __init__(self, farm_results): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- farm_results: xarray.Dataset The farm results """ self.results = farm_results
[docs] def weinsum(self, rhs, *vars): """ Calculates Einstein sum, adding weights as last argument to the given fields. It's all about treating NaN values. Parameters ---------- rhs: str The right-hand side of the einsum expression. Convention: 's' for states, 't' for turbines vars: tuple of str or np.ndarray The variables mentioned in the expression, but without the obligatory weights that will be added at the end Returns ------- result: np.ndarray The results array """ nas = None fields = [] for v in vars: if isinstance(v, str): vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() nns = np.sum(np.isnan(vdata)) assert ( nns == 0 ), f"Found {nns} nan values for variable '{v}' of shape {vdata.shape}" fields.append(vdata) else: fields.append(v) if nas is None: nas = np.zeros_like(fields[-1], dtype=bool) nas = nas | np.isnan(fields[-1]) inds = ["st" for __ in fields] if self.results[FV.WEIGHT].dims == (FC.STATE,): inds += ["s"] if np.any(nas): sel = ~np.any(nas, axis=1) fields = [f[sel] for f in fields] weights0 = self.results[FV.WEIGHT].to_numpy() w0 = np.sum(weights0) weights = weights0[sel] w1 = np.sum(weights) weights *= w0 / w1 fields.append(weights) else: fields.append(self.results[FV.WEIGHT].to_numpy()) elif self.results[FV.WEIGHT].dims == (FC.STATE, FC.TURBINE): inds += ["st"] if np.any(nas): sel = ~np.any(nas, axis=1) fields = [f[sel] for f in fields] weights0 = self.results[FV.WEIGHT].to_numpy() w0 = np.sum(weights0, axis=0)[None, :] weights = weights0[sel] w1 = np.sum(weights, axis=0)[None, :] weights *= w0 / w1 fields.append(weights) else: fields.append(self.results[FV.WEIGHT].to_numpy()) else: raise ValueError( f"Expecting '{FV.WEIGHT}' variable with dimensions {(FC.STATE,)} or {(FC.STATE, FC.TURBINE)}, got {self.results[FV.WEIGHT].dims}" ) expr = ",".join(inds) + "->" + rhs return np.einsum(expr, *fields)
[docs] def reduce_states(self, vars_op): """ Reduces the states dimension by some operation Parameters ---------- vars_op: dict The operation per variable. Key: str, the variable name. Value: str, the operation, choices are: weights, mean_no_weights, sum, min, max. Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per turbine """ n_turbines = self.results.sizes[FC.TURBINE] rdata = {} for v, op in vars_op.items(): vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() nns = np.sum(np.isnan(vdata)) assert ( nns == 0 ), f"Found {nns} nan values for variable '{v}' of shape {vdata.shape}" if op == "weights": rdata[v] = self.weinsum("t", vdata) elif op == "mean_no_weights": rdata[v] = np.mean(vdata, axis=0) elif op == "sum": rdata[v] = np.sum(vdata, axis=0) elif op == "min": rdata[v] = np.min(vdata, axis=0) elif op == "max": rdata[v] = np.max(vdata, axis=0) elif op == "std": rdata[v] = np.std(vdata, axis=0) else: raise KeyError( f"Unknown operation '{op}' for variable '{v}'. Please choose: weights, mean_no_weights, sum, min, max" ) data = pd.DataFrame(index=range(n_turbines), data=rdata) = FC.TURBINE return data
[docs] def reduce_turbines(self, vars_op): """ Reduces the turbine dimension by some operation Parameters ---------- vars_op: dict The operation per variable. Key: str, the variable name. Value: str, the operation, choices are: weights, mean_no_weights, sum, min, max. Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per state """ states = self.results.coords[FC.STATE].to_numpy() rdata = {} for v, op in vars_op.items(): vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() nns = np.sum(np.isnan(vdata)) assert ( nns == 0 ), f"Found {nns} nan values for variable '{v}' of shape {vdata.shape}" if op == "weights": rdata[v] = self.weinsum("s", vdata) elif op == "mean_no_weights": rdata[v] = np.mean(vdata, axis=1) elif op == "sum": rdata[v] = np.sum(vdata, axis=1) elif op == "min": rdata[v] = np.min(vdata, axis=1) elif op == "max": rdata[v] = np.max(vdata, axis=1) else: raise KeyError( f"Unknown operation '{op}' for variable '{v}'. Please choose: weights, mean_no_weights, sum, min, max" ) data = pd.DataFrame(index=states, data=rdata) = FC.STATE return data
[docs] def reduce_all(self, states_op, turbines_op): """ Reduces states and turbine dimension by some operation Parameters ---------- states_op: dict The states contraction operations. Key: str, the variable name. Value: str, the operation, choices are: sum, mean, min, max. turbines_op: dict The turbines contraction operations. Key: str, the variable name. Value: str, the operation, choices are: sum, mean, min, max. Returns ------- data: dict The fully contracted results """ sdata = self.reduce_states(states_op) rdata = {} for v, op in turbines_op.items(): vdata = sdata[v].to_numpy() nns = np.sum(np.isnan(vdata)) assert ( nns == 0 ), f"Found {nns} nan values for variable '{v}' of shape {vdata.shape}" if op == "weights": if states_op[v] == "weights": rdata[v] = self.weinsum("", v) else: rdata[v] = self.weinsum("", vdata[None, :]) elif op == "mean_no_weights": rdata[v] = np.sum(vdata) elif op == "sum": rdata[v] = np.sum(vdata) elif op == "min": rdata[v] = np.min(vdata) elif op == "max": rdata[v] = np.max(vdata) else: raise KeyError( f"Unknown operation '{op}' for variable '{v}'. Please choose: sum, mean, min, max, weights" ) return rdata
[docs] def calc_states_mean(self, vars, use_weights=True): """ Calculates the mean wrt states. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables use_weights: bool Flag for using states weights for the mean Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per turbine """ r = "weights" if use_weights else "mean_no_weights" if isinstance(vars, str): return self.reduce_states({vars: r}) return self.reduce_states({v: r for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_states_sum(self, vars): """ Calculates the sum wrt states. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per turbine """ return self.reduce_states({v: "sum" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_states_std(self, vars): """ Calculates the standard deviation wrt states. Args: vars (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ return self.reduce_states({v: "std" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_turbine_mean(self, vars): """ Calculates the mean wrt turbines. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per state """ return self.reduce_turbines({v: "mean_no_weights" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_turbine_sum(self, vars): """ Calculates the sum wrt turbines. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per state """ return self.reduce_turbines({v: "sum" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_farm_mean(self, vars): """ Calculates the mean over states and turbines. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: dict The fully contracted results """ op = {v: "weights" for v in vars} return self.reduce_all(states_op=op, turbines_op=op)
[docs] def calc_farm_sum(self, vars): """ Calculates the sum over states and turbines. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: dict The fully contracted results """ op = {v: "sum" for v in vars} return self.reduce_all(states_op=op, turbines_op=op)
[docs] def calc_mean_farm_power(self, ambient=False): """ Calculates the mean total farm power. Parameters ---------- ambient: bool Flag for ambient power Returns ------- data: float The mean wind farm power """ v = FV.P if not ambient else FV.AMB_P cdata = self.reduce_all(states_op={v: "weights"}, turbines_op={v: "sum"}) return cdata[v]
[docs] def calc_turbine_yield( self, algo=None, annual=False, ambient=False, hours=None, delta_t=None, P_unit_W=None, ): """ Calculates the yield per turbine Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm, optional The algorithm, for P_nominal lookup annual: bool, optional Flag for returning annual results, by default False ambient: bool, optional Flag for ambient power, by default False hours: int, optional The duration time in hours, if not timeseries states delta_t: np.datetime64, optional The time delta step in case of time series data, by default automatically determined P_unit_W: float The power unit in Watts, 1000 for kW. Looked up in algorithm if not given Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A dataframe of yield values by turbine in GWh """ if ambient: var_in = FV.AMB_P var_out = FV.AMB_YLD else: var_in = FV.P var_out = FV.YLD if algo is not None and P_unit_W is None: P_unit_W = np.array( [FC.P_UNITS[t.P_unit] for t in algo.farm_controller.turbine_types], dtype=config.dtype_double, )[:, None] elif algo is None and P_unit_W is not None: pass else: raise KeyError("Expecting either 'algo' or 'P_unit_W'") # compute yield per turbine if np.issubdtype(self.results[FC.STATE].dtype, np.datetime64): if hours is not None: raise KeyError("Unexpected parameter 'hours' for timeseries data") times = self.results[FC.STATE].to_numpy() if delta_t is None: delta_t = times[-1] - times[-2] duration = times[-1] - times[0] + delta_t duration_seconds = np.int64(duration.astype(np.int64) / 1e9) duration_hours = duration_seconds / 3600 elif hours is None and annual == True: duration_hours = 8760 elif hours is None: raise ValueError( f"Expecting parameter 'hours' for non-timeseries data, or 'annual=True'" ) else: duration_hours = hours yld = self.calc_states_mean(var_in) * duration_hours * P_unit_W / 1e9 if annual: # convert to annual values yld *= 8760 / duration_hours yld.rename(columns={var_in: var_out}, inplace=True) return yld
[docs] def add_capacity(self, algo=None, P_nom=None, ambient=False, verbosity=1): """ Adds capacity to the farm results Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm, optional The algorithm, for nominal power calculation P_nom: list of float, optional Nominal power values for each turbine, if algo not given ambient: bool, optional Flag for calculating ambient capacity, by default False verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ if ambient: var_in = FV.AMB_P var_out = FV.AMB_CAP else: var_in = FV.P var_out = FV.CAP # get results data for the vars variable (by state and turbine) vdata = self.results[var_in] if algo is not None and P_nom is None: P_nom = np.array( [t.P_nominal for t in algo.farm_controller.turbine_types], dtype=config.dtype_double, ) elif algo is None and P_nom is not None: P_nom = np.array(P_nom, dtype=config.dtype_double) else: raise KeyError("Expecting either 'algo' or 'P_nom'") # add to farm results self.results[var_out] = vdata / P_nom[None, :] if verbosity > 0: if ambient: print("Ambient capacity added to farm results") else: print("Capacity added to farm results")
[docs] def calc_farm_yield(self, turbine_yield=None, power_uncert=None, **kwargs): """ Calculates yield, P75 and P90 at the farm level Parameters ---------- turbine_yield: pandas.DataFrame, optional Yield values by turbine power_uncert: float, optional Uncertainty in the power value. Triggers P75 and P90 outputs kwargs: dict, optional Parameters for calc_turbine_yield(). Apply if turbine_yield is not given Returns ------- farm_yield: float Farm yield result, same unit as turbine yield P75: float, optional The P75 value, same unit as turbine yield P90: float, optional The P90 value, same unit as turbine yield """ if turbine_yield is None: yargs = dict(annual=True) yargs.update(kwargs) turbine_yield = self.calc_turbine_yield(**yargs) farm_yield = turbine_yield.sum() if power_uncert is not None: P75 = farm_yield * (1.0 - (0.675 * power_uncert)) P90 = farm_yield * (1.0 - (1.282 * power_uncert)) return farm_yield["YLD"], P75["YLD"], P90["YLD"] return farm_yield["YLD"]
[docs] def add_efficiency(self, verbosity=1): """ Adds efficiency to the farm results Parameters ---------- verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ P = self.results[FV.P].to_numpy() P0 = np.maximum(self.results[FV.AMB_P].to_numpy(), 1e-12) eff = np.minimum(P / P0, 1) eff[P < 1e-10] = 0 self.results[FV.EFF] = (self.results[FV.AMB_P].dims, eff) if verbosity > 0: print("Efficiency added to farm results")
[docs] def calc_farm_efficiency(self): """ Calculates farm efficiency Returns ------- eff: float The farm efficiency """ P = self.calc_mean_farm_power() P0 = np.maximum(self.calc_mean_farm_power(ambient=True), 1e-14) return np.minimum(P / P0, 1)
[docs] def gen_stdata( self, turbines, variable, fig=None, ax=None, figsize=None, legloc="lower right", animated=True, ret_im=True, ): """ Generates state-turbine data, intended to be used in animations Parameters ---------- turbines: list of int The turbines for which to scatter data variable: str The variable name fig: plt.Figure, optional The figure object ax: plt.Axes, optional The figure axes figsize: tuple, optional The figsize for plt.Figure legloc: str The legend location animated: bool Flag for animated output ret_im: bool Flag for image return, Yields ------ fig: matplotlib.Figure The figure object im: List of matplotlib.collections.PathCollection, optional The scatter artists """ if fig is None: hfig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) else: hfig = fig if ax is None: hax = hfig.add_subplot(111) else: hax = ax hax.set_xlabel(f"State") hax.set_ylabel(variable) cc = cycler(color="bgrcmyk") data = self.results[variable].to_numpy() hasl = set() for si in range(len(data)): im = [] hax.set_prop_cycle(cc) for ti in turbines: lbl = None if ti in hasl else f"Turbine {ti}" im += hax.plot(range(si), data[:si, ti], label=lbl, animated=animated) hasl.add(ti) hax.legend(loc=legloc) if ret_im: yield hfig, im else: yield hfig