Source code for foxes.output.seq_plugins.seq_flow_ani_plugin

from copy import deepcopy

from foxes.algorithms.sequential import SequentialPlugin

from ..flow_plots_2d.flow_plots import FlowPlots2D

[docs] class SeqFlowAnimationPlugin(SequentialPlugin): """ Plugin for creating data for a 2D flow animation during sequential iterations Attributes ---------- orientation: str The orientation, either "yx", "xz" or "yz" pars: dict Additional parameters for plotting :group: output.seq_plugins """
[docs] def __init__(self, orientation, **pars): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- orientation: str The orientation, either "yx", "xz" or "yz" pars: dict, optional Additional parameters for plotting """ super().__init__() self.orientation = orientation = pars if "title" in and callable(["title"]): self._tfun ="title") else: self._tfun = None
[docs] def initialize(self, algo): """ Initialize data based on the intial iterator Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.algorithms.sequential.Sequential The current sequential algorithm """ super().initialize(algo) self._data = []
[docs] def update(self, algo, fres, pres=None): """ Updates data based on current iteration Parameters ---------- algo: foxes.algorithms.sequential.Sequential The latest sequential algorithm fres: xarray.Dataset The latest farm results pres: xarray.Dataset, optional The latest point results """ super().update(algo, fres, pres) o = FlowPlots2D(algo, fres) if self._tfun is not None:["title"] = self._tfun(algo.states.counter, algo.states.index()[0]) if self.orientation == "xy": d = next(o.gen_states_fig_xy(**, precalc=True)) elif self.orientation == "xz": d = next(o.gen_states_fig_xz(**, precalc=True)) elif self.orientation == "yz": d = next(o.gen_states_fig_yz(**, precalc=True)) else: raise KeyError( f"Unkown orientation '{self.orientation}', choises: xy, xz, yz" ) # minimize stored data: od = [d[0], d[1], None] if len(self._data) == 0: od[2] = d[2] of = ( fres if ("rotor_color" in and["rotor_color"] is not None) else None ) self._data.append((of, od))
[docs] def gen_images(self, ax): """ Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.Axis The plotting axis Yields ------ imgs: tuple The (figure, artists) tuple """ fig = ax.get_figure() gdata = None while len(self._data): fres, d = self._data.pop(0) if d[2] is not None: gdata = d[2] o = FlowPlots2D(self.algo, fres) yield next( o.gen_states_fig_xy( **, ax=ax, fig=fig, ret_im=True, precalc=(d[0], d[1], gdata), ) ) del o, fres, d if ("vmin", None) is not None and"vmax", None) is not None ):["add_bar"] = False