Source code for foxes.output.farm_results_eval

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cycler import cycler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .output import Output
import foxes.variables as FV
import foxes.constants as FC

[docs]class FarmResultsEval(Output): """ Evaluates farm results data. This sums over turbines and/or states, given the state-turbine farm_calc results. Attributes ---------- results: xarray.Dataset The farm results :group: output """
[docs] def __init__(self, farm_results): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- farm_results: xarray.Dataset The farm results """ self.results = farm_results
[docs] def weinsum(self, rhs, *vars): """ Calculates Einstein sum, adding weights as last argument to the given fields. It's all about treating NaN values. Parameters ---------- rhs: str The right-hand side of the einsum expression. Convention: 's' for states, 't' for turbines vars: tuple of str or np.ndarray The variables mentioned in the expression, but without the obligatory weights that will be added at the end Returns ------- result: np.ndarray The results array """ nas = None fields = [] for v in vars: if isinstance(v, str): fields.append(self.results[v].to_numpy()) else: fields.append(v) if nas is None: nas = np.zeros_like(fields[-1], dtype=bool) nas = nas | np.isnan(fields[-1]) inds = ["st" for v in fields] + ["st"] expr = ",".join(inds) + "->" + rhs if np.any(nas): sel = ~np.any(nas, axis=1) fields = [f[sel] for f in fields] weights0 = self.results[FV.WEIGHT].to_numpy() w0 = np.sum(weights0, axis=0)[None, :] weights = weights0[sel] w1 = np.sum(weights, axis=0)[None, :] weights *= w0 / w1 fields.append(weights) else: fields.append(self.results[FV.WEIGHT].to_numpy()) return np.einsum(expr, *fields)
[docs] def reduce_states(self, vars_op): """ Reduces the states dimension by some operation Parameters ---------- vars_op: dict The operation per variable. Key: str, the variable name. Value: str, the operation, choices are: sum, mean, min, max. Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per turbine """ n_turbines = self.results.sizes[FC.TURBINE] rdata = {} for v, op in vars_op.items(): if op == "mean": rdata[v] = self.weinsum("t", v) elif op == "sum": vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.sum(vdata, axis=0) elif op == "min": vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.min(vdata, axis=0) elif op == "max": vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.max(vdata, axis=0) elif op == "std": vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.std(vdata, axis=0) else: raise KeyError( f"Unknown operation '{op}' for variable '{v}'. Please choose: sum, mean, min, max" ) data = pd.DataFrame(index=range(n_turbines), data=rdata) = FC.TURBINE return data
[docs] def reduce_turbines(self, vars_op): """ Reduces the turbine dimension by some operation Parameters ---------- vars_op: dict The operation per variable. Key: str, the variable name. Value: str, the operation, choices are: sum, mean, min, max. Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per state """ states = self.results.coords[FC.STATE].to_numpy() rdata = {} for v, op in vars_op.items(): if op == "mean": rdata[v] = self.weinsum("s", v) elif op == "sum": vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.sum(vdata, axis=1) elif op == "min": vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.min(vdata, axis=1) elif op == "max": vdata = self.results[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.max(vdata, axis=1) else: raise KeyError( f"Unknown operation '{op}' for variable '{v}'. Please choose: sum, mean, min, max" ) data = pd.DataFrame(index=states, data=rdata) = FC.STATE return data
[docs] def reduce_all(self, states_op, turbines_op): """ Reduces states and turbine dimension by some operation Parameters ---------- states_op: dict The states contraction operations. Key: str, the variable name. Value: str, the operation, choices are: sum, mean, min, max. turbines_op: dict The turbines contraction operations. Key: str, the variable name. Value: str, the operation, choices are: sum, mean, min, max. Returns ------- data: dict The fully contracted results """ sdata = self.reduce_states(states_op) rdata = {} for v, op in turbines_op.items(): vdata = sdata[v].to_numpy() if op == "mean": if states_op[v] == "mean": rdata[v] = self.weinsum("", v) else: vdata = sdata[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = self.weinsum("", vdata[None, :]) elif op == "sum": vdata = sdata[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.sum(vdata) elif op == "min": vdata = sdata[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.min(vdata) elif op == "max": vdata = sdata[v].to_numpy() rdata[v] = np.max(vdata) else: raise KeyError( f"Unknown operation '{op}' for variable '{v}'. Please choose: sum, mean, min, max" ) return rdata
[docs] def calc_states_mean(self, vars): """ Calculates the mean wrt states. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per turbine """ if isinstance(vars, str): return self.reduce_states({vars: "mean"}) return self.reduce_states({v: "mean" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_states_sum(self, vars): """ Calculates the sum wrt states. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per turbine """ return self.reduce_states({v: "sum" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_states_std(self, vars): """ Calculates the standard deviation wrt states. Args: vars (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ return self.reduce_states({v: "std" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_turbine_mean(self, vars): """ Calculates the mean wrt turbines. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per state """ return self.reduce_turbines({v: "mean" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_turbine_sum(self, vars): """ Calculates the sum wrt turbines. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame The results per state """ return self.reduce_turbines({v: "sum" for v in vars})
[docs] def calc_farm_mean(self, vars): """ Calculates the mean over states and turbines. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: dict The fully contracted results """ op = {v: "mean" for v in vars} return self.reduce_all(states_op=op, turbines_op=op)
[docs] def calc_farm_sum(self, vars): """ Calculates the sum over states and turbines. Parameters ---------- vars: list of str The variables Returns ------- data: dict The fully contracted results """ op = {v: "sum" for v in vars} return self.reduce_all(states_op=op, turbines_op=op)
[docs] def calc_mean_farm_power(self, ambient=False): """ Calculates the mean total farm power. Parameters ---------- ambient: bool Flag for ambient power Returns ------- data: float The mean wind farm power """ v = FV.P if not ambient else FV.AMB_P cdata = self.reduce_all(states_op={v: "mean"}, turbines_op={v: "sum"}) return cdata[v]
[docs] def calc_turbine_yield( self, algo=None, annual=False, ambient=False, hours=None, delta_t=None, P_unit_W=None, ): """ Calculates the yield per turbine Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm, optional The algorithm, for P_nominal lookup annual: bool, optional Flag for returing annual results, by default False ambient: bool, optional Flag for ambient power, by default False hours: int, optional The duration time in hours, if not timeseries states delta_t: np.datetime64, optional The time delta step in case of time series data, by default automatically determined P_unit_W: float The power unit in Watts, 1000 for kW. Looked up in algorithm if not given Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A dataframe of yield values by turbine in GWh """ if ambient: var_in = FV.AMB_P var_out = FV.AMB_YLD else: var_in = FV.P var_out = FV.YLD if algo is not None and P_unit_W is None: P_unit_W = np.array( [FC.P_UNITS[t.P_unit] for t in algo.farm_controller.turbine_types], dtype=FC.DTYPE, )[:, None] elif algo is None and P_unit_W is not None: pass else: raise KeyError("Expecting either 'algo' or 'P_unit_W'") # compute yield per turbine if np.issubdtype(self.results[FC.STATE].dtype, np.datetime64): if hours is not None: raise KeyError("Unexpected parameter 'hours' for timeseries data") times = self.results[FC.STATE].to_numpy() if delta_t is None: delta_t = times[-1] - times[-2] duration = times[-1] - times[0] + delta_t duration_seconds = np.int64(duration.astype(np.int64) / 1e9) duration_hours = duration_seconds / 3600 elif hours is None and annual == True: duration_hours = 8760 elif hours is None: raise ValueError( f"Expecting parameter 'hours' for non-timeseries data, or 'annual=True'" ) else: duration_hours = hours yld = self.calc_states_mean(var_in) * duration_hours * P_unit_W / 1e9 if annual: # convert to annual values yld *= 8760 / duration_hours yld.rename(columns={var_in: var_out}, inplace=True) return yld
[docs] def add_capacity(self, algo=None, P_nom=None, ambient=False, verbosity=1): """ Adds capacity to the farm results Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.core.Algorithm, optional The algorithm, for nominal power calculation P_nom: list of float, optional Nominal power values for each turbine, if algo not given ambient: bool, optional Flag for calculating ambient capacity, by default False verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ if ambient: var_in = FV.AMB_P var_out = FV.AMB_CAP else: var_in = FV.P var_out = FV.CAP # get results data for the vars variable (by state and turbine) vdata = self.results[var_in] if algo is not None and P_nom is None: P_nom = np.array( [t.P_nominal for t in algo.farm_controller.turbine_types], dtype=FC.DTYPE, ) elif algo is None and P_nom is not None: P_nom = np.array(P_nom, dtype=FC.DTYPE) else: raise KeyError("Expecting either 'algo' or 'P_nom'") # add to farm results self.results[var_out] = vdata / P_nom[None, :] if verbosity > 0: if ambient: print("Ambient capacity added to farm results") else: print("Capacity added to farm results")
[docs] def calc_farm_yield(self, turbine_yield=None, power_uncert=None, **kwargs): """ Calculates yield, P75 and P90 at the farm level Parameters ---------- turbine_yield: pandas.DataFrame, optional Yield values by turbine power_uncert: float, optional Uncertainty in the power value. Triggers P75 and P90 outputs kwargs: dict, optional Parameters for calc_turbine_yield(). Apply if turbine_yield is not given Returns ------- farm_yield: float Farm yield result, same unit as turbine yield P75: float, optional The P75 value, same unit as turbine yield P90: float, optional The P90 value, same unit as turbine yield """ if turbine_yield is None: yargs = dict(annual=True) yargs.update(kwargs) turbine_yield = self.calc_turbine_yield(**yargs) farm_yield = turbine_yield.sum() if power_uncert is not None: P75 = farm_yield * (1.0 - (0.675 * power_uncert)) P90 = farm_yield * (1.0 - (1.282 * power_uncert)) return farm_yield["YLD"], P75["YLD"], P90["YLD"] return farm_yield["YLD"]
[docs] def add_efficiency(self, verbosity=1): """ Adds efficiency to the farm results Parameters ---------- verbosity: int The verbosity level, 0 = silent """ P = self.results[FV.P] P0 = self.results[FV.AMB_P] + 1e-14 self.results[FV.EFF] = P / P0 # add to farm results if verbosity: print("Efficiency added to farm results")
[docs] def calc_farm_efficiency(self): """ Calculates farm efficiency Returns ------- eff: float The farm efficiency """ P = self.calc_mean_farm_power() P0 = self.calc_mean_farm_power(ambient=True) + 1e-14 return P / P0
[docs] def gen_stdata( self, turbines, variable, fig=None, ax=None, figsize=None, legloc="lower right", animated=True, ret_im=True, ): """ Generates state-turbine data, intended to be used in animations Parameters ---------- turbines: list of int The turbines for which to scatter data variable: str The variable name fig: plt.Figure, optional The figure object ax: plt.Axes, optional The figure axes figsize: tuple, optional The figsize for plt.Figure legloc: str The legend location animated: bool Flag for animated output ret_im: bool Flag for image return, Yields ------ fig: matplotlib.Figure The figure object im: List of matplotlib.collections.PathCollection, optional The scatter artists """ if fig is None: hfig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) else: hfig = fig if ax is None: hax = hfig.add_subplot(111) else: hax = ax hax.set_xlabel(f"State") hax.set_ylabel(variable) cc = cycler(color="bgrcmyk") data = self.results[variable].to_numpy() hasl = set() for si in range(len(data)): im = [] hax.set_prop_cycle(cc) for ti in turbines: lbl = None if ti in hasl else f"Turbine {ti}" im += hax.plot(range(si), data[:si, ti], label=lbl, animated=animated) hasl.add(ti) hax.legend(loc=legloc) if ret_im: yield hfig, im else: yield hfig