class foxes_opt.core.FarmOptProblem(iwopy.core.problem.Problem)[source]

Abstract base class of wind farm optimization problems.


algo: foxes.core.Algorithm

The algorithm

runner: foxes.core.Runner

The runner for running the algorithm

calc_farm_args: dict

Additional parameters for algo.calc_farm()


The probe points, shape: (n_states, n_points, 3)

Public members

FarmOptProblem(name, algo, runner=None, sel_turbines=None, ...)[source]


property farm

The wind farm

property sel_turbines

The selected turbines

property n_sel_turbines

The numer of selected turbines

property all_turbines

Flag for all turbines optimization

property counter

The current value of the application counter

classmethod tvar(var, turbine_i)[source]

Gets turbine variable name

classmethod parse_tvar(tvr)[source]

Parse foxes variable name and turbine index from turbine variable


Initialize the object.

update_problem_individual(vars_int, vars_float)[source]

Update the algo and other data using the latest optimization variables.

update_problem_population(vars_int, vars_float)[source]

Update the algo and other data using the latest optimization variables.

apply_individual(vars_int, vars_float)[source]

Apply new variables to the problem.

apply_population(vars_int, vars_float)[source]

Apply new variables to the problem, for a whole population.

add_to_layout_figure(ax, **kwargs)[source]

Add to a layout figure

INT_INF = -999999

The names of integer variables.


The initial values of the integer variables.


The minimal values of the integer variables.


The maximal values of the integer variables.

property n_vars_int

The number of int variables


The names of float variables.


The initial values of the float variables.


The minimal values of the float variables.


The maximal values of the float variables.

property n_vars_float

The number of float variables

add_objective(objective, varmap_int=None, varmap_float=None, ...)

Add an objective to the problem.

add_constraint(constraint, varmap_int=None, varmap_float=None, ...)

Add a constraint to the problem.

property min_values_constraints

Gets the minimal values of constraints

property max_values_constraints

Gets the maximal values of constraints

property constraints_tol

Gets the tolerance values of constraints

property n_objectives

The total number of objectives, i.e., the sum of all components

property n_constraints

The total number of constraints, i.e., the sum of all components

calc_gradients(vars_int, vars_float, func, components, ivars, ...)

The actual gradient calculation, not to be called directly (call get_gradients instead).

get_gradients(vars_int, vars_float, func=None, components=None, ...)

Obtain gradients of a function that is linked to the problem.

property maximize_objs

Flags for objective maximization

evaluate_individual(vars_int, vars_float, ret_prob_res=False)

Evaluate a single individual of the problem.

evaluate_population(vars_int, vars_float, ret_prob_res=False)

Evaluate all individuals of a population.

check_constraints_individual(constraint_values, verbosity=0)

Check if the constraints are fullfilled for the given individual.

check_constraints_population(constraint_values, verbosity=0)

Check if the constraints are fullfilled for the given population.

finalize_individual(vars_int, vars_float, verbosity=1)

Finalization, given the champion data.

finalize_population(vars_int, vars_float, verbosity=0)

Finalization, given the final population data.

prob_res_einsum_individual(prob_res_list, coeffs)

Calculate the einsum of problem results

prob_res_einsum_population(prob_res_list, coeffs)

Calculate the einsum of problem results


Get info string

property initialized

Flag for finished initialization


Finalize the object.