Source code for foxes.output.output

from pathlib import Path

from foxes.utils import PandasFileHelper, all_subclasses

[docs]class Output: """ Base class for foxes output. The job of this class is to provide handy helper functions. Attributes ---------- out_dir: pathlib.Path The output file directory out_fname_fun: Function, optional Modifies file names by f(fname) :group: output """
[docs] def __init__(self, out_dir=None, out_fname_fun=None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- out_dir: str, optional The output file directory out_fname_fun: Function, optional Modifies file names by f(fname) """ self.out_dir = Path(out_dir) if out_dir is not None else None self.out_fname_fun = out_fname_fun
[docs] def get_fpath(self, fname): """ Gets the total file path Parameters ---------- fname: str The file name Returns ------- fpath: pathlib.Path The total file path """ fnm = Path(fname) if self.out_fname_fun is not None: fnm = self.out_fname_fun(fnm) return self.out_dir / fnm if self.out_dir is not None else fnm
[docs] def write(self, file_name, data, format_col2var={}, format_dict={}, **kwargs): """ Writes data to file via pandas. The kwargs are forwarded to the underlying pandas writing function. Parameters ---------- file_name: str The output file name data: pandas.DataFrame The data format_col2var: dict Mapping from column names to foxes variables, for formatting format_dict: dict Dictionary with format entries for columns, e.g. {FV.P: '{:.4f}'}. Note that the keys are foxes variables """ fdict = {} for c in data.columns: v = format_col2var.get(c, c) if v in format_dict: fdict[c] = format_dict[v] elif v in PandasFileHelper.DEFAULT_FORMAT_DICT: fdict[c] = PandasFileHelper.DEFAULT_FORMAT_DICT[v] fpath = self.get_fpath(file_name) PandasFileHelper.write_file(data, fpath, fdict, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def print_models(cls): """ Prints all model names. """ names = sorted([scls.__name__ for scls in all_subclasses(cls)]) for n in names: print(n)
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, model_type, *args, **kwargs): """ Run-time output model factory. Parameters ---------- model_type: string The selected derived class name args: tuple, optional Additional parameters for the constructor kwargs: dict, optional Additional parameters for the constructor """ if model_type is None: return None allc = all_subclasses(cls) found = model_type in [scls.__name__ for scls in allc] if found: for scls in allc: if scls.__name__ == model_type: return scls(*args, **kwargs) else: estr = "Output type '{}' is not defined, available types are \n {}".format( model_type, sorted([i.__name__ for i in allc]) ) raise KeyError(estr)